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Critics on my new operator / Black plan

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:28 pm
by Jkk89
Critism on my new workout.
Problems with my ankle so can't run yet.

Warm Up: 1000 m indoor row
Black-->BP,Squat,Pull ups
Air dyne indoor 1 min/5-6 set 3 min rest
If i manage, finisher: 40 KB swings each side

Tuesday: Core/Core finisher

Warm Up: 1000 m indoor row

40-50 min: Fobbit, 2 min air dyne, 3x reps 70% OHP

Strength Gains: from 4 Black / operator blocks:
Bench: 60kgx5 reps --> 100 1RM
Squat: 60kgx2 --> 100 3 Rm
OHP: 30kg --> 55 5 Rm
Pull ups 0-1-2

Re: Critics on my new operator / Black plan

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:27 am
by Maxrip13
What would you like to know mate? You aren't to specific with what your goals are and what you would like to improve.
You seem to be cramming all your training together on the same days. Do you have other skill work or commitments on those days?

You have a pretty standard operator type strength session planned. You should see great results if you continue to use a training max off of your recent 1 RM numbers. Great improvements by the way.You have a pretty strong benchpress compared to your squat which is a bit weird, but I don't really know how bad the ankle is.

I am guessing the row is just being used as a warm up to get the body moving and that should be fine. Personally I don't like to use rowing as a warmup as I find it isn't specific enough and I am better off using a roller and focusing on similar movements to what is planned that day.

From what I can see you plan on doing your operator session and then a finisher to achieve your conditioning. I don't think that doing the airdyne sprints with the kettlebell swings after is the best idea. Those intervals will knock you around and your swings will suffer.I think you would be better off just doing one or the other, but I am working off a small amount of info.

That Friday session is also going to go for a very long time if you do your operator workout and finish off with 40-50 mins of Fobbit intervals. If you have the time that's fine and it's nice to occasionally push yourself, but you are looking at 1hr 30 minimum to complete that session.
If you really want to do this maybe just do it fortnightly as a challenge type thing instead of weekly and sub in another airdyne/row/cycle or swim.

There is nothing wrong with what you have planned at all and you have the right idea. You will end up with some longer sessions, but some people enjoy that and you have plenty of days off to recover.

Re: Critics on my new operator / Black plan

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:47 am
by Jkk89
Maxrip13 wrote:What would you like to know mate? You aren't to specific with what your goals are and what you would like to improve.
You seem to be cramming all your training together on the same days. Do you have other skill work or commitments on those days?

You have a pretty standard operator type strength session planned. You should see great results if you continue to use a training max off of your recent 1 RM numbers. Great improvements by the way.You have a pretty strong benchpress compared to your squat which is a bit weird, but I don't really know how bad the ankle is.

I am guessing the row is just being used as a warm up to get the body moving and that should be fine. Personally I don't like to use rowing as a warmup as I find it isn't specific enough and I am better off using a roller and focusing on similar movements to what is planned that day.

From what I can see you plan on doing your operator session and then a finisher to achieve your conditioning. I don't think that doing the airdyne sprints with the kettlebell swings after is the best idea. Those intervals will knock you around and your swings will suffer.I think you would be better off just doing one or the other, but I am working off a small amount of info.

That Friday session is also going to go for a very long time if you do your operator workout and finish off with 40-50 mins of Fobbit intervals. If you have the time that's fine and it's nice to occasionally push yourself, but you are looking at 1hr 30 minimum to complete that session.
If you really want to do this maybe just do it fortnightly as a challenge type thing instead of weekly and sub in another airdyne/row/cycle or swim.

There is nothing wrong with what you have planned at all and you have the right idea. You will end up with some longer sessions, but some people enjoy that and you have plenty of days off to recover.
Im still little bit overweight thats why i think my bench is higher than my squat almost. But its getting there.
The reason i dont give alot of info its cause its not too much to give. I just want to become stronger and fitter. Build up a good base, my plan is after 2-3 blocks agian go back to BB. But skip kettlebells might be smart since i also got air dyne.

When it comes to friday sessions i got time and recovery. Thanx for taking time to answer even if i didnt give alot of info out. Cheers

Re: Critics on my new operator / Black plan

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:58 am
by Maxrip13
Jkk89 wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:What would you like to know mate? You aren't to specific with what your goals are and what you would like to improve.
You seem to be cramming all your training together on the same days. Do you have other skill work or commitments on those days?

You have a pretty standard operator type strength session planned. You should see great results if you continue to use a training max off of your recent 1 RM numbers. Great improvements by the way.You have a pretty strong benchpress compared to your squat which is a bit weird, but I don't really know how bad the ankle is.

I am guessing the row is just being used as a warm up to get the body moving and that should be fine. Personally I don't like to use rowing as a warmup as I find it isn't specific enough and I am better off using a roller and focusing on similar movements to what is planned that day.

From what I can see you plan on doing your operator session and then a finisher to achieve your conditioning. I don't think that doing the airdyne sprints with the kettlebell swings after is the best idea. Those intervals will knock you around and your swings will suffer.I think you would be better off just doing one or the other, but I am working off a small amount of info.

That Friday session is also going to go for a very long time if you do your operator workout and finish off with 40-50 mins of Fobbit intervals. If you have the time that's fine and it's nice to occasionally push yourself, but you are looking at 1hr 30 minimum to complete that session.
If you really want to do this maybe just do it fortnightly as a challenge type thing instead of weekly and sub in another airdyne/row/cycle or swim.

There is nothing wrong with what you have planned at all and you have the right idea. You will end up with some longer sessions, but some people enjoy that and you have plenty of days off to recover.
Im still little bit overweight thats why i think my bench is higher than my squat almost. But its getting there.
The reason i dont give alot of info its cause its not too much to give. I just want to become stronger and fitter. Build up a good base, my plan is after 2-3 blocks agian go back to BB. But skip kettlebells might be smart since i also got air dyne.

When it comes to friday sessions i got time and recovery. Thanx for taking time to answer even if i didnt give alot of info out. Cheers

My advice is to pick some long and short term goals you want to achieve over the coming cycles and work towards those. It just gives you a way to track progress and plan what to focus on. What you have now is good and will get you a decent level of fitness, but you need somewhere to work towards and this lets you decide between Base build, Black or green. It just gives you somewhere to go and aim for and will keep you training for years to come. Good luck with it all and like I said you have already made some excellent progress.