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Improving my 1km run. (Think I've screwed it)

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:34 pm
by ivan178
Hello all! I already wrote a post about this like 2-3 months ago.
The point is I thought It was better to just do HIC training, and neglected my E (did only a few of 5km fast run during my block)

The question is, do I need to start base building again? It's supposed to have lost all my bb progress? Or could I start this new block doing 1 hic tuesday (200m or 600m I don't mind which one) , 1 fast 5km thursday, 1 60min LSS saturday. And start improving my cardio again. Would that be possible.

I am preparing for doing a 1km run PFT on September.
Need to run it on 3:24 more or so. My current time is 4:00-4:10.

I have a training log here, if you want to check it, thanks! ... ?f=5&t=667

Re: Improving my 1km run. (Think I've screwed it)

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:47 pm
by BlackPyjamas
ivan178 wrote:Hello all! I already wrote a post about this like 2-3 months ago.
The point is I thought It was better to just do HIC training, and neglected my E (did only a few of 5km fast run during my block)

The question is, do I need to start base building again? It's supposed to have lost all my bb progress? Or could I start this new block doing 1 hic tuesday (200m or 600m I don't mind which one) , 1 fast 5km thursday, 1 60min LSS saturday. And start improving my cardio again. Would that be possible.

I am preparing for doing a 1km run PFT on September.
Need to run it on 3:24 more or so. My current time is 4:00-4:10.

I have a training log here, if you want to check it, thanks! ... ?f=5&t=667

First off, congrats on your new strength PRS, outstanding! I see you've also brought your 5k time down from roughly 30mins to 26. Excellent work.

Now let's get to the running. Up until April 7 or 8th you were preparing badly for PFT. You were doing only short sprint workouts and one 3mile tempo every other week. You were doing Black, not Black Professional.

"Hello, I'm doing a 3mile run once every other week , 1km is 0,6 mile, do you find useful to add that longer run? (30-60)

On April 4th, myself and others gave you some advice, namely to switch to Black Professional and do this:

You need one long run every week (45-60 minutes).
You need one middle distance fast run every week, like the Fast5.
You need one anaerobic speed workout every week, like 600m resets, Oxygen Debt or short hill sprints.
Every week, not every other week.

You didn't start implementing the advice above until April 7 or 8.
You STOPPED training on April 22nd.
You tested your run on April 28th.

So let's do some math. You basically trained with our suggestions/Black Professional for a grand total of two weeks from April 7 to April 22. Within that two weeks I see zero LSS work in the 45-60 minute range. If it's in your log I'm not seeing it. I see two 5k runs which is very good. One each week.

The issue here isn't the programming, it's that you simply haven't done the correct programming for long enough. You ignored the LSS advice, where were your E (45 minute+) sessions?

The advice you received still stands, you just have to follow it, AND follow it long enough.

I don't know how to make it any clearer my friend, you need to do these 3 conditioning sessions EVERY week:

1 x LSS x 45minutes + (run)
1 x Tempo (Fast5, or 3 miler)
1 x Speed (600m Resets, SE Ladders, Oxygen Debt, BOO, Hills)

And you need to put this into practice LONG ENOUGH for the training to make a difference. Could be 6 weeks could be 12, more or less.

Re: Improving my 1km run. (Think I've screwed it)

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:54 am
by ivan178
BlackPyjamas wrote:
First off, congrats on your new strength PRS, outstanding! I see you've also brought your 5k time down from roughly 30mins to 26. Excellent work....
Hello! First of all, thanks for reading all of it.
I'll try to explain it, I hope it gets understandable (My english is a bit primitive sometimes haha)

On 4th April,I took your advice, and was ready to add those 5km and 60m running sessions, 4th apr I had 2 weeks more before the end of the block.

That second to last week, I did on tuesday the HIC session (200m), then thursday I did the 5km run, and on Sat I was about to do the 60min session, but wasn't able to do it, because of a familiar problem, so I rest that day.

And on the last week, tuesday did the HIC session, thursday did another HIC session (this was my fault, a friend wanted to train with me and show him what was a HIC) and on saturday I feel exhausted and wasn't even able to move, so I rest, but I was decided to do 60min.

And after the block, I rested from sunday, to thursday(did the pull up PFT practice),friday(did the 1km PFT practice) and saturday(the strenght RM test) now resting sunday, and tomorrow will start new block.
Black Professional for sure (I think the approach I did for resting/testing was okay? On the book you get told to rest 3-4 days then test, and sometimes you can rest up to 1 week to avoid stress on CNS.

So, now for my new block, I'm for sure gonna follow your advices, but I just need to clear out these points.

1. Can I start this block adding the E session and the 5km session, and start improving? Or should I have to start BB again.
2. On the 5km fast, it says to stand on 80-85% max heart rate, can I do it on higher range? or would that be bad.
3. For E sessions, after BB, you start working on speed and forgetting about heart rate, so just keep 60mins, running as fast as I can, right?
4. It's important the order on the week for doing the sessions? Tues HIC - Thurs 5km - Sat 60min (I think this way would be easier, cause sats 60min is easier than doing 200m sprints)
5. On easy weeks, It would be thursday - 2,5km fast run and saturday 30min run?

And that's it, sorry if I made it too long, thanks!