close_fox TB Log

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

My two cents on calculating weights for pull-ups (I also weigh about 240): I just wing it. Currently, I use BW for week 1, add a 35lb plate for week 2, add a second 35lb plate for week 3. Repeat. I find that it puts me in the sweet spot for 'challenging' and I don't really worry about it beyond that. If it gets easy, I'll go up to 45lb plates, whatever. Like you've found, I think, the usual calculation tables just aren't the same for heavier weight classes.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

VenomousCoffee wrote:My two cents on calculating weights for pull-ups (I also weigh about 240): I just wing it. Currently, I use BW for week 1, add a 35lb plate for week 2, add a second 35lb plate for week 3. Repeat. I find that it puts me in the sweet spot for 'challenging' and I don't really worry about it beyond that. If it gets easy, I'll go up to 45lb plates, whatever. Like you've found, I think, the usual calculation tables just aren't the same for heavier weight classes.
Thanks for the input. Glad to hear I'm not the only bigger guy winging it for WPU.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 17
Fighter Bangkok + Green
Week 7 (fail)

Run 60min

MS + swings

3min fast, 3min recover x4

as 2, but no swings
Dead bug x10 before each BP set

Run 40min

Missed SE + long run

Solid week except for missing Day 6. My schedule dictates three weeks left in the Block. I'm gonna redo week 7, plus weeks 8 and 9 and call this Block done.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 17
Fighter Bangkok + Green
Week 7 (take two)

Run 60min

MS + swings

3min fast, 3min recover x5

as 2, but no swings

Run 40min

Run 70min

Pull-ups 5
Push-up 15
Sit-ups 15
Last edited by close_fox on Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 17
Fighter Bangkok + Green
Week 8

Run 60min

MS + swings

Swing #s are falling off as running piles up. Ready to taper, race, and rest,

3min fast, 3min recover x4

as 2, but no swings

Dead bug 3x10

Run 40min

20min slow
20sec hill, 1min walk down x5
20min faster

SE canx, no time
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

On leave. Realized I never posted Week 9 before I left. It's below. Taper week.

5k race went ok. My watch said 22:15, including a very slow start because I was bunched up in the "fun run" crowd. Took me about 60-90sec to get out of the crowd and start running.

I'm basically not training the rest of my leave. Doing a few long slow runs when I feel like it.

Not sure about my next block. I have been Green for a while, and I like it. I like the idea of alternating Op + Black and Green Standard. I need a good dose of HIC pain from my Airdyne. I really haven't used it much since I got it.

Block 17
Fighter Bangkok + Green
Week 9

Taper week, which just means I reduced E minutes a little. My volume wasn't that high to begin with. Dropped down to absolute bare minimum for MS.

Run 45min

Lifts: 1 set only
Swings 3x10

5min slow
60:120 x4
5min slow

As 2, no swings

Run 30min

Run 60min

Push-up 10
Sit-up 10
Pull-up 5

End block
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Making some notes here.

Back from leave. Kind of floating and thinking now. Want to get my next block started at the New Year, maybe a little before.

Coming off two long blocks of Fighter Bangkok + Green. About seven months of training, I think. Put in some good miles. Feel good on my long (for me) slow runs. My runs are 60+min, 6-8 miles without any trouble. No need/desire to go longer.

E: Feels good. I ran a 22min 5k recently without pushing very hard. Real time was a little lower because I was trapped by moms with strollers for over a minute at the start. I want to be comfortably sub-20 relatively soon. I need to get more intentional about swimming and rucking. I have been doing some (and not logging it).

MS: Confident I have maintained. Doubt I made much progress.

SE: Pretty good shape. I have been getting PT about once per week (Bangkok). Plus more when I was on leave.

HIC: Running HICs are fine. PT type HICs would suck more, but ok. Work capacity is probably my weakest domain right now.

Itching to return to Operator and Black (or Black Pro). Pushing HIC effort and maybe pushing MS volume (4-5 sets vice my usual 3). Need to keep some running in my life, but want to get some Airdyne and PT based HICs also. Swimming/rucking for E sessions.

But first, need to think about Base Building. I have a decent E base after my recent Green blocks. Could probably justify not doing BB this year. But I see BB as an annual necessity. 2020 is going to bring some training challenges (PCS and most likely a period of uncertain equipment availability). Want to check off my base building for the year before that fun starts.

Traditional or Strength First, not sure. Probably Traditional. Get some SE done, so I can hit MS (Op) without worrying about SE for a while. Push E minutes above the minimums. Maybe ruck and swim for some E sessions. Have to watch HR if I do that. I'm bad about pushing above target HR when I swim and ruck.

Priorities: Improve MS and HIC. Maintain E (including return to swim and ruck). SE to back burner after BB.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 18
Basebuilding (SE first)
Week 1

Pull-up 5/4/3
Sit-up 10
Push-up 10
Step-up 10 (total)
KB swing 10 (16kg)

No rest between exercises.
3min rest between circuits.

HR in 130s

RHR 62

Run 40min
140 avg HR

Had to walk a couple minutes a the beginning to get HR down. Stayed down after that.

RHR 57

Run 35min
138 avg HR

RHR 64

5min Airdyne warm-up

Pull-up 5/4/4
Other exercises 10/10/12
KB swing

No rest between exercises.
2min rest between circuits.

RHR 59


RHR 59


RHR 64

Run 50min
137 avg HR

Annual BB block. Wanted to do strength first, so went with SE first. Felt like strength first would be the easy way (this time).

For Week 1-5, gonna give myself the freedom to add SE and E sessions to reach the upper limit of the parameters in the text (2-3 SE, 3-5 E per week). Same with mode of E. I'm sure most E will be LSS running. But if I want to swim or ruck, I will.

Finally bought a GPS running watch. Using it to watch my HR during E sessions. I know wrist measurements are not 100% accurate. But I've checked this thing against manual testing, and it's pretty damn close. Using the talk test as a fail safe to ensure I am going slow enough. Staying in the 130s on the watch.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 18
Basebuilding (SE first)
Week 2

RHR 56

Pull-up 5/4/4
Other exercises 20/20/10
Same cluster, same rest

RHR 53

Run 45min

RHR 65

Run 40min

RHR 63

Pull-ups 5/5
Other exercises 20/20
No time for 3rd circuit

RHR 55

Step-up 20
Sit-up 20
KB swing 20
One circuit before run, one circuit after run

Fun run 47min
Pull-up 5/5
Push-up 20/20

Little bit of a compressed week due to scheduling. Used 2.5 to clean up some SE I missed earlier in the week. Don't want to make a habit of it, but no harm done.

I have noticed that drinking alcohol adds about 10 to my RHR the following day. Weird.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

close_fox wrote:I have noticed that drinking alcohol adds about 10 to my RHR the following day. Weird.
Dehydration is evil..
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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