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Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:27 pm
by Aurelius_86
Hi everyone,

First time poster, long time lurker. I have a question that I could use some thoughts on.

I’m about to start up a block of operator (squat, bench, pull-ups, and a 1 set plank finisher using a 90% training max on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). In addition to this, I do BJJ and Muay Thai back to back twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday evenings).

Here’s my dilemma. I ran base building last May/June and it was a revelation. I've never been a great runner, but for the first time in my life I was able to run for 60+ minutes. All in all, I really liked the progress I saw, but I still feel real slow in my run times and I’d like to gradually hammer away at them over the coming months. I'm also finding LSS running to be psychologically beneficial (I'm as surprised as anyone). All in all, it feels like my aerobic base could still use a bit of work.

How could I best fit this in and achieve progress while still running operator and hitting BJJ/MT twice a week (assuming it's not better to simply run something like fighter/green)? I’ve thought about running it like the Op + Black Professional with an LSS every Saturday and the BJJ/MT classes taking the slots for HIC, but I’m wondering if I’m missing out by not including any running-oriented HIC in my programming? From what I understand, hitting both LSS running and HIC running may be the sweet spot that’ll up my 5k/1.5 mile times (which are currently subpar). Perhaps it would be better to constantly switch between an E and a running HIC every other week instead? I’ve also had the devil on my shoulder telling me that I’ll be perfectly fine if I do a 30-45 minute LSS session the morning of one my BJJ/MT classes and an HIC on Saturday.

Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated.

Re: Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:58 pm
by Dovx
I think that fighter template would suit you better.

Re: Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:59 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Combining Operator+Black plus two intense days of fight training will be tough but if you can recover well and get good sleep it can work.

I would try...(Operator + Black Pro)

Mon - Operator, HIC (running-based). Keep them separate - lift in AM, run in PM if you can.

Tue - BJJ/Muay Thai.

Wed - Operator, HIC (running-based).

Thu - BJJ/Muay Thai.

Fri - Operator only.

Sat - E (LSS run).

Sun - Rest and recover.

You could even tack the LSS run on Friday at night if you want two days off.

Re: Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:35 pm
by Aurelius_86
Thanks for the advice, guys. I just came off a block of fighter, so I think I'm going to give Operator a try and see how it goes just to get a bit more lifting volume in. Grouchy, I like your set up of the HIC on the lifting days instead of on the MA days. I'll give it a go and report back.

Re: Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:56 pm
by Dovx
Ok so you were doing fighter already. May I ask what were your results/observation? Why do you want more volume? Did you progress?

Also, what are your goals?

Re: Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:11 am
by Aurelius_86
Hey Dovx,

Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that before actually. My results were pretty good. I was doing a block of front squat, bench press, romanian deadlifts, and pull-ups - without a training max - and doing a lot of endurance running (pretty much a fighter/green type of set up). I'd basically just like to experiment with a higher volume 3-day program using a training max and see how progress looks using it. I was also starting to feel like my over-reliance on E as opposed to mixing in more HIC running might have been overzealous given some of the logs and discussions I was reading on the forum.

I'd say my current goal is to eventually hit a 315 back squat (I'm testing tomorrow, but I believe I'm somewhere around 275-ish currently), up my pull-up numbers, and gradually chip away at my running times.

Re: Need advice on current Op + Black programming

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:30 am
by Dovx
Aurelius_86 wrote:Hey Dovx,

Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that before actually. My results were pretty good. I was doing a block of front squat, bench press, romanian deadlifts, and pull-ups - without a training max - and doing a lot of endurance running (pretty much a fighter/green type of set up). I'd basically just like to experiment with a higher volume 3-day program using a training max and see how progress looks using it.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Aurelius_86 wrote: I'd say my current goal is to eventually hit a 315 back squat (I'm testing tomorrow, but I believe I'm somewhere around 275-ish currently), up my pull-up numbers, and gradually chip away at my running times.
Your goal is healthy. Depending on your weight,intermediate range. Anyway, I would stay on current template if it's working, and practice patience, or if it's such a priority to you, go operator and wait a bit longer with your running until you meet your sq goal. (then switch back to fighter+mt+ focus on running)