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Ranger school: TB workout recommendation?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:25 pm
by littleinfantry
Hey TB family,

I'm in the military and just did the "try outs" at my unit for ranger school slots. I happened to get one, and I'd like your guys input. To train up for it, unfortunately, I had to drop my operator black make room for organized PT geared towards passing these try outs. It was some crossfitty kind of workouts that I hated (no offense to any crossfitters in the TB ranks, just not my cup of tea).

Anyway, I'd like some input on where to go next. I love Op-black but I don't feel it would be quite the right choice for getting in shape for ranger school. I think two lifts per week (fighter I think?) with some ruck work and distance runs between sprints and strength endurance workouts. Or should I just go with some form of green?

I'd like to be able to go out and smash the physical aspect of the school so that's one less stressor I have to worry about out there.

You guys are the best, and I appreciate your input.

Re: Ranger school: TB workout recommendation?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:33 pm
by Aelian
Green imo, definitely not Black. 2-4 E per week + 1 HIC, running and rucking. I think you're bang-on using Fighter with a minimalist cluster, maybe 2 big exercises + pull-ups or something.

Another approach would be to spend 4-6 months using TB Green to build up your general conditioning base, and then switch to one of those ready-made ranger-specific programs (Stew Smith) 1-2 months out.

Re: Ranger school: TB workout recommendation?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:01 pm
by utrinque
Don't do black.

Green + Fighter.
You would be doing mostly LSS+Rucks for heavy aerobic capability, although ranger school is out of my "expertise" so i'll leave the specifics.

Re: Ranger school: TB workout recommendation?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:17 am
by nickgoldma
Yes, I would do Green and Fighter. I would also consider adding a Bangkok session assuming you will be doing mostly calisthenics while there for PT or any kind of prep.