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Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:53 am
by mikhou
I've always kept an E run in my protocol, but it was typically just running for an hour. I'm looking to incorporate some Fun Runs in this next cycle. I like the ideas in TB2 and will use them, but I just wanted to poll the group to see if there were any particular favorites that you have used in the past. I have to run in a contained area so almost any equipment is an option (pull-up bar, kettlebells, dumbbells, bodyweight, etc.). Thanks.


Re: Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:33 am
by Barkadion
I've used it as HIC so far meaning keeping it under 30min.

Here is my favorite indoor versions.

- Airbike 3-4min
- Chins 1x3
- Airbike 3-4min
- Dips 1x3
- Airbike 3-4min
- Ab wheel rollouts 1x8
- Airbike 3-4min
- Pushupsx10/Reverse lungesx10
- Airbike 3-4min
- TRX inverted rows/Reverse lungesx10
- Airbike 3-4min
- Plank/Side plank transfersx10

Re: Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:04 pm
by StayGrey
Good thread idea.

Swings, snatches, pull-ups and push-press are a match made in heaven w/Fobbits imo. I usually use two exercises and alternate. One is almost always pull-ups. I'm lucky in that my gym has a pull-up bar right next to the treadmills. I do them as both HIC and E.

When it's HIC, I keep the treadmill portions fast(er) and shorter, 60-90 seconds....makes for a more intense session. I keep the overall workout around 15 minutes or so. When I do it E style, I slow the pace right down and increase the treadmill jog to 3-5 minutes. I also go a lot heavier on the weights (push-press, snatch, swings) when I do it like an E. Session length for E fobbits = 40-60 minutes.

Re: Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:38 pm
by BlackPyjamas
For classic fun-runs nothing beats cannonball run for me. Light KB in a backpack, cycle through:

push-ups (which are now weighted with the kb)
squats (again, weighted with the kb on my back)

Re: Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:23 am
by nickgoldma
I haven't done an actual fun run yet but in my upcoming base building or continuation, I may do one once a week or once every other week. Too keep things goal oriented (SE/E), ill probably do them with body weight exercises (Push ups, sit ups, crunches, core work, etc). Something like that seems like a lot of fun and too easy but effective. In the long run, I would love to try the E session/fobbit interval session.

Re: Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:33 am
by Nomad
Pistol Squat x 3/leg
OAP x 3/arm
....and 5 x pull-ups when I pass suitable branches/playground depending on route
Really liking the combo of high tension cals + easy steady state

Instead of sticking to just one or two exercises I've been cycling through a KB circuit:
Swings x 10
Renegade Rows x 10/arm
Goblets x 10
KB press x 5/arm
Weighted Shank (KB) x 60 seconds

Fobbits are fast becoming one of my favorite conditioning sessions, so flexible.

Re: Fun Run ideas?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:16 am
by Maxrip13
mikhou wrote:I've always kept an E run in my protocol, but it was typically just running for an hour. I'm looking to incorporate some Fun Runs in this next cycle. I like the ideas in TB2 and will use them, but I just wanted to poll the group to see if there were any particular favorites that you have used in the past. I have to run in a contained area so almost any equipment is an option (pull-up bar, kettlebells, dumbbells, bodyweight, etc.). Thanks.

I love a good fun run with pullups thrown in. I like to keep it simple and at most swap between pushups and pullups.
I find the volume of a couple exercises more challenging than a variety of different drills. I enjoy doing my pullups on trees and other odd objects to work the grip also.

The cannonball style run session would also be great and work well in a contained area. You could start with a heavier bell and drop weight if needed.