Walker377 TB Log

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Aiwacht wrote:Great log, very helpful as I'll be planning more LSS in my future for bikepacking.

On the calf, have you tried the Stick? When I could run better (and so run more!) I used to get tweaks in my left calf that work with the Stick (originally just a piece of pipe) worked out. I've used hammer handles, dowels, even dumbbell handles.
Thanks, I’ve not run a green block yet but have always kept some form of LSS running in as I enjoy it.

I’ve never tried the stick, plenty of foam rolling and golf ball rolling though. Even when running a lot I used to go through phases of continually tweaking my soleus muscle. Tried stretching, physio, tape, trainer fitting, compression sleeves, high drop trainers, low drop trainers and never got an answer so I have just lived with occasionally going through patches of tweaking it. It’s not a serious injury and within a week I can run again but it tends to happen a few times then i get a break for 6 months of it not happening.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Walker377 wrote:
Aiwacht wrote:Great log, very helpful as I'll be planning more LSS in my future for bikepacking.

On the calf, have you tried the Stick? When I could run better (and so run more!) I used to get tweaks in my left calf that work with the Stick (originally just a piece of pipe) worked out. I've used hammer handles, dowels, even dumbbell handles.
Thanks, I’ve not run a green block yet but have always kept some form of LSS running in as I enjoy it.

I’ve never tried the stick, plenty of foam rolling and golf ball rolling though. Even when running a lot I used to go through phases of continually tweaking my soleus muscle. Tried stretching, physio, tape, trainer fitting, compression sleeves, high drop trainers, low drop trainers and never got an answer so I have just lived with occasionally going through patches of tweaking it. It’s not a serious injury and within a week I can run again but it tends to happen a few times then i get a break for 6 months of it not happening.
I find golf/lacrosse boll rolling to be the best personally.

On a side note.. i find that any recurring injuries i have respond very well to relaxation drills such as meditation, deep breathing and so. You need to break your body/ mind program that puts you into injury pattern. Just my 2c..

Good luck.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 6

Mass BB Wk6

M 3x10
T LSS 3m 30min run 10mm
W 3x20
T LSS 3m 30min run 10mm
F 3x30
S LSS 3m 30min run 10mm

Mass BB complete.

Few thoughts on Mass BB.

I never really got my head round the weights and rep ranges through the week. The final 3x30 session each week was the only one that was remotely challenging, the 3x10 and 3x20 sessions were very easy. It’s hard to say what benefit I’ve got from it right now as I’ve not transitioned into a continuation block but Mass BB was significantly easier than the standard BB.

LSS wise I dropped 10 seconds off my mile time at the same AHR (140). I think this was limited as I was already running Black Pro which included 60min of LSS running once a week vs 90min three times a week in Mass BB.

Overall if I had my time again I would run the standard BB as I think I would have gained a greater benefit in both SE and LSS. I understand that the Mass BB is designed to transition into a Mass continuation, but the Mass BB didn’t seem focussed enough for me on the E domain to see any significant improvement.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Plan for block 7

I’m moving onto Grey Man with the following clusters.

Bench, Squat

Pull Ups, KB Swings


Squats, Ring Dips

I’ve continued with my plan of not including DL due to past issues so have substituted this with WCU. Though I have included KB work to keep the hip hinge movement.

Conditioning wise I will be keeping the LSS running, sprints and perhaps some rucking.

First 3 weeks I will keep a 90% training max to ease myself back into weights as I’ve not lifted anything heavy for 6 weeks. I’ve kept the S clusters to two to see how I go first and how long the workouts take.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Now that was an experience I won’t forget!

5x8 Bench was good, 5x8 Squats and my legs went to jelly, struggled to walk after even using a 90% TM. No way I was doing KB Swings after that so completed the pull ups then added Facepulls. May need to re-evaluate having squats in both my clusters for this block and move the KB Swings to day two. Will see how I recover in the next 48 hours.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 7

Grey Man Wk1

M 5x8 Bench 62.5kg, 5x8 Squat 97.5kg, 4x6 PU BW, 4x12 Facepulls
T LSS 3.5m 35min run
W 5x8 OHP 37.5kg, 5x8 WCU BW, 4x12 Squat 75kg, 4x5 Ring Dips.
T LSS 2.5m 28min run
F As M
S LSS 2.5m 27min run

First week complete and it was tougher than I expected even after the warning in the book. Friday was easier than Monday as I guess I’m still getting used to moving heavier weights after 6 weeks of BB and I need to get used to it again. Clusters went as planned other than I had to remove KB Swings from Monday and sub with facepulls as there was no way I was going to complete them after the squats.

I will keep the Facepulls for this three week block and then look to add the KB Swings in on the next block once I’m more adapted to the volume.

I really enjoyed the variety this week after doing Operator for the best part of a year but the workouts are significantly longer with all coming in over an hour including warm up.

My Strong app logs my total KG lifted per session and this came in at 10,066kg for cluster 1 and 10,314kg for cluster 2. My heaviest workout on Op was the 80% week which came in at 7,633kg the last time I did it.

Looking forward to a recovery day tomorrow and starting next week.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 7

Grey Man Wk2

M 5x6 OHP 40kg, 5x6 WCU 5kg, 4x10 Squats 80kg, 4x6 Ring Dips
T HIC 5 x Sprints
W 5x6 Bench 67.5kg, 5x6 Squats 102.5kg, PU 4x7 BW, 4x12 Facepulls 35kg.
T LSS 3.5m 35min run
F As M
S LSS 2.5m Speed Walk 40min

Good week, managed squats much better. Based on how this week went I will be able to add in a couple of additional exercises into the high rep clusters from the start of my next block.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 7

Grey Man Wk3

M 5x3 Bench 72.5kg, 5x3 Squat 107.5kg, 4x8 PU BW, 4x12 Facepulls
T LSS 60min Walk
W 5x3 OHP 42.5kg, 5x3 WCU BW plus 10kg, 4x8 Squat 87.5kg, 4x7 Ring Dips.
T LSS 60min Walk
F As M
S LSS 60min Walk

First block of Grey Man complete. Far to early to make any conclusions, I’m enjoying the variety and the inclusion of OHP but I’m not liking the time taken and the calculations, Op was so much easier.

First week was tough coming off BB but second week went well. Third week felt too easy at 5x3 vs Operator 5x5 at 80%.

I’m continuing the same block again but I’ve upped my maxes by 5% on the conservative 90% TM I was using after BB. Not altering the clusters at this point.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Block 8

Grey Man Wk1

M 5x8 OHP 40kg, 5x8 Chin Up BW plus 5kg, 4x12 Squat 80kg, Dips 4x6 BW.
T LSS 60min Walk
W LSS 60min Walk

Then my week went to pot with work. Not much I can do about it, sometimes happens. Not managed to summon the will power to start the week today, another couple of days and it will be back to normal and I can get back into it.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Ended up taking the whole week off due to some accumulated fatigue both physical and mental due to work.

Started again last week but have gone back to OP/Black Pro. Two main reasons for this. Firstly OP/Black requires just over half the time of GreyMan and is less draining. Secondly I don’t have to think about it which is a big plus for me when I have other things going on. I know the reps, sets days etc and can just get it done.

Nothing against Greyman at all and when I can prioritise more time into training and recovery I will give it (or another Mass program) another bash, but for now consistency is key and I know I can be consistent on OP/Black.

Block 8 restart.

Wk 1 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 70% B5x5 72.5kg, S 5x5 102.5kg, WCU 5x5 5kg.
T - HIC - Hill Sprints
W - As Mon
T - HIC - Apex Hills x 5 with 24kg KB
F - As M
S - LSS 50min run / hill walk.

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