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To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:43 am
by WallBilly
So, KB and J-Madd and lots of other knowledgeable athletes/coaches all recommend taking a week off of lifting every block or two.

CNS, and all that . . .

It does not work for me. Happened again this time. I did 2 operator blocks and a Zulu block after traditional base building. Took a week off after Zulu. Squats were Monday, 70% using 0.9 training max. Inner thighs were mush that day, and super-stiff today, had to blow off HIC. Not sure how LSS will go tomorrow.

I felt way worse than at any time in the last 6 months, after 8 lousy days off of lifting. I was not a complete vegetable during my week "off". I did 1 HIC and 1 E and greased the groove a few times as well.

Maybe it's my age at 55.

Maybe I'm just a wuss.

But I have enough data at this point (this is not the first time this happened) that I can conclude that taking a week off of lifting is counter-productive for me.

Comments? Anybody else in this boat?

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:26 am
by Maxrip13
Did you actually take the week off or did you possibly push a bit hard in those couple of sessions?

The first session back is always a bit rough for me also. How many sets did you do? I always stick to the minimums after a week off because in the past i up the sets to make up for the week off.

I also feel better when i just keep training until i hit that tipping point and cause an injury or slight tweak.

Weeks off are good but i generally just take an extra day here and there when i need. Sometimes it extends to a week.

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:56 am
by Barkadion

I am kind of on the same boat..

I do have to force myslef to take time off training knowing that I it makes me very uncomfortable. I will be having muscle aches, being irritable, tired and dealing with sleep issues. I know I will be going through DOMS when I am back to training. I know that.

But I also know that my body and CNS NEED time off to recover.. I have been burned out from training before and it is much worse. The best way to deal with it is to be prepared. Having scheduled weeks off does help. It is much more safer on the long run. Over-training can jump on you out of nowhere in the form of injuries and that sucks.

90% of the issue is purely psychological, imho.. Well.. I believe that being addicted to the training is no joke. not at all.. It is what it is..

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:36 pm
by KShea
The rough start back is entirely normal. It doesn't change that a rest week is good for you. You'll feel it for a week and then you'll be back in the groove in no time and you've allowed your muscles and CNS to recover.

A week off doesn't have to be a true week off. You can foam roll, go for walks, play basketball, whatever. But it's supposed to give your joints and CNS a break as much as it is supposed to give your muscles a break.

Maybe ease back into it the week after a week off. Maybe go to the gym twice that week (do Fighter for a week) and lessen the cardio/conditioning to maybe one or two sessions then get back to the grind...


Week off = Good for mind, body and soul
Going full go the week back = Rough (Solution: Ease back into it)

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:47 pm
by mikhou
Just a thought, but this past deload, I tried something that Brian Alsruhe recommended during deload week. He says to take your main lifts and to put on no more than 40-50% of your 1RM. (I used 40%.) Then set a timer and do 2-3 reps (I did 2 reps) every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. The idea is to focus on exact form and to grease the movement without affecting your joints or CNS negatively. Anyway, I tried it and it worked really well. You might give it a shot.

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:50 am
by KShea
mikhou wrote:Just a thought, but this past deload, I tried something that Brian Alsruhe recommended during deload week. He says to take your main lifts and to put on no more than 40-50% of your 1RM. (I used 40%.) Then set a timer and do 2-3 reps (I did 2 reps) every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. The idea is to focus on exact form and to grease the movement without affecting your joints or CNS negatively. Anyway, I tried it and it worked really well. You might give it a shot.
You know, interestingly enough, you just gave me some thoughts about conjugate method dynamic training on top of Operator.

Not necessarily deload related, but I wonder if a dynamic day added to the routine would be of benefit. Wouldn't be too taxing. Hmmm... I might make another post about it later. Thanks for getting my wheels turning.

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:03 pm
by WallBilly
OK, maybe I overreacted. Good feedback, guys.

The only thing I struggled with as far as soreness was squats. No issue with bench, OHP, row, and I assume deads on Friday will go fine. I'm currently doing Zulu (squat/OHP + bench/row/dead but dead is only on Friday.)

Legs were mush Monday, super-sore Tuesday, and sore before the LSS run Wednesday, but loosened up a bit by the easy run.

Squats were fine today (Thursday, 3 days later). So, yeah, I overreacted. :roll:

In answer to a couple of the comments and questions:
  • I did not overdo conditioning on the week off.

    I did the minimum of 3 sets of squats. (5 bench, 5 OHP, 5 row and I'll do 1 work set of deads tomorrow.)

    I really like the idea of doing very light sets of squats once or twice on my "week off." Might try that next time. Or maybe even just do some light kettlebell goblet squats to stay out of the gym.

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:50 pm
by Tyr0331
I usually just supplement in extra rest days as needed. I also try to take off a few days after a block is completed. I hate taking off more than 2-3 days at a time. I don't feel that I benefit from it and mentally I start to lose my shit..

Re: To take a week off, or not . . .

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:09 pm
by WallBilly
OK, it is now official, I over-reacted to nasty soreness the first 2 days back after a week off. Sorry!

I did deads today after round 2 of squats yesterday. No belt, no straps, and they felt effortless. Almost too easy.

I should not be shocked that KB and J-Madd were smarter than me . . .