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2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:12 am
by Wanderer
TB2 is an outstanding book that I'm pretty sure was written with me in mind. Seriously, I have been doing 800m interval runs ad nauseum trying to increase simply my two mile times and I'm always just out of gas. I can hit ~3min 800m intervals consistently but my 2mile remains in the upper 14s. I have also never run over 3.5 miles in my life or rucked over 5mi. In short thank you for writing something that should seriously be provided to everyone interested in being an athlete. However, I do have some questions? I only ask this question because I have not seen it answered in the book or on the forum.

The book mentions not doing more than the prescribed amount of E during BB, but then mentions multiple instances of people training E 5x a week. I have the inclination and need to train 2x-a-days because my goal is to get selected at Special Forces Assessment and Selection. Not only does this provide substantial volume but it primarily allows me to train the mindset. I don't want to go into selection knowing that I could have done more. Unfortunately, I noticed that this was specifically programmed to prevent training opposing adaptations or overtraining which also prevents adaptations, and I don't want to do all this work without seeing the results that I really need to see. The main factor is that I will enlist in a little over 4 months so I'm on a restricted timeline.

My plan is to maintain 2x-a-days for the foreseeable future with plenty of sleep, nutrition, and supplementation. My question is can I perform 5-6 E sessions a week in the morning (alternating 3x runs and 2-3 rucks per week with the occasional swim or row to reduce impact fatigue) with the SE or Strength training in the evenings as prescribed by the template without screwing up the aerobic adaptations that I need? The remaining PM sessions will be like a 20 min recovery swim/yoga/stretching/mobility or some other BS just to maintain the routine during BB. After BB I will transition to Operator/Green while maintaining the 2x-a-days until I ship out to Basic. Obviously finishers will be added regularly and the occasional TB challenge as a gut check to train the mind. I'm not worried about the specificity as SFAS is not that specific other than rucking.

I'm relatively strong at 5'9" and 188lb with ok metcon conditioning because I followed all the stuff that the book complains about for roughly 2 months while also doing 2x-a=days so I'm used to some higher volume. My numbers are:
Squat: 375
Deadlift: 365
Incline Bench: 265
OHP: 170
WPU: BW+70lbs x5
Pullups: 23
1.5 mile: 10:50
3mile: 25:00

Goals (Ideal):
Squat: 400+
Deadlift: 400+
Bench: maintain
OHP: 200
Front Squat: 300
2 mile: 12min
5 mile: 36 min
12 mile ruck with 70lbs: 2hours and 20mins

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:48 am
by BlackPyjamas
Wanderer wrote:TB2 is an outstanding book that I'm pretty sure was written with me in mind. Seriously, I have been doing 800m interval runs ad nauseum trying to increase simply my two mile times and I'm always just out of gas. I can hit ~3min 800m intervals consistently but my 2mile remains in the upper 14s. I have also never run over 3.5 miles in my life or rucked over 5mi. In short thank you for writing something that should seriously be provided to everyone interested in being an athlete. However, I do have some questions? I only ask this question because I have not seen it answered in the book or on the forum.
Welcome! Great to have you on board. Here's a member intro thread, why not tell us a little bit about yourself:
Wanderer wrote:The book mentions not doing more than the prescribed amount of E during BB, but then mentions multiple instances of people training E 5x a week.
This is directed toward recreational athletes looking for a little all around fitness, not tactical professionals. If you read carefully you'll see that you can do 5-6 E per week during Base. And Green Protocol is what you should be looking to do after Base. 3xE week is the minimum, not what you would do for specific goals like SOF or placing 1st in an adventure race. In your case you'll def want to look at 5-6 E per week. (That's E, not just LSS, major distinction).
Wanderer wrote:My plan is to maintain 2x-a-days for the foreseeable future with plenty of sleep, nutrition, and supplementation. My question is can I perform 5-6 E sessions a week in the morning (alternating 3x runs and 2-3 rucks per week with the occasional swim or row to reduce impact fatigue) with the SE or Strength training in the evenings as prescribed by the template without screwing up the aerobic adaptations that I need?
Yes. The only place you can't mix and match E and HIC is during the first 6 weeks of Base Building. LSS only during Base. What you're describing is Green. Do Base first as written, then transition to Green with the adjustments you've outlined.

Keep in mind 4 months usually isn't enough time for most people to prep for SOF, regardless of training method....short of having a professional S&C coach along with a dietician put you in a camp for the entire time with nothing else to do but eat and train...even then.

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:59 am
by Svenjolly

Base Building does not = selection preparation.
Base Building is a preparatory phase for your Continuation protocol.
Base Building is TB's warm-up, not an end in and of itself. Continuation is the real program. In your case Green protocol.

You certainly can do 5-6 E per week during Base. Twice a day is fine. I'd recommend lots of running, rucking and swimming within the heartrate boundaries. Read the book again for why HR is important during this phase of training.

When you get to Green, do your twice-a-days and yes do at least 5-6 Es per week. Running, Fun-runs, rucking, swimming, hill sprints. Do not stick to the LSS heartrate boundaries all the time. Work on getting a little faster in an intelligent manner. 80% of all your cardio should be E at this point.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:42 am
by grouchyjarhead
I would run BB as is (run on your short E days, ruck on your long ones). You will find it useful for your goals, especially considering your endurance concerns you shared earlier. It's only eight weeks, and it will build a solid foundation you can use to transition to Green thereafter. You can then alternate a block of Green (I would recommend the vanilla template in the book) with a SFAS prep program (there's official and unofficial ones) until you're ready to go. Don't start throwing up walls on a house that has no floor yet.

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:41 pm
by WallBilly
Yeah, but guys, if he wants to get his 2 mile time down to 12 minutes, is he going to be able to accomplish that only with Green?

Won't some HIC be useful for speed?

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:31 pm
by Aelian
WallBilly wrote:Yeah, but guys, if he wants to get his 2 mile time down to 12 minutes, is he going to be able to accomplish that only with Green?

Won't some HIC be useful for speed?
With Green he can add speed to his E, he's not bound by HR or pace anymore as he would be during Base. Also as long as he does the minimum Es per week he can add in some HIC.

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:19 am
by grouchyjarhead
That's why BB would probably be ideal begin with. He says he has never ran over 3.5 miles - if he works up to running an hour a few times a week, plus focuses on running-based HICs during BB he will see improvement.

Green allows HIC in small doses for further improvement. If he focuses on interval pace training ( and other running-based HICs, even using the occasional mock APFT as a HIC, he will be on the right track.

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:01 am
by TangoZero
grouchyjarhead wrote:I would run BB as is (run on your short E days, ruck on your long ones). You will find it useful for your goals, especially considering your endurance concerns you shared earlier. It's only eight weeks, and it will build a solid foundation you can use to transition to Green thereafter. You can then alternate a block of Green (I would recommend the vanilla template in the book) with a SFAS prep program (there's official and unofficial ones) until you're ready to go. Don't start throwing up walls on a house that has no floor yet.
Solid advice! I agree, Base first then Green.

Re: 2x-a-days during BB

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:29 am
by Wanderer
Thank you, everyone for the advice. I've been running BB with cardio 5x a week, and SE 3x a week. I do a sort of 2,2,2 protocol with 2x week for running, 2x for low impact like rowing or triples, and 2 days for rucking with Saturday being the "push yourself" day long ruck. All of the E is within the heart rate prescription. After only two weeks, I can feel some great improvements. My SE specifically is progressing pretty quick.
SE cluster:
1-hand KB Swings 40lb (there is only the 40 and then an 80, nothing in between)
Bar Curls
4-count FlutterKicks (hands not under butt as I heard most selection courses do that)
Bar Rows
Front Squats w/ Bar

I use the low-impact to prevent shin splints and what not since I'm still building up mileage. I'll have another update in a few weeks, but this program is pretty great so far. Can't wait to get to Green :!: