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GtG while in BB?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:04 am
by Crepsucule
Hey all,
I'm currently running BB and just wondering if it would have any negative effect if I were to GtG on my off/endurance/not SE days?

Right now push ups are feeling kinda rough and I have had good results pushing up my push up numbers with GtG throughout the day while at work and I'm thinking it is something Id like to start doing again to ease the Push Ups I'm doing in my SE cluster. I also work a job where I'm stuck at a desk for 12 hours a day right now with little in the way of options to get up and be active and not doing a few push ups or something throughout the day is feeling rather weird.

Thanks in advance :)

Re: GtG while in BB?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:04 am
by Saracen
Totally fine. Strength-endurance thrives on fatigue, pre-fatigue and numbers... so go for it. Just remember to shift gears when you hit Continuation.

Re: GtG while in BB?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:37 am
by Crepsucule
Okay awesome, thank you. I'm planning on just sticking with 1/2 what my SE sets are to get more work in and push the numbers up so heres hoping it isn't too much. Hitting continuation is going to be interesting, still trying to finangle a way to get to the only cruddy gym in this cruddy town :roll: Otherwise, bodyweight continuation, woo hoo! :P