Matt76's Training Log

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Matt76's Training Log

Post by matt76 »

Hey guys,

I've been using TB for just under 2 years and have been really liking it (was also my first foray into barbells).

I've been keeping a paper log for a long time, but figured it it was time to go electronic.

I'm 42, about 78kg, and 175cm. My maxes aren't startling by anyone's standards, but I think I'm making progress.
My goals are to stay long term healthy, put on some muscle, increase max strength, and be generally fit. TB appealed to me because it didn't mean having to sacrifice one fitness domain for another, and I could do it safely by myself ( I usually train alone).

After reading the books (including AA) and making some progress with Op I/A black, I decided to pull the pin and utilise the services of J-Madd to build me a specific program. He's been great and the design process was both smooth and very, very useful.
The result is going to have the priority focus on hypertrophy and strength (alternating blocks) with a bit of GPP stuff thrown in and then a base build come January / Feb when it's summer here in Australia.

So here's day 1 (start of the hypertrophy block). I'm hoping to train Monday to Friday with the weekend off. Ideally, it'll be three days of lifting (Mon/Wed/Fri) one day for a LSS run (tuesday) and one day of HIC (Apex Hills on Thursday). I'm using a training max on everything apart from the Weighted Pull Ups. The schedule will change slightly when I move into the max strength block.

Day 1

Squats (75%) - 70kg: 3 X 5
Press (75%) - 40kg: 3 X 5
Pull Ups (75%) - 78kg (Body Weight) - 3 X 5
(3 minute RI's)

The Bear: Press (80%) - 42kg - Lifted on the minute every minute for 15 minutes. Was hoping to get sets of 5, but that didn't work out. Instead, it was: 1 X 5, 6 X 3, 8 X 3.

Ab Roll out: 6 X 3 with 30 seconds RI.

All of the above took me about an hour which is exactly how long I've got. This was my first time with the bear, and to call it humbling is an understatement.

Anyway, I've started and look forward to continuing.
Thanks guys.


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Re: Matt76's Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome to online logging and good luck with TB!
Cheers, mate.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Matt76's Training Log

Post by matt76 »

Thanks for the encouragement Bark.

Day 2: 30 minute slow and steady run.



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Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:44 am

Re: Matt76's Training Log

Post by matt76 »

Hi all.

DAY 3:

Squat (75%) - 70kg: 3 X 5
Press (75%) - 40kg: 3 X 5
Pull Up (75%) - BW (78kg): 3 X 5

The Bear: Pull Ups at 80%. This was still Body Weight for me. I did 2 X 5, 9 X 3 and 4 X 2 (On the minute, every minute for 15 minutes)

Finisher: Off-Set Kettlebell Carry Complex (above head, then at rack position, then suitcase position then change hands) Did two rounds of these for a total of 5:06.



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