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Op I/A - How many DL sets to YOU do?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:44 am
by mikhou
Hey, guys. Quick question for you. Because I know that DLs can be taxing on your CNS, I have never done more than 3 sets on any TB template. However, my DL is my weakest lift (in terms of where I think I should be, not in terms of overall weight). My squat and my DL numbers are very similar (around 2x bodyweight). The times that I have run Op I/A and Fighter, I have used 5 sets for most exercises except for DL, and I have had good results. So to that end, today (starting a new block) I did 5 sets of DL at 75%. I feel fine now, but I'm wondering if this will be too much tomorrow or as the weights go up. (FYI, I did not do SQs today. I had good luck on Fighter doing SQs 2x/wek so I have decided on this Op I/A run to SQ 2x/wk and DL 1x/wk according to one of the DL options on

So....with the flexibility in volume on Op I/A how many sets of DLs do YOU do? Am I asking for trouble doing a couple of extra sets on DLs? My guess is that the answer is, "It depends," and "It's individual," but I'd like what you do for thought. Thanks.


Re: Op I/A - How many DL sets to YOU do?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 12:51 pm
by WallBilly
When the weights get close to 1RM, I find that 1 work set of DL (but getting there with lots warm-up sets in relatively small increments) is about all I can handle.

Re: Op I/A - How many DL sets to YOU do?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:30 pm
by TangoZero
I've posted this before, but I never go over 3 reps regardless of load. So far it's been doing wonders for me, I don't get hammered in recovery hell anymore after deadlift day. It allows me to do multiple sets and get away with it, as long as I keep my RIs long (3 minutes minimum). Last week I did 6 sets of 3 with 75% and I had no issues doing hill sprints the day after.

I do 1 deadlift session every week, minimum of 3 sets. Sometimes I'll do more than one DL session/week if for whatever reason I can't do weighted pull-ups or am using a different gym.

Re: Op I/A - How many DL sets to YOU do?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:40 pm
by Saracen
Since making the switch to I/A I deadlift every other session, but there's no set number. I usually just go by how I "feel" and what I have in store the day after. If I have Apex lined up, I'll do one set or skip it and do weighted pull-ups instead. When I'm in the 70-80% range I average around 3 sets/workout. In the 85%+ I usually end up just doing the one work set.

Re: Op I/A - How many DL sets to YOU do?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:37 am
by BlackPyjamas
70-75% weeks 3-5 work sets, anything over that these days is 1 work set per week.

But on RARE occasion, on the last day of my training cycle before a rest week I'll kill it and do as many heavy doubles or triples as I can. Really depends on what my rest week looks like, situation at work and every thing else.

Re: Op I/A - How many DL sets to YOU do?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:40 am
by mikhou
TangoZero wrote:I've posted this before, but I never go over 3 reps regardless of load. So far it's been doing wonders for me, I don't get hammered in recovery hell anymore after deadlift day. It allows me to do multiple sets and get away with it, as long as I keep my RIs long (3 minutes minimum). Last week I did 6 sets of 3 with 75% and I had no issues doing hill sprints the day after.

I do 1 deadlift session every week, minimum of 3 sets. Sometimes I'll do more than one DL session/week if for whatever reason I can't do weighted pull-ups or am using a different gym.
t0, thanks for your input. After reading your post, doing some more research on programming (both overall and the deadlift specifically), and learning more about Prelipin's table, I have decided to run DL on Op I/A like this: 75% week - 6x3 (sets x reps), 80% week - 6x3, and 90% week - 5x2. I've also decided that I'm not very good at self-regulation in the moment, so I am setting up some standards or even maximums that I will use with Op I/A in general. It's more than standard Op, but it sets limits so that I don't overdo it. It'll be as follows: 75% week - 4x5, 80% - 5x4, 85% - 5x3, 90% - 5x2. These are just minor tweaks, but I think that they'll help me to work hard without overdoing it. Thanks again for your input.

BTW, I used 6x3 for DL today, and it worked beautifully. I felt very "in control."
