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Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:28 am
by RC4
Hi everyone!

Currently I just started my second block of black + operator and recently started BJJ 2x a week. I was wondering the protocol for counting this as HIC/E work.

I know in the books he talks about the high/low intensity and honestly most of what I’m doing as a beginner is drilling with minimal grappling right now.

Should I just count it as a sport/HIC if it gets to more grappling?

For reference my stats are:
20, Male
~150 lbs
Height: 6’2
Bench: 115 x 4
Squat: 185 x 3
DL: 185 x 4
Pull-Ups: 6

My cluster is
Bench/Squat/WPU(pull-ups rn as I can’t hit 10)/DL(3 sets in a session)

I’m looking to pack on strength while getting a little hyper trophy as well as probably gain some weight with minimal fat.

Before starting BJJ I would do two HIC and one E session a week. Now that I’ve started at a gym that’s relatively far and have been doing lift in the AM and BJJ in the PM, I wanted to know what you guys do for incorporating the two.

Anyone have experience with this and want to share their thoughts? Suggestions? I’m open to anything! Thanks so much!

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:33 pm
by J-Madd
RC4 wrote:Hi everyone!

Currently I just started my second block of black + operator and recently started BJJ 2x a week. I was wondering the protocol for counting this as HIC/E work.

I know in the books he talks about the high/low intensity and honestly most of what I’m doing as a beginner is drilling with minimal grappling right now.

Should I just count it as a sport/HIC if it gets to more grappling?

For reference my stats are:
20, Male
~150 lbs
Height: 6’2
Bench: 115 x 4
Squat: 185 x 3
DL: 185 x 4
Pull-Ups: 6

My cluster is
Bench/Squat/WPU(pull-ups rn as I can’t hit 10)/DL(3 sets in a session)

I’m looking to pack on strength while getting a little hyper trophy as well as probably gain some weight with minimal fat.

Before starting BJJ I would do two HIC and one E session a week. Now that I’ve started at a gym that’s relatively far and have been doing lift in the AM and BJJ in the PM, I wanted to know what you guys do for incorporating the two.

Anyone have experience with this and want to share their thoughts? Suggestions? I’m open to anything! Thanks so much!
At this point, if you can manage the AM lifting and the BJJ in the PM, I would say the course with your standard OP + one E and HICx2. You should be fine; at least no worse off than someone with a job the requires a little manual labor. As your rolling gets more intense as you advance BJJ (and I hope you do!!!!), you can fall back to OP I/A. If you start adding more days of BJJ training, you will eventual find Fighter helpful (that's why K. Black developed it). Right now I'm training BJJ x5/week, and I rely on something in the vicinity of Fighter.

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:43 pm
by RC4
Will do! I definitely think you’re right.

This week I didn’t do the one HIC and E because I was a little worried about getting injured. My hip/knee kind of hurt as well as my shoulder.

Might just be me getting used to BJJ/lack of flexibility. Also I have a tough time eating so my body might be having a little difficulty recovering.

Thanks so much for the response though JMadd! Appreciate your expertise!

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:31 pm
by spemma
I train BJJ 2x/week atm, usually more, but I'm also staying in shape for a physical fitness test. You can check out my log for how I handle it.

You're a college aged guy, so like J-Madd said, I'd say keep doing what you're doing if it works.

For me, working full-time and other commitments, I ended up lifting Fighter style (2 days/week) even before I found TB. I think BJJ is too taxing to do much more.

The only other thing for me was a complete neglect for E work. I never did any type of E work prior to TB and I was always Mr. Gas Out. But I'm also a bigger guy and not a natural runner. You may face the opposite problem - you may not be a natural strength guy and therefore your gym work should focus on strength/hypertrophy.

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:01 am
by J-Madd
RC4 wrote:Will do! I definitely think you’re right.

This week I didn’t do the one HIC and E because I was a little worried about getting injured. My hip/knee kind of hurt as well as my shoulder.

Might just be me getting used to BJJ/lack of flexibility. Also I have a tough time eating so my body might be having a little difficulty recovering.

Thanks so much for the response though JMadd! Appreciate your expertise!
You're welcome! My shoulders and elbows hurt like hell my first couple months of BJJ, and then I adapted. My I just quit getting arm-barred so much!

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:13 am
by Tyr0331
With BJJ it took me a few years to realize you just really need to learn how to listen to your body. Some practices I walk out feeling like I barely did anything because I relied on technique. Then you have those days where you get the typical crazy white belt with wrestling background come in for his first week trial and you end up brawling with him to prove a point. This could easily go from an easy LSS endurance session to HIC for an hour. Be careful not to overtrain with the rest of your training schedule

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:00 pm
by J-Madd
Tyr0331 wrote:With BJJ it took me a few years to realize you just really need to learn how to listen to your body. Some practices I walk out feeling like I barely did anything because I relied on technique. Then you have those days where you get the typical crazy white belt with wrestling background come in for his first week trial and you end up brawling with him to prove a point. This could easily go from an easy LSS endurance session to HIC for an hour. Be careful not to overtrain with the rest of your training schedule

Tyr0331, how long have you been training?

Re: Incorporating BJJ and Black + Operator

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:41 pm
by Tyr0331
On and off since 2009 but total time on mats only about three and a half years BJJ. Wrestled through school which helped me not get my ass kicked too bad as a white belt