Basebuilding for 5 weeks into Operator I/A

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Basebuilding for 5 weeks into Operator I/A

Post by cws1992 »

Can you run basebuilding as written in the book for the first 5 weeks then jump into Operator I/A while continuing to do the recommended HIC and E workouts for basebuilding.

So basically running basebuilding as written in TB but adding one strength day when it comes to max strength in the last 3 weeks of BB

So week 6 would look like this (not a normal 7 day calender week)

Max strength
HIC #1-10
Max Strength
HIC #1-10
E x 30-60
Max Strength

Repeat for Week 7 and 8

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Re: Basebuilding for 5 weeks into Operator I/A

Post by Green2Blue »

Na. You do something like that and you'll have K.B. tossing flashbangs through your window right before JMadd boots your door in.

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Re: Basebuilding for 5 weeks into Operator I/A

Post by Maxrip13 »

Yes that is fine if you know what your training maxes are after a 5 week endurance block. I like to run a short 3 week cycle to groove the barbell movements and then do op i/a after my body is used to the lifts again.

Either way is fine.

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Re: Basebuilding for 5 weeks into Operator I/A

Post by cws1992 »

Yeah I think I'm just gonna run the minimums to get my body use to it

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