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HIC change frequency

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:42 am
by xfitxm
I'm a little bit confused on how I should approach my HIC session selection for black. I was choosing them randomly on how I was feeling on that day, but it's difficult to see progression because it's often different. Also I was feeling I was going nowhere with all this randomness.

In the book, another method says to pick 2 or 3 sessions and stick to it. But how long should I stick to it because I can always progress to get better and better at those sessions.

I'm asking this because I found that continuation will take care of all aspect of aerobic and anaerobic works. But if I always do the same sessions and they all train the same thing, it will leave some aspects that will not be trained.

What do you guys do, do you switch every block, do you wait until you are in the advance category ?

My goals: I train to be healthy, fit, aesthetic and become a cyborg. I don't have any physical job related or practice any other sport.

Re: HIC change frequency

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:52 am
by J-Madd
Have a look at p. 81 of TB2 (print edition). HIC 1-10 mix anaerobic and aerobic condition and 11-24 focus mainly on anaerobic. You do well to have a mix between these two ranges. An easy way to do this is to pick a drill from each, and still with them until you can hit the advanced/operator standards. For example, a great HIC cluster would be 600m Resets and Apex.

Re: HIC change frequency

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:10 am
by xfitxm
J-Madd wrote:Have a look at p. 81 of TB2 (print edition). HIC 1-10 mix anaerobic and aerobic condition and 11-24 focus mainly on anaerobic. You do well to have a mix between these two ranges. An easy way to do this is to pick a drill from each, and still with them until you can hit the advanced/operator standards. For example, a great HIC cluster would be 600m Resets and Apex.
That's great. It makes sense.

Since it's winter will this cluster be a good one ?
Indoor Power Interval on the Airdyne
Devil's Trinity

Also, do I need to add 2 differents GC or only one is enough ?
So I would do something like this:
Week 2 HIC HIC E
Week 3 HIC HIC

Re: HIC change frequency

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:14 am
by J-Madd
xfitxm wrote: Since it's winter will this cluster be a good one ?
Indoor Power Interval on the Airdyne
Devil's Trinity

That looks solid!

Also, do I need to add 2 differents GC or only one is enough ?
So I would do something like this:
Week 2 HIC HIC E
Week 3 HIC HIC

Good plan!

Re: HIC change frequency

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:38 am
by xfitxm
Nice! Thank you.
I'll start it this weekend :)