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Running Operator w/Green Protocol?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:23 am
by JigglyPuffDaddy
Hey TB community,

To set a background I am already in the military (AD Army Medic) Currently: 6'3, 185lbs, 280/300pt score. PU-64/75, SU-77/80, 2MR-13:20.

After re-reading through The Operator/Green Protocol sections numerous times I have a general idea on how to go about this but need feedback. My problems that I require 3 strength days minimum as I lose strength quickly (Low T, and that's medically tested) and work a desk job so I'm not lifting all day. I also need more E work than I do SE as I am preparing for Airborne/Psyops selections in January 2018. As GP takes place everyday, how would I go about still doing the 3 E sessions per week, with the 2 SE sessions? Should I scale back on the SE sessions on lifting days (Mon/Wed/Fri) and only do maybe 3-4 exercises instead of 5-8? Or maybe shorten those bursts to 30-45 secs rather than the prescribed 60-120 secs? Thanks for all input.

I'm not looking for someone to write me a program, I already have that for myself. I'm just looking for some input/feedback on how I could possibly make it better.

Re: Running Operator w/Green Protocol?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:11 am
by Aelian
Your question is pretty general and has about a million and one answers. A good way to help us help you is to be a little more concise, answer the following:

What are your short term goals? (selection in this case).

Number the domains in order of importance for your short term goal (max-strength, SE, E, HIC). Literally assign a number/prioritize them from 1 to -. One or more of these domains might be on equal footing.

Then figure out the best protocol and template that matches up with your priority list. You may need to think in terms of more than one block, like rotating between black and green 6 weeks at a time for example.

Give your priority domains more training time than your less-important domains.

It looks to me like you're trying to stuff every domain into one training week which is clearly not the best way to use TB.

Re: Running Operator w/Green Protocol?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:22 am
by JigglyPuffDaddy
To answer your question, my short term goals (by October of this year) are to be able to squat 225, bench 185, and deadlift 405. I also want to be able to max out my PT test which is 80 pushups, 85 situps, and a 12:50 2-mile run. Right now my priority sets with maxing my PT test, but I also need strength. I understand that this would suggest a fighter-like template, but my strength programming requires 3 days per week.

Re: Running Operator w/Green Protocol?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:08 pm
by Maxrip13
What are your current strength numbers? Those goals you have are very achievable depending on your training back ground and strength.

If you weren't so set on doing those 3 strength days I would of said fighter bangkok would be perfect for you. The increase in strength would bring up your SE, which you would be still trained hard that one day a week. You could also use pushups and other bodyweight movements as your warmup for MS and then effectively train your SE hard 1x a week and 2x extra easy warmup sessions.

Have you ever thought it might do your body and T levels some good if you drop the strength training volume? I am ex military and had similar problems maintaining a good strength level around good old fashioned military PT "smash sessions". The way I got around this was to drop my volume and frequency right down on my strength work. Some weeks I would only train heavy once a week. I hit a 2.8x Bodyweight during this time by maxing out once a week. I did this maxing generally after a weekend bender.

I tried to maintain 5x5 squats and other higher volume programs and I didn't stand a chance. I simplified things right down and just hit that deadlift, pullups and some higher volume pressing 1-2 a week and I had excellent strength improvements.My SE was good and I hit well above my required numbers. I was also able to run pretty decent with minimal running outside of work.

I personally think OP I/A is the best strength template in TB barbell. I love it because I just use my training max, work out my percentages and set up a calendar of sorts with the numbers I need to lift over those 9 sessions. I don't think of training as 3x weekly or 2x weekly, I work my way through ticking those off and take as time off as needed in between for conditioning and recovery. Some weeks I do 2x MS and some weeks I do 3x, but in the end I work my way through and re assess.

Hopefully this wall of text makes sense. It was 5am here when I woke up haha.