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Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:11 am
by ablore
Hey guys quick question.

Just ran a 6 week block of operator with squats bench and weighted Pullups. When the gym wasn't busy I was able to do my pullups during my rest intervals for Squats.

Is this good or bad? I did it fine for a block but am wondering if it won't be good as I add weight. Thoughts?

Edited to add I'm following operator+Black very strictly, no additional accessory work

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:14 am
by Tym87
It's recommended that if you are doing this you still adhere to the minimum rest intervals and it's something I often do.
So it would look like this:

2:00 rest
2:00 rest etc

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:18 am
by Green2Blue
The book is pretty specific about this. Rest times are for rest only. I can sympathize though, lifting in a crowded commercial gym makes this tough.

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:15 pm
by antlas
I do this when I work out on my lunch break and am pressed for time. It might not be completely optimal, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:56 pm
by fitnessguru
i do the same as tym87 - saves me time since i usually need 3-5 min of rest when i squat

2:00 rest
2:00 rest etc

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:37 pm
by TangoZero
When I can I do my entire session that way;

...2 mins
...2 mins
...2 mins

I save a lot of time and I feel completely recovered when I come back to each exercise. It's not always possible depending on how busy the gym is, but even then I usually manage to rotate between at least 2 exercises.

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:42 am
by close_fox
I have been working on a post that includes this topic. Who knows when/if I will finish it, so...

If I'm pressed for time, I like to "hide" my pull-ups inside my warm-up periods.

Initial warm-up: Shake out, stretch some, set 1 of pull-ups, walk on treadmill for a while.

BP warm-up: Typically bar x5, set 2 of pull-ups, 135x5. At least 3min rest before I start my BP work sets.

SQ warm-up: Typically bar x5, set 3 of pull-ups, 135x5. At least 3min rest before I start my SQ work sets.

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:27 pm
by PeterHealey
...2 mins
...2 mins
...2 mins

I really like this, I'm stealing it, thanks TangoZero.

Re: Weighted Pullups During Rest for Squats?

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:39 pm
by Maxrip13
close_fox wrote:I have been working on a post that includes this topic. Who knows when/if I will finish it, so...

If I'm pressed for time, I like to "hide" my pull-ups inside my warm-up periods.

Initial warm-up: Shake out, stretch some, set 1 of pull-ups, walk on treadmill for a while.

BP warm-up: Typically bar x5, set 2 of pull-ups, 135x5. At least 3min rest before I start my BP work sets.

SQ warm-up: Typically bar x5, set 3 of pull-ups, 135x5. At least 3min rest before I start my SQ work sets.
I thought cycling through the exercises was a good way to cut down on time, but your approach above is brilliant for a more advanced person with strong pullups. I used to do a couple sets unweighted, but I will add this in instead in the future.