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Green vs Black: HIC

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:13 am
by Caleddin
I'm just finishing up my first BB round, and I think I'd like to go for Green/Bangkok. But I know that means HIC takes a back-seat. Is it better to keep it out of rotation until weeks 5-9, or would it hurt that much to put one HIC in every week? I know Black is more geared towards HIC and MS while Green is SE/E focused. As a newbie I think my inclination is to try to greenify black or blackify green in order to have it all, and I know that probably goes against the TB protocols and makes you spread yourself too thin. So I thought I'd ask for people's thoughts.

Max strength is not my main goal, except in service to SE and overall fitness. HIC is a goal in terms of aiding in running and overall capacity. I would mostly love to improve my running speed/endurance and general conditioning.

Current idea would be:
1) MS
2) HIC or E
3) E or HIC (whatever wasn't done)
4) MS
5) SE (or E)
6) E (or SE)
7) Rest

Weeks 7-9 would be standard Green (I think, I don't see Bangkok changing those, right?). But this is my first time going through continuation, so: should I just stick to the standard Green the first time through to see where it takes me? The above idea is close to Black/Fighter, too, but more E than HIC. Should I just pick between Green/Bangkok and Black/Fighter rather than muddling everything up and making my own Brown mess of a schedule?

Re: Green vs Black: HIC

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:22 am
by Im6-7
I don't have my book in front of me, but doesn't green call for HIC once a week or once every two weeks?
Either way I don't think there's any issue with subbing in a HIC for an E every week. Don't forget that during Green you add speed to your E sessions, there's no longer any HR zone. I'm guessing tempo runs like the Fast 5 are fair including HIC isn't going to ruin your training or anything in terms of adaptations.

Re: Green vs Black: HIC

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:31 am
by Saracen
HIC is fine during green, but your week looks a little too stacked imo, that's a lot of volume. You might want to consider starting out with a reverse Black Professional, 2 E + 1 HIC every week...increase E after a few weeks if you still feel the need. That gives you 2 x MS, 1 x SE, 2 x E, 1 x HIC every week.

edit; nvmd, took a closer look at your schedule, looks like we're proposing the same set-up.