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KB Complex HIC or SE?

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:42 pm
by Hainew
Hi guys,

I'll be coming off a 12 week Max Strength / Endurance focused block soon and looking to change things up a bit. Reading through some recent posts here I have decided I'd like to incorporate some Kettle Bell complexes and wondered if you guys think of these more as HIC or SE? I'm talking about things like Pat Flynn's 9 Minutes From Hell:

"One-Hand Swing x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
One Arm Clean x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
One Arm Snatch x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left
One Arm Clean and Press x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Lunge x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Single Leg Deadlift x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Two Hand Swing x 30 Seconds
Goblet Squat x 30 Seconds
Push Press x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Swing Burpee x 60 Seconds"

Seems to really have elements of both. Could they be used as HIC in Black, could they be used as SE in Fighter Bangkok?

Cheers guys

Re: KB Complex HIC or SE?

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:11 pm
by BlackPyjamas
Hainew wrote:Hi guys,

I'll be coming off a 12 week Max Strength / Endurance focused block soon and looking to change things up a bit. Reading through some recent posts here I have decided I'd like to incorporate some Kettle Bell complexes and wondered if you guys think of these more as HIC or SE? I'm talking about things like Pat Flynn's 9 Minutes From Hell:

"One-Hand Swing x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
One Arm Clean x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
One Arm Snatch x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left
One Arm Clean and Press x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Lunge x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Single Leg Deadlift x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Two Hand Swing x 30 Seconds
Goblet Squat x 30 Seconds
Push Press x 60 Seconds (30 seconds on your right + 30 seconds on your left)
Swing Burpee x 60 Seconds"

Seems to really have elements of both. Could they be used as HIC in Black, could they be used as SE in Fighter Bangkok?

Cheers guys

My litmus test is how would the workout affect strength training. SE interferes with strength training much more than GC in my case. GC is also work capacity training, which means mixing elements of more than one domain in a single workout. GC might have a mix of SE, plyos, sprints/anaerobic training elements....whereas SE is all muscle-endurance. With all that in mind I'd classify this as SE. Use it with Bangkok, SE-only blocks, and Base.