JJSwatt99's training log

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JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Just completed my first day of base building.

This morning I ran for 30 minutes for a little over 2.5 miles and an average HR of 138.

About 20 minutes ago I did my SE work utilizing the Alpha circuit concept. My cluster is Chin-ups(1/2 the given reps, so 5 for week 1), Push-ups, Bulgarian Split Squats(given reps per leg, so 10/leg for week 1), DB swings @40#, Sit-ups with 40# db. The first 3 exercises I did with 25# in a backpack.

Overall I feel really good today and am looking forward to my long run tomorrow.

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Re: JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Day 2 done. Today was my long run for the week so I ran for a hour for a distance of 5.37 miles and a average HR of 145. Tomorrow will be a repeat of Monday's workout.

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Re: JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Day 3 done. Morning workout was another 30 minute run. Total distance was 2.5 miles and average HR was 133. Afternoon workout was the same SE Circuit as Monday. Overall I'm feeling pretty good so far.

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Re: JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Day 4 done. Today I ran 40 minutes for a distance of 3.52 miles and a average HR of 143.

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Re: JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Week 1 done.
AM workout was a 30 minute run for a distance of 2.58 miles and a average HR of 136.
PM workout was the same SE circuit as Monday.
Got pretty excited with my run this morning because at the beginning of the week I was running at about a 13 minute pace to remain within HR restrictions however towards the end of today's run I was running a sub 11:00 pace and my heart rate was only 140.

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Re: JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Running totals for the week: 16.49 miles at a average HR of 139.

Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:27 pm

Re: JJSwatt99's training log

Post by JJSwatt99 »

Week 2
Day 1
AM: 40 minute run for a distance of 3.67 miles and a average HR of 143.
PM: SE 3 rounds of 10 chin-ups with weighted backpack, 20 push-ups with weighted backpack, 20/leg Bulgarian split squats with weighted backpack, 20 swings with a 40# db, and 20 sit-ups with a 40# db.
Had to break the chin-ups on the last round and the Bulgarian split squats just suck in general but other than that everything's going well so far.
Day 2
70 min run for 6.57 miles and a average HR of 146. I probably should have mentioned this earlier but for running I'm following the Maffetone Method which for me equals a max aerobic HR of 158.
Day 3
AM: 40 min run for 3.76 miles at an average HR of 143. Felt good and even though the pace was faster it felt easier than last weeks runs.
PM: Same SE circuit as Monday. I don't know what my deal was with this but it felt way harder than Monday's session. Having said that the only thing I had to break on was the Chin-ups and the session only lasted 45 seconds more than Monday's.
Day 4
50 minute run for a distance of 4.53 miles and an average HR of 143. Started off super slow and beat up today but after 1.5 miles I was feeling good.
Day 5
I had an emergency come up today so I only had time for the run today. I ran 45 minutes for 4.76 miles at an average HR of 149.
Day 6
Normally I take Saturday and Sunday off but the lack of SE yesterday and wanting to workout today led to me doing this workout courtesy of Mark Divine of Sealfit
50 4-count Jumping Jacks, 25 Push-ups, 25 Divebombers, 50 Squats, 50 Monkey Squats, 25 Push-ups, 5 minute Plank, 50 4-Count Flutterkicks, 50 4-Count Mountain Climbers, 25 Push-ups, 25 Star Jumps, 50 Squats, 50 Leg Levers, and finally 50 Burpees. This sucked in a major way. I finished in 25:31 and my itch to workout today has been cured.
Week 2 Run Total
23.29 miles run at an average HR of 144.8.

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