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Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:16 am
by DocOctagon

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:06 am
by xfitxm
Amazing. I always wondered if I could do the first option and now I have my answer :)

Can this be an option. BP 2 days and OHP on the last day? Kind like incorporating deadlift but instead it's OHP.

Last time I switched cluster from BP to OHP, I lost a lot of strength on the BP when I came back and only after 1 block of OHP.

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:35 pm
by Barkadion
This article is the answer to my prayers.

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:43 pm
by TangoZero
So I just did this using the "lean & mean" option. Ended up doing;

Bench Press x 5 (work) sets
Deadlift x 3 (work) sets

It was one of the best sessions I've had. I find I need more weekly volume with my bench in comparison to my squats. I can get away with squatting the minimums and still progress, but with bench I usually have to go over 3 sets per. Doing it this way I got in extra BP volume and had a really fun deadlift workout. Not having to squat left a lot more in the tank to DL, no question.

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:54 am
by Tym87
TangoZero wrote:So I just did this using the "lean & mean" option. Ended up doing;

Bench Press x 5 (work) sets
Deadlift x 3 (work) sets

It was one of the best sessions I've had. I find I need more weekly volume with my bench in comparison to my squats. I can get away with squatting the minimums and still progress, but with bench I usually have to go over 3 sets per. Doing it this way I got in extra BP volume and had a really fun deadlift workout. Not having to squat left a lot more in the tank to DL, no question.
I also did this the last session, dropped the squats and did more deads.

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:52 am
by Adski
Awesome options, I used lean and mean, I think for my current goals this is a great fit into the end of the current and future blocks. Thanks for the ideas!

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:46 pm
by Barkadion
Adski wrote:Awesome options, I used lean and mean, I think for my current goals this is a great fit into the end of the current and future blocks. Thanks for the ideas!
I am thinking of using it for my next block. Also, I might add MS Fobbits with pull-ups to compliment the option.
Another heretic thought to do DL/Dips on 3rd day for mean/lean variation. BP/Dips marriage does magic from my personal experience.

So, it'd be like:

TH - HIC or Off
F - DL/WDips
S - MS Fobbits w/chins and rollouts (under 30min)

But I admit the heresy of it :lol:

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:00 pm
by Adski
Mate we must be on the same wave length as I've been thinking of bringing dips back somehow too..... so 2 days OHP and day 3 Deadlift/Dips/Rollouts

Though I feel that even by suggesting this I or we may be taken out in front of the TB community, and publicly shamed.... possibly flogged.....

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:02 pm
by Barkadion
Adski wrote:Though I feel that even by suggesting this I or we may be taken out in front of the TB community, and publicly shamed.... possibly flogged.....
I am getting back to heavy bag work, so why not? :lol:

Re: Article "Operator Options". You'll Want to Read This.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:04 pm
by Adski
Haha, True! Cue the Roy Jones music, "can't be touched!"