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Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 6:58 pm
by C-Black
Hi all, I'm a new member to the site. Have been lurking on the threads and reading logs for awhile now, however, and it is very motivating to see a community that is so consistent and knowledgeable. Anyway, I've just finished base building and am moving onto continuation and was looking for some thoughts on the layout I have put together for myself. I leave for boot camp in about 2 months with an infantry contract, so I'll have time for almost a whole block of continuation. After boot camp, I plan to tryout for Marine Recon so my plan is also tailored to meet the physical demand of the BRC course; lots of rucking, swimming and running. Current stats are as follows: BP-225 SQ-285 DL-315. Marine corps pft: 28 PU, 101 Crunches, 20:00 3-mile run. Goals: 30 pull-ups, 120+ crunches, 8 mile ruck with 50lbs for completion, 30 minute tread, and sub 18 minute 3 mile. Also would like to better my swimming. I've been working on these goals for awhile and I'm pretty close. The plan is to run fighter and green with the cluster of BP/SQ/WPU and DL once a week.
Day 1. MS Cluster
Day 2. A.M. Fast5 P.M. Swim work
Day 3. Ruck 60-120 Mins
Day 4. MS Cluster with one work set of DL
Day 5. LSS Run and swim work
Day 6. Fun run variation; standard issue or 03 at stupid dark 30
Day 7. Rest
How does this plan look? Is this plan advisable recovery wise? Should I add more conditioning wise? Just wondering what criticism you guys could offer me before I start my training this coming Monday.

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 12:36 am
by Green2Blue
I wasn't even a grunt, let alone recon. However, my MOS school was at the same location as the guys waiting to go to Recon school, so we PTed together.

I came in here to tell you to add swim work, so it's good to see you have it. A few times swim/run in boots and utes, just to get a feel for it.

I'd advise you to push for a sub 18 min mile. You really want that 300 PFT.

I'd add a calisthenics circuit in there somewhere, at LEAST a couple times a week. The Recon short/long card is a great option, because it gives you a taste of the movements they like to do. Hell if it were me I'd probably try to work up to knocking out a short card after every workout.

Best of luck!

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 12:39 am
by Green2Blue

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 12:45 am
by nickgoldma
Glad I saw this. Thats some good advice you gave him! I am considering using the Short card with Fighter for my next block after BB. I really want to maintain my SE levels.

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 11:33 am
by thebadmattan
I'd say get in some long ruck runs in where they can fit. Boots/utes if you can.

You're probably already aware of this, but the Basic Recon Prep course guide is a very useful tool for Poolees and Marines headed to BRC: ... 0GUIDE.pdf

Personally, I know plenty of Recon drops. Most of them where dropped in MART. The swim PT is killer.

On an unrelated note : Spoke to a Reconnaissance SgtMaj a few days ago, very motivating, he dropped some good advice/knowledge. Very humble. Did 10 years with 1st Recon Bn.

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 1:41 pm
by grouchyjarhead
BRC prep guide X2. If you're only 8 weeks away, get in 8 weeks of that. Start at Week 3. Save TB for when you're selected, it's time to focus on your goal.

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 5:59 pm
by C-Black
Thanks for the replies. Looks like I should drop TB and use the BRC Prep guide. I might add in two days of lifting, one on the swim day and another on the 400 repeats day, but I'll play by how I feel. I'll probably add in more swimming too. I'm not sure if the running in the BRC Prep will drop me to the 18s though, thoughts?

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:17 pm
by Green2Blue
thebadmattan wrote:I'd say get in some long ruck runs in where they can fit. Boots/utes if you can.

You're probably already aware of this, but the Basic Recon Prep course guide is a very useful tool for Poolees and Marines headed to BRC: ... 0GUIDE.pdf

Personally, I know plenty of Recon drops. Most of them where dropped in MART. The swim PT is killer.

On an unrelated note : Spoke to a Reconnaissance SgtMaj a few days ago, very motivating, he dropped some good advice/knowledge. Very humble. Did 10 years with 1st Recon Bn.
Outstanding find. I second this. It's been said on this forum many times, and I'm pretty sure in one of the books as well: you should generally use specific programs when preparing for selections. TB is for after.

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 7:46 am
by thebadmattan
C-Black wrote:Thanks for the replies. Looks like I should drop TB and use the BRC Prep guide. I might add in two days of lifting, one on the swim day and another on the 400 repeats day, but I'll play by how I feel. I'll probably add in more swimming too. I'm not sure if the running in the BRC Prep will drop me to the 18s though, thoughts?

The prep course has a fair share of running, (including intervals, max effort PFTs, sprints, and the like) those should chisel that run time down. You'll also see cardiovascular/SE benefits from the swimming and rucking, as well as a pretty good amount of SE between the Recon cards and the rucks.

Best of luck to you at BRC brother!

Re: Marine Corps boot camp and Recon prep

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:13 pm
by Caiman
As someone who was completely emaciated by the end of boot camp (always got kicked out of the chow hall), I think the most valuable thing you can do is LSS. This will make you metabolically flexible, and will keep you from wasting away. Building a ton of strength is going to be a resource sink, but SE is valuable. That's just my two cents, as a former crayon disposal.

To clarify, I would build some raw strength on Green/Fighter with big rest intervals (less sacroplasmic hypertrophy, more myofibrillar) and then convert it with SE while doing a lot of E. That's what I would do if I had to do it again.

Good luck.