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Operator + Dynamic Effort Days Template

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:40 pm
by KShea
Alright, so I'm constantly trying to find the best ways to get strong without going overboard. I recently switched to TB (I have finished base building this week with great results for my cardio and bodyweight/comp, but not so great for my strength, which was expected.) and I love the set up.

One thing that helped me in the past was Dynamic Effort days from Westside programming. They were never really taxing and I can't remember a day I was "sore" from them. But the explosive work against bands was always a major help for me.

I'm curious if anyone has toyed with the idea of adding a dynamic day to the 3 day Operator template...

Before anyone says, "don't mess with the program, run it as is", I have a pretty long training history behind me and I am pretty aware of my body. I know to back off when I need and when I can push. So if I try this, I will try it and see how it goes. If I feel like the extra volume is effecting me, I will stop.

I'm just thinking of my Op days as follows (+ Black Pro):

Wk 1:
A: Bench, Squat, Weighted Pull-Up (5x5, 70%)
B: Squat, Bench (5x5, 70%), Dead (3x5, 70%)
C: Squat, Bench, Weighted Pull Up (5x5, 70%)
D: Dynamic Box Squat + Dynamic Bench Press (8x3)
2 HIC + 1 E during week

Wk 2:
Same except all lifts are 4x5 except Deads which would be 2x5 and at 80%
Dynamic stays same
conditioning same

Wk 3:
Same except 3x5 & 1x5 @ 90%
Dynamic stays same
One HIC, One E (short duration)

Wk 4:
Same except 5x5, 3x3 @ 75%
Dynamic stays same
Normal conditioning

Wk 5:
Same except 4x3, 2x4 @ 85%
Dynamic stays same
Normal conditioning

Wk 6:
Same except 3x3, 1x3 @ 95%
No Dynamic for the week
1 HIC (Basic level) for conditioning

Any thoughts?

Re: Operator + Dynamic Effort Days Template

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:34 am
by TBPenguin
KShea, maybe I am misunderstanding something in what you've written. But Operator is 3x/wk lifting, and you've got 4 days listed. I know you say you are adding a day, but it isn't clear why you think this will work better.

My guess is that at the start it would not be too tough on muscles. But I wonder about the overall volume especially given your previously expressed concerns about joint effects from multiple days of full ROM on those lifts. A block is only six weeks. Given your history, maybe run it straight the first time and make sure your joints do well?

You could always just do HIC workouts with lots of burpees :lol:

Re: Operator + Dynamic Effort Days Template

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:55 am
by KShea
TBPenguin wrote:KShea, maybe I am misunderstanding something in what you've written. But Operator is 3x/wk lifting, and you've got 4 days listed. I know you say you are adding a day, but it isn't clear why you think this will work better.

My guess is that at the start it would not be too tough on muscles. But I wonder about the overall volume especially given your previously expressed concerns about joint effects from multiple days of full ROM on those lifts. A block is only six weeks. Given your history, maybe run it straight the first time and make sure your joints do well?

You could always just do HIC workouts with lots of burpees :lol:

Maybe. Dynamic effort isn't very taxing on the CNS, and after really looking at the numbers I'll be lifting on a weekly basis I'm not as concerned as I was about my joints. The weights are fairly low on my higher volume weeks and as intensity increases I've set it up so volume decreases. The concerns aren't there now that I've critically looked at the numbers.

Plus, moving lighter weights at an explosive pace with lower rest times is kind of a hybrid of HIC/Strength training practice. And the templates allow for the inclusion of some extra E or HIC if you're feeling up to it.

To be honest, I haven't completely decided to pull the trigger on doing it yet. Thinking out loud.

As always I appreciate your feedback. Critical thinking for the win!

Re: Operator + Dynamic Effort Days Template

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:23 pm
by DocOctagon
My 0.02 here is that if you've never tried Operator as is, do that first. You can always add or subtract down the road. You also might find that adding sets is a more effective strategy rather than adding in an extra dynamic day. It'll optimize your recovery time and help with work capacity, strength, hypertrophy.