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Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:48 pm
by Keyboard
Hey everyone,

So I'm trying to tune up my next block of workouts, I've just got a question for anyone in a similar situation. I'm wanting to upgrade to 3 days of strength training, but with my work schedule (Firefighter) it doesn't really work out to be able to do a M/W/F split some weeks. For example:

This week I work 24hr shifts Monday/Thursday, ideally I would do strength M/W/F, however at the fire station we have next to no equipment. We've got a pullup bar, dip bars, crappy universal pulley machine thing. Have any of you experimented with swapping out certain exercises on irregular days when you don't have access to your regular equipment? My cluster is Front Squat/OHP/Weighted Pullup/Farmer Walks. There is no easy way to squat at the hall, would I be best just leaving out the squat for one day a week and doing the rest of the exercises, or should I stick to my Fighter template (2 day/week?).

Sorry if this is a jumbled mess, I'm just coming off shift.

Many thanks to everyone! Happy New Year.

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:14 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Have you experimented with Fighter Bangkok before?

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:39 pm
by Keyboard
I can’t say I have, I’ve got all the books at home, I’ll have to take a look when I’m back. Is it ideal for this situation?

Thanks for the reply.

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:00 pm
by Barkadion
I might not be answering your question.. But.. making heavy sandbag can be the answer to the your situation. You can bear hug carry it, shoulder it, and simulate goblet squats..

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:30 pm
by K.B.
Keyboard wrote:Hey everyone,

So I'm trying to tune up my next block of workouts, I've just got a question for anyone in a similar situation. I'm wanting to upgrade to 3 days of strength training, but with my work schedule (Firefighter) it doesn't really work out to be able to do a M/W/F split some weeks. For example:

This week I work 24hr shifts Monday/Thursday, ideally I would do strength M/W/F, however at the fire station we have next to no equipment. We've got a pullup bar, dip bars, crappy universal pulley machine thing. Have any of you experimented with swapping out certain exercises on irregular days when you don't have access to your regular equipment? My cluster is Front Squat/OHP/Weighted Pullup/Farmer Walks. There is no easy way to squat at the hall, would I be best just leaving out the squat for one day a week and doing the rest of the exercises, or should I stick to my Fighter template (2 day/week?).

Sorry if this is a jumbled mess, I'm just coming off shift.

Many thanks to everyone! Happy New Year.

What about Op I/A?

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:06 pm
by Green2Blue
You’re a fire department. Get equipment. Either find money in the budget or look for donations. Go to your local gyms, high schools, colleges, and hospitals and in uniform ask if they have anything they can donate. Post on Facebook and ask for equipment donations. Seriously, you WILL get equipment this way. Our volunteer fire department has a TON of equipment because of donations.

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:20 pm
by Keyboard
You’re a fire department. Get equipment. Either find money in the budget or look for donations. Go to your local gyms, high schools, colleges, and hospitals and in uniform ask if they have anything they can donate. Post on Facebook and ask for equipment donations. Seriously, you WILL get equipment this way. Our volunteer fire department has a TON of equipment because of donations.
I definitely considered going that route, unfortunately any exercise equipment has to be approved by our H&S, and they have no interest in barbells for our stations. Going anywhere in uniform and asking for donations, etc is a quick way to get sent to the Chief's office, especially since we are paid, "overpaid" depending on who you ask! I appreciate the reply and wish we could bring in our own stuff.

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:39 am
by Green2Blue
Keyboard wrote:
You’re a fire department. Get equipment. Either find money in the budget or look for donations. Go to your local gyms, high schools, colleges, and hospitals and in uniform ask if they have anything they can donate. Post on Facebook and ask for equipment donations. Seriously, you WILL get equipment this way. Our volunteer fire department has a TON of equipment because of donations.
I definitely considered going that route, unfortunately any exercise equipment has to be approved by our H&S, and they have no interest in barbells for our stations. Going anywhere in uniform and asking for donations, etc is a quick way to get sent to the Chief's office, especially since we are paid, "overpaid" depending on who you ask! I appreciate the reply and wish we could bring in our own stuff.
I’d have a hard time working for a place like that. Good luck man.

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:20 am
by Tyr0331
Keyboard wrote:
You’re a fire department. Get equipment. Either find money in the budget or look for donations. Go to your local gyms, high schools, colleges, and hospitals and in uniform ask if they have anything they can donate. Post on Facebook and ask for equipment donations. Seriously, you WILL get equipment this way. Our volunteer fire department has a TON of equipment because of donations.
I definitely considered going that route, unfortunately any exercise equipment has to be approved by our H&S, and they have no interest in barbells for our stations. Going anywhere in uniform and asking for donations, etc is a quick way to get sent to the Chief's office, especially since we are paid, "overpaid" depending on who you ask! I appreciate the reply and wish we could bring in our own stuff.
Will they let you guys take the truck to a local gym and workout?

Re: Strength workouts days with no equipment

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:56 am
by Keyboard
Will they let you guys take the truck to a local gym and workout?
That’s a negative. We have “gyms” at our stations but they are sorely lacking. I appreciate all the replies, I’ve formulated something that’ll work, thanks to everyone in here.