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Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:53 am
by TopGun
Hey TBers,

I am a 24 year old male LEO in a european country (sry for my bad english :S).
I am running TB for a year now, started with Basebuilding and for continuation Operator/ Black.

Weight - 160 pounds
Height - 5,97 feet

1 RMs:
- Bench Press - 260 pounds
- Squat - 310 pounds
- WPU - 60 pounds

I want to apply for my local Tactical Team in one and a half year.

The PFT consits of....
- Bench Press with bodyweigt AMRAP (my current number - 20 reps)
- Pullups with bodyweight AMRAP (16 reps)
- Dips AMRAP (18 reps)
- Obstacle course in under 2 minutes -different obstacles on a straight track for about 300 meters (my time 1:55 minutes)
- 2 mile run in under 12:00 minutes (13:30 minutes on my last try)

My absolut weakpoint is running.
So i thought about doing this:

- Basebuilding as outlined in the book (exercices selection according to the PFT)
- 8 weeks of Operator (Bench press/Squat/WPU and Dips as a finisher) + Black Professional (Black portion according to the „Speedwork“ post in the Member Articles)
- 8 weeks of Fighter (same exercise selection) + Green Protocol - Standard Template (one HIC every week)
.... and so on.

My goal is to increase my current numbers and times as good as i can.

Would you guys programm the same way?

Thanks, TopGun

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:14 am
by godjira1
that's a tough standard for running. 2miles/3.2k under 12mins.

Do you know the scoring system? 20 reps at bodyweight for BP, 16 reps for pullups sounds like a close to full score already (i am guessing) so sounds like you need some concentrated training on the speed/endurance front (probably need quite a bit speed work).

Sorry but I think you are at a very high level already so will let the more experienced guys chip in.

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:39 pm
by TopGun
Hello godjira1, thank you for your help!

There is no scoring system.

The Instructors have a list with the results of each student and choose the overall best 10.
(10 is only a example, no one knows the number of new members they need)
Phase two consists of an interview and a medical check.
After the PFT they choose a little bit more guys than they need, because they know that some will not make it trough phase 2.

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:20 pm
by WallBilly
The US Air Force ROTC cadets need to be able to run 1.5 miles in 9:12 (males), so your standard is consistent with that, but a bit longer.

I'm not military or LEO, but running two 6-minute miles back-to-back sounds more like "runner" status than "all around fitness" status. If I were in that boat, I might consider doing some more focussed "runners" training for 3 months before the test, along with Fighter to keep the strength at least stable. You may have to get the mileage up.

When I was running a lot, I had good success using the following weekly template, not necessarily in this order:

10 miles, 2 minutes/mile slower than race pace. (could go less, since you are aiming at 2 miles, not 6.)
1 hour interval workout at the track, balls-out, every distance from 100 m to 800 m, multiple sets.
Tempo run, about race pace for about race distance or a bit longer.
2 "recovery runs", 3-4 miles at 2 minutes/mile slower than race pace.
2 days off. Could lift on your recovery run days.

I did this once for about 4 months when I was in my 20s, and shaved my 10k time down from 47 minutes to 40 minutes, which is a 6:27 pace for 6.2 miles. Based on that and my 800 m times, I probably could have hit the 12 minutes for 2 miles standard.

Good luck!

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:52 pm
by spemma
10 miles, 2 minutes/mile slower than race pace. (could go less, since you are aiming at 2 miles, not 6.)
  • what do you mean when you say " 2 miles, not 6"?
  • what race pace? 2-minutes slower than a 10-mile race pace, or the 2-mile race pace? guessing the latter...

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:52 pm
by WallBilly
spemma wrote:10 miles, 2 minutes/mile slower than race pace. (could go less, since you are aiming at 2 miles, not 6.)
  • what do you mean when you say " 2 miles, not 6"?
  • what race pace? 2-minutes slower than a 10-mile race pace, or the 2-mile race pace? guessing the latter...
I was training for 10k's at the time, so my long run would be 10 miles at 2 minutes per mile slower than the pace I was hoping to run my 10k in. So if I was aiming for a 40 minute 10k (6:27 pace), I'd do my weekly 10 miler at 8.5 minutes per mile. This is classic TB LSS, even though it was 30 years ago!

For a 2 mile "race" target, I still think it would be very beneficial to include a much longer run each week at a slower pace. This is very consistent with TB's LSS and E foundational principles. For a 2 mile race, maybe it doesn't have to be 10 miles, but I would not go less than 6.

Like I said in a thread a couple of months ago (that KB agreed with):

If you want to go really fast for X miles in a race or PFT, in training, you should go:

A lot faster than target race pace for shorter distances;


A lot longer at a pace substantially slower than race pace.

(Or something like that.)

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:11 pm
by TopGun
Thank you WallBilly,
that running program is great!

Doing some more focussed "runners" training for 3 months before the test, is a great advice and i will use your program along with TB Fighter!

What would you recommend till the 3 months arrive? I have got 18 months.

Switching between Basebuilding and something like OP/Black Professional for example?

Even if i have to work on my running times, it would be great to increase my lifts too.

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:04 pm
by WallBilly
TopGun wrote:Thank you WallBilly,
that running program is great!

Doing some more focussed "runners" training for 3 months before the test, is a great advice and i will use your program along with TB Fighter!

What would you recommend till the 3 months arrive? I have got 18 months.

Switching between Basebuilding and something like OP/Black Professional for example?

Even if i have to work on my running times, it would be great to increase my lifts too.
Your fitness numbers look very good all around. I've been very pleased with Operator and Black Professional as a baseline program when I am not too active in sports. The "Professional" part of Black just ensures one long run every week, which I think will be a benefit for you. You could do "Fast 5's" which is an aggressive 5k for one of your HICs at least every other week, and which would be good for your 2 mile test in the future. You can't beat Apex Hills for another HIC once a week if that is available to you. 600 m (or even 800 m) resets would be another HIC that would benefit your 2 mile run. I would mix 'em up, but always keep an LSS every week. KB says at least every other week, but I find that the weekly run really helps me a lot more than every other week (but I'm an old fart.)

Then switch over to Fighter and an aggressive running program to try to get your 2 mile time down. You're already pretty close, but those gains get harder when you get to lower times. Depending on how you are progressing on your 2 mile time, 2 or 3 months may be enough to get you over the finish line in under 12 minutes.

I do throw in a traditional 8 week base building every year, but you have to watch your timing with the PFT. I'd be a bit worried about going from Base to Fighter/Running, too much opportunity to lose strength. Maybe go Operator Black Pro, then base build about a year in advance, then 6 months or so of Operator Black Pro again, then switch over to running and fighter?

You may not need to switch over depending on how your Operator/Black/Pro goes and affects your times.

Re: Have to prepare for a PFT - Need some advice

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:06 pm
by TopGun
Now i know what to do and i am sure that it will work.

Thank you again for your help!