Walker377 TB Log

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 3

Wk 5 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 85% B3x5 85kg , S 3x5 117.5kg, WPU 3x5 20kg, 2x1min planks
T - HIC - Fast 5 1m WU, 3m @ 8:10mm, 1m CD.
W - As M but 5x5 for all.
T - HIC 24kg KB swings, 15LH, 15RH x2 then 12,10,8,6,4,2 for 228 swings in total.
F - As M but 5x5 for all.
S - E 60m run 60m 5.8m 10:22mm.

Another solid week, feeling comfortable on all lifts.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 3

Wk 6 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 95% B3x2 95kg , S 3x3 132.5kg, WPU 3x2 32.5kg, 2x1min planks
T - HIC - 10 x Hill Sprints
W - As M
T - HIC 24kg KB swings, 15LH, 15RH x2 then 12,10,8,6,4,2 for 228 swings in total.
F - As M
S - E 60m run 6.0m @ 9:57mm

Good week to finish the block, Squats felt great, BP and WPU were hard but manageable. Run felt good on Saturday probably as I swapped out the fast 5 for sprints this week so had less fatigue in the legs.

Few thoughts after this block and plan for the next.

I’ve not forced progresssion or tested my 1RM since I started TB after base building which was five months ago. I’ve never felt comfortable enough at the 90/95 weeks to feel I owned the weights enough to add more and I don’t feel my 1RM has significantly increased. My best lift pre BB (May) was 90kg x 6 for one set. At that point I was doing a different program benching three times a week, One max set on a reverse pyramid, and two sub maximal 5x10 sets (one flat one incline) so was hitting 124 reps per week (plus 50 dips) vs 75 on the 80% week as an example. Perhaps I respond better to volume in this lift. This block I felt comfortably uncomfortable on the 95% week so will increase by 2.5kg for the next block but my progress on this lift in particular is very slow. I think my set up is ok, only other thing I can think of doing is extending my warm ups to add some more volume in at sub maximal weights each week. At the moment I work up from 1x5 at 50kg to the working sets in 20kg increments, so for 90kg I’m doing 1x5 at 50kg, 1x5 at 70kg then the working sets.

I’ve not increased this lift since July either but for different reasons. I injured my back deadlifting and for a long time I have been dealing with residual pain and reduced range of movement which impacted my squat. I’ve not had any pain for a while now, depth is good and the 95% weights felt relatively easy this block so I will increase by 5kg for the next block.

I’ve increased this weight once since July by 2.5kg and I feel pretty strong in this lift with +32.5kg in the 95% week despite it being the final lift each day. For the next couple of blocks I’m going to swap this out for weighted chin ups to give my shoulders and elbows a slightly different movement but essentially hitting the same muscles. I expect the weights will be broadly comparable to WPU but will asssess after 6 weeks.

Having tried Deadlifting again at the beginning of November and pulling my back again just at 90kg when I was pulling 147kg 6 months earlier I’ve kept away from them and have used KB swings as a finisher or HIC. I’m not sure whether this is form or mobility or probably both but will not look to include them in the next block as this block has gone so well.

Will continue with Fast 5, Sprints, 60min E once a week and KB swings. As this is working reasonably well. Planks as a finisher this block have gone well so will increase the rounds slightly.

Diet / Weight
Weight is currently 88kg, I started BB at 87kg then lost a couple down to ~85kg so I have put on 3kg during the last 5 months. My arms, shoulders and back are visibly larger but I have layed down some fat as well. I’ve not tracked my calories for a while but did a few days as a test in early December and my eye is still pretty good. Still averaging around 150g of protein per day and around 3,000 calories. Maybe need to push my calories up a little through protein to progress my bench further though don’t want the fat gain from a bulk.

Next block
Will continue with OP / Black professional for the next two blocks then either do BB (MS first) or 9 weeks of Fighter green as written in the book. Both looks pretty similar if E is done as LSS. I expect both will give me a break from the weights and allow me to progress my conditioning. My year is not up until the end of May however I want to get this done before the summer as I live in Southern Europe and running in the heat is tough. After that I may look at one of the new Mass templates if it becomes available on Kindle or I can get the book.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Walker377 wrote:I live in Southern Europe and running in the heat is tough.
May I ask what part of it?
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Barkadion wrote: May I ask what part of it?
Andalucía - Southern Spain

In the summer it gets up to high 30C / early 40C which is ok for MS but just moving outside can be a workout on its own even late in the evening. I’m from the UK and not adapted to the heat!

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Walker377 wrote:
Barkadion wrote: May I ask what part of it?
Andalucía - Southern Spain

In the summer it gets up to high 30C / early 40C which is ok for MS but just moving outside can be a workout on its own even late in the evening. I’m from the UK and not adapted to the heat!
Beautiful part of the Europe. Hiking is awesome! And yes, it can get very hot there! I can see how Englishman can get into survival mode there :) cheers!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 4

Wk 1 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 70% B5x5 72.5kg, S 5x5 102.5kg, WPU 5x5 5kg, 3x1min planks
T - HIC - 24kg KB swings, 15LH, 15RH x2 then 12,10,8,6,4,2 for 228 swings in total
W - As M
T - HIC - ME2, 24kg KB swings and Burpees, 10 rounds
F - As M
S - E 60m run 6.0m @ 9:51mm

Swapped out my normal fast 5 for ME2 as has a minor calf issue. Not done that for a while and the burpees killed me. First week of WCU (swapped out WPU), felt it more in my chest and biceps.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 4

Wk 2 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 80% B3x5 82.5kg, S 3x5 115kg, WCU 3x5 17.5kg.
T - HIC - 10x Hill Sprints
W - As M but 5x5 and 3x1m Planks
T - HIC - ME2, 24kg KB swings and Burpees, 10 rounds
F - As W
S - E 60m run 6.0m @ 9:55mm

Cut the volume back to 3x5 on Monday as NYE and didn’t start the work out early enough. Rest of the week was fine, no issues.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 4

Wk 3 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 90% B4x3 92.5kg, S 4x3 130kg, WCU 4x3 30kg, 3x1m planks
T - HIC - 10x Hill Sprints
W - As M
T - HIC - Fast 5 1m WU, 3m @ 8:15mm, 1m CD
F - As M
S - E 59min run 6.0m @ 9:49mm.

Tried to keep the volume high so did 4x3. Squat and WCU were good, struggled on the bench on Wednesday and Friday missing the last rep on the fourth set. Both times rested a minute then completed a final single. Bench seems to be my nemesis!

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 4

Wk 4 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 75% B5x5 77.5kg, S 5x5 110kg, WCU 5x5 10kg, 3x1m planks
T - Rest
W - As M
T - HIC - Apex Hills x 10 with 24kg KB.
F - As M
S - E 61min run 6.0m @ 10:10mm.

Had a long work day on Tues so missed the HIC. Planned to make it up on the Friday but felt a bit under the weather so just kept to MS, 60min run on Sat was harder than usual due to this and pace dropped by 20 seconds a mile.

Tried Apex for the first time this week and it fried me. Short hills were a breeze next to this! Will be incorporating these now instead of short hills as the KB swings give my posterior chain more work as I’m not deadlifting. Three of the four HICs I’m rotating will now have KB swings (ME2, Apex Hills, KB swings - a J Madd session I read, Fast 5 being the only one without.)

Spent some time on Sunday watching BP tutorials to try and understand why I’m finding it so difficult to progress the lift. Got a couple of useful set up pointers and I have widened my grip by an inch each side to keep my forearms more vertical. I seemed to be a bit narrow which was putting more emphasis on triceps. Will see how this goes over the next few weeks.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 4

Wk 5 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 85% B5x3 87.5kg, S 5x3 122.5kg, WCU 5x3 22.5kg, 3x1m planks
T - HIC - ME2 with 24kg KB.
W - As M
T - HIC - Apex Hills x 4 with 24kg KB. 50 single handed KB swings each side.
F - As M
S - E 38min run 3.4m @ 11:05mm.

No issues on weights, all three felt really comfortable this week. Tweaked my calf on the fourth round of Apex Hills on Thursday. Finished the HIC off with 50 single handed KB swings on each side as this doesn’t really impact calf’s. Shortened and slowed Saturdays run to manage it. I get these tweaks semi regularly so know it will be fine by Tues / Wed next week.

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