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OWT test 75% pass overall

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:02 pm
by Adski
So I wrapped up the OWT this morning and just wanted to give a run down on my own experience with it.

First, I just want to say that Jim Madden really put something special together with this template and I really did enjoy it overall.

I do enjoy conditioning work thoroughly so, the first couple of blocks were fantastic, cutting back in the third block was difficult as was really cutting it back in the fourth, but, staying focused on what the template is set to achieve made me disregard anything negative in that area.

Testing within the block- personally, I enjoyed that more than actual T max testing (end of the fourth block), mainly from a recovery standpoint. I think it’s a fantastic option for those that wish to test every 12 weeks or more without taxing you too much.

T max testing- so I went with 100% of my t max in the fourth block for all lifts, and I managed PRs in 3 out of 4. I definitely didn’t move as well on the last reps on all of my made lifts, this is one of my reasons for preferring testing within a block. For whatever reason my deadlift (which is usually my best lift) was the one that didn’t come to the party. Why, I’m unsure, I don’t plan on reading into it too much, as there could be a number of reasons combined.

Lessons learned- stick to the writing as much as possible, the program works, (again I’m not putting one missed lift as a failure on the template) 3 PRs in my 3 main lifts (Front Squat, OHP and WPU) are nothing to complain about.

This one is just my opinion, but unless you are used to RM testing (in my case 100% of my T max for reps) perhaps testing within the block could be another option (or forced progression) (until you get used to moving heavier loads better at least). I say this only as in my case, my form wasn’t the best on my last two reps on my front Squat, and my third rep was a real fight to pull my core tight as to not extend the lower back on the OHP. Just my opinion, I completely get that individual results and opinions will vary.

Thanks again to both Jim Madden and K Black for putting together a whole range of fantastic work that both ties in improving performance as well as promoting longevity.

And thanks to Arkann (Barkadion) for all the chats on the way through.

OWT, it’s a great program, very well worth a run through.

Re: OWT test 75% pass overall

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:09 am
by Barkadion
Awesome review, mate. And great results. I am about to run my last 3 weeks and still thinking of how to test at the end. Might to do the similar with 3 reps for TM or test will within the block.

I am struggling with recovery a bit towards to the end and missing the sweat of conditioning. But I do agree that OWT rocks!

Re: OWT test 75% pass overall

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:37 am
by Adski
Barkadion wrote:Awesome review, mate. And great results. I am about to run my last 3 weeks and still thinking of how to test at the end. Might to do the similar with 3 reps for TM or test will within the block.

I am struggling with recovery a bit towards to the end and missing the sweat of conditioning. But I do agree that OWT rocks!
If I were to do it again I would probably do what you suggested on Ross’s forum and complete the whole test on one day. But I would say, see how you’re feeling after the last week and decide which way to test from there.
x2 on conditioning, looking forward to getting through deload week and on to a new block!

Re: OWT test 75% pass overall

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:34 pm
by Barkadion
Adski wrote:
Barkadion wrote:Awesome review, mate. And great results. I am about to run my last 3 weeks and still thinking of how to test at the end. Might to do the similar with 3 reps for TM or test will within the block.

I am struggling with recovery a bit towards to the end and missing the sweat of conditioning. But I do agree that OWT rocks!
If I were to do it again I would probably do what you suggested on Ross’s forum and complete the whole test on one day. But I would say, see how you’re feeling after the last week and decide which way to test from there.
x2 on conditioning, looking forward to getting through deload week and on to a new block!
I see!

Also, I think that OWT can be great template to jump into after BB. It puts you nicely back to the iron pain :lol: I can see that it can be a staple once a year: BB->OWT->Black Continuation->Repeat.

Re: OWT test 75% pass overall

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:08 pm
by Adski
Barkadion wrote:
Adski wrote:
Barkadion wrote:Awesome review, mate. And great results. I am about to run my last 3 weeks and still thinking of how to test at the end. Might to do the similar with 3 reps for TM or test will within the block.

I am struggling with recovery a bit towards to the end and missing the sweat of conditioning. But I do agree that OWT rocks!
If I were to do it again I would probably do what you suggested on Ross’s forum and complete the whole test on one day. But I would say, see how you’re feeling after the last week and decide which way to test from there.
x2 on conditioning, looking forward to getting through deload week and on to a new block!
I see!

Also, I think that OWT can be great template to jump into after BB. It puts you nicely back to the iron pain :lol: I can see that it can be a staple once a year: BB->OWT->Black Continuation->Repeat.
That’s a very good idea! Actually it’s pretty much how this year has gone now I think about it! I’m even thinking, so now, pick a cluster for op/ia, run it until i hit base next year, then after bb, OWT with the same cluster, finish OWT, Op/ia, new cluster, repeat.