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What does your Sumo deadlift look like?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:17 am
by Blackmetalbunny
Despite my misgivings about T-Nation, I still follow it's articles - some of its authors are really good. That said, T-Nation does cause a fair amount of confusion sometimes.

Like today, I read about this squat-stance deadlift ... o-deadlift

I looked it up... and that's exactly how I sumo deadlift. Similar to what EXRX describes. ... dlift.html

This was the exact style of sumo DL I first experimented with and found comfortable. I stuck with it for a long time. What really struck me was the statement "The squat-stance deadlift has no sticking point. Unlike the other two styles of deadlift, it has even tension throughout.". I never had any problems with this sumo-DL, if you could break it off the floor, you could lock out. Which is something I can't say about the conventional pull.

A little research showed me the errors of my ways. There is apparently a different sumo deadlift.
  1. Vertical torso
  2. Hips massive externally rotated with feet turned out almost 80° to the side
  3. Extreme wide stance - almost close to 2x shoulder width
  4. When viewed from the side profile - the shoulders, hips, knees, heels are almost in line
  5. Hips as close over barbell as possible
  6. Limited hip and knee flexion
  7. ROM of 2" ~ 3"
I'm curious, how does everyone else Sumo DL? The T-Nation / EXRX one... or the other one?

I get it, with the latter form, you literally are maxing out how much weight you are lifting, but it seems counter-productive if your objective is strength develop and not maxing out the numerical amount of weight you are hefting.

Re: What does your Sumo deadlift look like?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:05 pm
by Barkadion
It depends on one's anthropometry, mobility, injury history, yada yada. It took me a while to find my comfortable stance which is a little wider than conventional stance and I keep my feet just slightly out. My left hip will hate me otherwise.

Here is a great reddit post: ... deadlifts/

And I think that Dan Green nails it:

Re: What does your Sumo deadlift look like?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:29 am
by TBPenguin
I would not do the regular Sumo unless it really worked for you in competition. I've known too many guys over the years who got their hips really aggravated. To do it like Coan or a bit narrower, fine.

Re: What does your Sumo deadlift look like?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:22 am
by Blackmetalbunny
TBPenguin wrote:To do it like Coan or a bit narrower, fine.
That's apparently how the T-Nation article suggests it... where the feet stance and form is similar to the low bar squat.