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Base Building

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:12 pm
by Conor78
After working through TB in the Spring Summer I
had moved into double Kettlebell work and M Thai training for until September. I have been focusing on the double Clean and jerk and bent press.
This week I'm restarting Base Building. I do a Olympic lifting class on a Ssturday and I want to get into the gym 2 days a week to justify my monthly payment. I'm going to use S and S 2 days with a 40kg in the hope of moving towards a 48kg TGU next year.
Could I use rowing on a concept 2 as my E sessions in the gym? Running tends to tighten up my calves and I had a bad case of plantar fasciitis last year

Re: Base Building

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:29 pm
by Aelian
Conor78 wrote:After working through TB in the Spring Summer I
had moved into double Kettlebell work and M Thai training for until September. I have been focusing on the double Clean and jerk and bent press.
This week I'm restarting Base Building. I do a Olympic lifting class on a Ssturday and I want to get into the gym 2 days a week to justify my monthly payment. I'm going to use S and S 2 days with a 40kg in the hope of moving towards a 48kg TGU next year.
Could I use rowing on a concept 2 as my E sessions in the gym? Running tends to tighten up my calves and I had a bad case of plantar fasciitis last year
What training goal do you have in mind when it comes to your conditioning, is it the Muay Thai? If so, imo nothing really replaces running or roadwork. You could always mix it up, do some LISS, do some rowing. Don't forget about Triples either. They're one of the best ways to get LSS/E in the gym, while breaking up training modalities. Ex. Something like a 10 min run + 10 min row + 10 min shadow box/low intensity heavy bag work.