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Heart Rate Thresholds

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:38 pm
by PeterHealey
Hi all. So I just ran 7 mile E at an average HR of 147 (used a monitor) and a 9.37 pace. From what I am reading, (Andrew Read) and correct me if I'm wrong, the maximum aerobic threshold should be 180 - age. For me that would be 180 - 54 = 126. Todays run felt comfortable with a pace that I have become familiar with for many years of long distance running. According to the suggested pace #'s however I have been training above the aerobic pace all along. Don't really have a question on this issue but just putting my experience out there. I feel that I would be reduced to a slow shuffle if I went much slower. Also average HR for a Fast 5 this week was 170.

Re: Heart Rate Thresholds

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:51 pm
by Green2Blue
Those numbers are always guidelines, not rules. Just like 220-age for MHR. But you're WAY faster than me so what do I know?

Re: Heart Rate Thresholds

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:02 pm
by PeterHealey
O.k just found this tool. Plugged in my #'s and it got me closer to what I have been doing. Plugged in age, resting heart rate and it did the rest. ... calculator

P.s to G to B, you know a lot :D , thanks for your overall input on the forum.

Re: Heart Rate Thresholds

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:12 pm
by Aelian
PeterHealey wrote:Hi all. So I just ran 7 mile E at an average HR of 147 (used a monitor) and a 9.37 pace. From what I am reading, (Andrew Read) and correct me if I'm wrong, the maximum aerobic threshold should be 180 - age. For me that would be 180 - 54 = 126. Todays run felt comfortable with a pace that I have become familiar with for many years of long distance running. According to the suggested pace #'s however I have been training above the aerobic pace all along. Don't really have a question on this issue but just putting my experience out there. I feel that I would be reduced to a slow shuffle if I went much slower. Also average HR for a Fast 5 this week was 170.
I'm not sure why people are still stuck on the HR#s. It's been addressed repeatedly on the forum and in TB2 that they're just guidelines. Stay roughly within 130-150bpm or use the talk-test if you find you're going too slow. Or use the MAFF method, use a % of max HR, it doesn't matter. The objective is a comfortable and sustainable jog.

There was a great post by KB around here somewhere about why you can't rely on HR#s 100% because the baselines are calculated based on the average, and you might be above or below the average. I'll see if I can dig it up..

Re: Heart Rate Thresholds

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:31 pm
by DocOctagon
Yep, 130-150bpm is just a guideline....the idea is to jog (or work) easy while avoiding sprints/intervals and tempo pacing.

Re: Heart Rate Thresholds

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:38 pm
by PeterHealey
Got it, thanks guys.