close_fox TB Log

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 13
Operator + Black Pro
Week 6; Block Review

6.1, 6.3, 6.5
Weights felt good. I did two reps every set.
6.1 finisher: KB swing 5x10@53lbs
Other finishers CANX due to time constraints.

It was raining sideways during my only window to PT. Started out the door and thought, "I don't want to run in the pouring rain. It's an easy conditioning week anyway." So I hit up the old standby "better than nothing" HIC: sandbag clean + press. 30 reps.

CANX for late BS at work.

CANX. Family time had priority. And I got a bunch of quasi-E at work on day 6.5.

Block review

I started typing this section with: "In terms of absolute training quality, this was an OK block. 8/10."

However, after reviewing all my notes, this might be my favorite block I have done since starting TB. Work seriously got in the way, but I found solutions. No missed MS, which is huge. I can approximate HIC and E at work. But only front squats are front squats. And I legitimately got all the HIC and E stimulus. It just wasn't all focused running sessions like I wanted. I did some doubles. I structured work stuff to resemble HIC or E as needed. I don't want to do that long term, but it is what it is. I can't schedule my life/job around TB.

So, all things considered, this was actually a great block. I found solutions and got it done.

Looking ahead

My wife finished her 1st block of continuation as well. Very proud of her. She is motivated to retest her 1RMs, which makes sense because she is reaping beginner gains. I will most likely join her. We get some unspoken accountability from being on the same schedule, so I want to keep that going.

For Block 14 I plan on increasing my MS effort in some way, whether that means

- increasing my TM based on my new 1RM,
- force progression, or
- keeping my Block 13 TM and committing to 4 sets vice 3.

I will have to evaluate my new 1RM in light how if feels (and how the Block 13 weights felt).

MS template & Cluster

No change. You will have to pry Operator from my cold dead hands. BP/FSQ/WPU continues.

WPU calculation is giving me some trouble. For Block 13, I calculated my TM and %s using the bodyweight + added weight method. This resulted in the following:

Week 1: BW
Week 2: BW
Week 3: +weight (negligible)
Week 4: BW
Week 5: BW, but I added negligible weight because otherwise Week 5 3x3 would have been "lighter" than Week 2 3x5.
Week 6: +weight (decent but nowhere near a true 95%TM effort)

Overall, my WPU sets were extremely light compared to BP and FSQ effort. I really only did one week with any kind of legit weight.

The other option is to calculate my TM based just on the added weight. That looks pretty heavy, especially for Weeks 1, 2, and 4 (five reps per set). Maybe I will try that method, but with an 80% TM.

Conditioning Template & sessions

Black Pro continues. Running. I need the 1 E per week. Mentally and physically. No change to HIC/E sessions. I have found my ideal mix of running sessions. 60:120 repeats, Fast 5 (w/ 20min cap), and 45-60min E. I would prefer to alternate 60:120 with Standard Issue Hills, but I currently live in a very flat location. Oh well.


I tried one finisher per MS session during Block 13, and I hated it. KB swings, plank, and PT (push-ups and sit-ups). I think I missed two each of plank and PT due to time constraints.

I don't really like the idea of finishers at all. Putting a finisher on every MS session feels like trying to do everything all the time. Maybe I am a purist. I want to do the main work (whatever that is) and get out.

I am feeling the KB swings, though. So those are staying. I am probably gonna pick up the KB progression from Ageless Athlete in Block 14.

I will get push-ups and sit-ups at other times, probably before/during/after Day 6 E. But I am not going to program them as a finisher.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Post-Block 13 Test update

275 stuck and failed about 3/4 of the way up. The rep felt so shitty I would not have "claimed" 275 for Block 14 even if I had locked it out. Calling it 260. I didn't bother trying for 270 (nor making a second attempt at 275).

260 went up pretty easily. Stopping here. I could have gotten 10, maybe 15 more lbs. But it's not worth it to push 100% to find out. Basically confirmed a force progression of 10lbs.

For both BP and FSQ, the net result is I'm force progressing 10lbs despite today's testing session.

+75 for one ugly but legit rep. I am going with an 80% TM based on added weight for Block 14. The bodyweight + added weight method just isn't doing it for me. I could live with one or maybe two weeks of BW only due to % calculations. But not a repeat of Block 13, where I basically didn't do WPU at all. The 80% TM will let me add honest weight every week.

My wife went as follows:

+5 to 95

+10 to 165

APU (Asst pull-ups)
-5 assistance to 95

She wanted to see more improvement, but +5 upper body and +10 lower body is great for one block.

Today's testing was fun, but there's no denying we are burning a week that could have been Week 1 of our new Blocks. Like me, her resulting #s are basically the same as force progression. For that reason, we will probably wait 12 weeks before testing again (potentially force progress after the next six week block).
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 14
Operator + Black Pro
Week 1

Opened it up a little here. Four sets vice my usual three. Three minutes rest vice my usual five. This was fine for BP and FSQ. WPU was kind of a disaster. After some serious thought, I think I have arrived at a somewhat novel solution for WPU. I will take notes as the block progresses and probably do a separate WPU post in the future.

Fast Five (20min cap)
I am feeling yesterday's "immoderate and stupid" (as it's called in my favorite line from AA) trifecta of increased weight, increased volume, and decreased rest. I am also sick, so that could be a factor. All symptoms are "above the neck," so I pushing through.

I need to reign it in a little bit. I've been playing a to loose with changes and substitutions.

3 sets, 4-5min rest. Still feeling a little soreness from 1.1. I am also sick, so that could be a factor. All symptoms are "above the neck," so I pushing through.

Outside, no streetlights, plenty of potholes. Ran hard, but didn't sprint because I was worried about hitting a pothole and getting injured. Not a great session.

3 sets, 5min rest. My usual order is BP/FSQ/WPU. Did WPU/FSQ/BP today for no real reason. BP felt especially good today. Maybe because I was warmed up more than I usually am for BP.

Run 52min
Pretty gassed at the end. Sleep sucked this week because I can't stop coughing. Feeling a little better though. Hopefully good sleep tonight and recovery tomorrow.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 14
Operator + Black Pro
Week 2

4 sets, 5min rest. I have been getting 4 sets on day 1 of each week vice my usual 3. Feels good so far.

Fast 5 (20min cap)
Hard run. Really opened it up during minutes 11-17. Crashed a little right at the end, but kept pushing. One of the best runs I’ve had during the past several blocks.

Back to three sets. Felt pretty heavy.

20min fast walk including 4x30sec sprints
Had been up for 48 hours due to a training session at work. When I got home, knew I had to keep moving or I would pass out and my HIC would not happen. Wife was leaving for her HIC walk so I tagged along. Didn’t want to totally abandon my plan, so I threw in 4x30sec sprints. Went as hard as I could. Not very fast. Felt the ground pulling my legs down. Not the session I wanted, but I’m glad I got the work done.

Three sets, five min rest. Weights felt really heavy. As of now, I don’t think I’ll be force progressing next block. Not sure I owned the weights this week.

45min run
Started slow. Quick pace for a good bit of the run. Not running hard but light, fast feet. Felt good.

Can't remember if I mentioned this elsewhere. I'm following the KB progression from AA (two days per week, reps = to MS weight %). So 4x20 this week. 3x20, 1x10 last week.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 14
Operator + Black Pro
Week 3

4 sets; 5min rest

My streak of four sets on Day 1 continues. Pushed KB swings to another day bc of time. I prefer to do them on days 1 and 5. Doesn't really matter though.

HIC (easy week)
Fast 5 (15min cap)

3 sets; 5min rest

KB swing 90
4x20, 1x10; 2min rest

KB sets before, between, and after BP sets.

HIC (easy week)

3 sets; 3min rest due to time

KB swing 90
4x20, 1x10

Swings 1
WPU sets
Swings 2
FSQ sets
Swings 3
BP sets (Swings 4 after BP set 1)
Swings 5

30min run
Long day on the range. Plenty of slow, low intensity movement. Could have justified counting work as E today, especially because this was week 3 - easy conditioning. But I wanted to end the week the right way. Slow 30min run. The bare minimum in terms of training. But I got a pretty big dose of E stimulus when you add up everything I did today.

Notes: This week confirmed it: I will be stayed with the same TM for my next block. Some time pressure this week. Had to hide KB swings in between sets of other exercises. Maintained the RI golden rule though. Early AM sessions every day this week except 3.6. I feel so much better all day after an early AM workout. Work would have wreaked havoc if I had tried to PT in the evenings this week. Really takes the stress off to know I've got the day's PT in the bank. Downside is I hate the feeling of working out fasted.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Likes »

I agree on the early AM training. I love that nothing can get in the way of training and you've trained before most people are out of bed
But the getting out of bed part and training fasted ...

Keep up the good work!

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

close_fox wrote: Early AM sessions every day this week except 3.6. I feel so much better all day after an early AM workout. Work would have wreaked havoc if I had tried to PT in the evenings this week. Really takes the stress off to know I've got the day's PT in the bank. Downside is I hate the feeling of working out fasted.
I've been doing early mornings for very long time. It is not easy but this is the only way to train with my schedule. I have tried different approaches to it and my best one so far is having caffeine and protein powder before the training session and being careful with the warm-up and mobility drills. I need get upright and get some spinal fluid moving if I am about to squat..

Good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 14
Operator + Black Pro
Week 4

4 sets; 5 min rest
Pushed KB swings bc of time.

Fast Five (20min cap)

AM session didn't happen. Had to stay at work late. Missed the session. Moving on.

3 sets; 5min rest
KB swings 4x20


3 sets; 3min rest
KB swings 4x20

40min run
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 14
Operator + Black Pro
Week 5

4 sets; 5min rest

KB swings 4x20

Weight felt solid. WPU was heavy.

Fast 5 (20min cap)

Ran at night. No streetlights + pot holes. Took quite a spill. Banged my knee and wrist pretty good. Lucky I didn't get injured.

3 sets; 3min rest


3 sets; 3min rest

KB swings 4x20

60min run

Was looking forward to this run all week, but it wasn't great. Got that feeling where you can't breathe all the way deep down. Probably because I ate a bunch of garbage for lunch.

Notes: Another week down. All early AM sessions except 5.2. Nothing really to report. Two of my MS days this week had 3min RIs due to time. I think it affected my runs. I much prefer 5min RIs.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 14
Operator + Black Pro
Week 6

4 sets; 5min rest
KB swing 4x20, 1x10
Notes: 2 reps per set. Put swings before, between, after BP to save time. Maintained at least 2min RI at all times.

HIC (easy week)
Fast 5 (15min cap)

6.3 & 6.5
3 sets; 3min rest
KB swing 4x20, 1x10 (6.5)

Notes: Dropped down to 1 rep for these sessions. The bare minimum. Put swings before, between, after BP to save time. Maintained at least 2min RI at all times.

HIC (easy week)

Notes: Planned on doing five reps, but I was back home after four.


Notes: Failed to get out of bed in the morning. Had to stay at work late. Missed session. Gives me two missed conditioning sessions for this block.

Block 15
Operator + Black Pro
Week 1

Preliminary Notes: Keeping same BP and FSQ TM for this block. Got 4 sets on each Day 1 during Block 14. Back to 3 sets this block. Legs feel great after all the KB swings last block. Same plan for this block w/ increased weight. Will also focus on pushing run intensity and distance.

3 sets; Mostly 3min rest
KB swings

BP sets
Swing 20
Swing 20
WPU sets
Swing 20
FSQ sets
Swing 10

Fast 5 (20min cap)

3 sets; 3min rest


3 sets; mostly 3min rest

Swing 20
WPU sets
FSQ sets
Swing 20
BP sets (Swing 20 after BP set 1)
Swing 10

Run 60 min
Good run. Pushed hard in the middle and again towards the end. Earbuds died at 59min mark; dodged a bullet there.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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