You Guys Weren't Kidding....

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You Guys Weren't Kidding....

Post by Gordion »

I've read about the mood benefits of LSS all over the place. Up until now I can't say I ever experienced anything other than the pleasant buzz I experience after all my training sessions, HIC & weights included. A tired but happy feeling which usually disappears in an hour's time.

Well, all of my Es had been around 30-35 minutes until 2 days ago. I did a 45 minute Fobbit interval....and holy s%^t I'm still in a great mood today! Looks like 40-45 minutes is my sweetspot. Don't know if there's any science behind this, but tldr; 30 minutes wasn't doing much for me mood-wise, but 45 mins was like a switch had been flipped.

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Re: You Guys Weren't Kidding....

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

The only sort of buzz I get for completing a HIC is "Thank the gods it's all over!". That said, LSS gets to me - I suspect the low intensity and timed work nature of it allows me to zone out and focus on putting one foot in front of another - probably giving me mental space to subconsciously work through my day and any issues.

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Re: You Guys Weren't Kidding....

Post by Gordion »

Blackmetalbunny wrote:The only sort of buzz I get for completing a HIC is "Thank the gods it's all over!".
Lol, same here..once in a while HIC even makes me cranky. LSS is something different altogether.

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Re: You Guys Weren't Kidding....

Post by DocOctagon »

There was a study posted somewhere, either here or on the sub showing that LSS rebuilds dopamine receptors or something along those lines, whereas HIIT/HIC does not.

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