Justin's Training Log

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Justin's Training Log

Post by jrice »

Hi Everybody.

I hope to update this weekly. I'm coming into the TB program with 12-weeks of a linear progression powerlifting program behind me. Not exactly veteran stuff. My back round is generally endurance sports mainly long distance running. Since my first child arrived in 2014 that was all thrown on the back burner and have not regularly trained up until 12 weeks ago.

TB appealed to me because I can run and strength train. I've decided to start with base build and will probably start operator after the 8-week block. Still not fully sure what I'll do but I've committed to the base build block for the meantime.

Main goal - lose the dad bod. I'm turning 40 in January 2019 I'd like to see my abs sometime before then.

I started 12 weeks ago as mentioned, I was 27% body fat according to the navy body fat calculator and 170lbs at 5'9". I'm not hung up on the accuracy of this figure as long as its changing I'm happy. Today I'm 18% bf and weigh 156. I'm making good progress I feel. I plan on dropping another 8% to reach 10% I estimate that to be sometime around September. When I reach 10% I plan on putting a bit of mass. My lean body mass is a bit low I feel and maybe I'll switch to the mass template then but I'll be going into a caloric surplus at the very least. My diet is in check and currently eating 1900 cals per day.

I started base build two weeks ago and entering week three today.

Week 1 (WW18)
Sunday 28/04/2019
SE 3 x 20 Kettlebell Cluster
Swings 16kg
Goblet Squat 16kg
Renegade Rows 8kgx2 (felt a tad light)
Push Up bw 20, (15,5), (7,7,6)
Kettlebell Deadlift 20kg, 24kg, 24kg - easy

E – 30Mins – Felt ok HR elevated for some reason think I might have a cold. RPE definitely comfortable.

E – 30 Mins – HR a bit lower. Felt easier than yesterday. Wear socks for the next time! Blister on Right Foot

SE 2 x 20
Swings 16kg
Goblet Squat 16kg
Renegade Rows 10kgx2
Push Up bw 20,20
Kettlebell Deadlift 28kg – a bit easy

Turns out I got a tick bite! - body was reacting to a foreign body.

HR Better after tick removed

E 45-120Mins
Did 43mins LT test. Lactate threshold = 162bpm at a pace of 4:31/km


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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Welcome aboard!

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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by jrice »

THank you!

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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by jrice »

Week 2 (WW19)

Sunday 05/05/2019
Rest Day – Wifes's birthday

SE 3 x 30 Kettlebell Cluster
Swings 16kg
Goblet Squat 16kg
Renegade Rows 10kgx2
Push Up bw 30, (20,5,5), (17,6,4,3)
Kettlebell Deadlift 28kg – easy (was the biggest one available)

E – 40 Mins - 6.8km
Ran at easy pace 5:45/km calculated from https://runsmartproject.com/calculator/
Heart rate still out of zone2

Resting heart rate back below 50 bpm

E – 40 Mins
Heart rate out of zone2 even while running at suggested pace. Research suggests I'm aerobically unfit.

SE 2 x 30
Swings 16kg
Goblet Squat 16kg
Renegade Rows 10kgx2
Push Up bw 30, (22,3,3,2)
Kettlebell Deadlift 32kg – a bit easy 40kg just right

E 60Mins
Used new strategy. Ran and as soon as my heart rate went out of zone2 (145bpm) I walked until it came back into zone2. The average pace for the workout was 06:50/km will use this as my new easy pace.


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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by godjira1 »

good luck with the training!
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It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by jrice »

Thanks guys!

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Re: Justin's Training Log

Post by jrice »

Week 3 (WW20)

Sunday 12/05/2019
SE 3 x 40 Kettlebell Cluster
Swings 16kg
Goblet Squat 16kg
Renegade Rows 10kgx2
Push Up bw (30,4,4,2),(10,10,5,5),(8,8,8,8,5,3)
Dumbbell Deadlift 2x22.5kg 40,(30,10),(20,20)
Tough. Really tough.

E – 50 Mins @ 6:36/km. Covered 7.58km

E – 52 Mins @ 6:45/km. Covered 7.73km. Heart Rate spiking at the start – turns out my heartrate monitor needs to be slightly wetted.


SE 2 x 40
Swings 16kg
Goblet Squat 16kg
Renegade Rows 10kgx2
Push Up bw (25,6,4,3,2),(40 – no idea of the breakdown)
Dumbbell Deadlift 2x20kg (40)(40) - 5kg lighter than Sunday
Was hard and was glad there was only 2 rounds!

E 92Mins LSS @ 6:35/km
Covered 14km furthest in years. Found my "Run forever pace" could have run same again well probably not but felt like I could after. Managed to keep 65mins in Z2 and 25mins in Z3. So all Aerobic.

Rest - feel ok today. Can feel yesterdays run but in a good way.

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