OneOfManyRobs Training Log

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »

mikhou wrote:
OneOfManyRobs wrote:I think I needed at least one more warmup set on the squat, and my form is still probably bad. I'll deload it to 140 next time, and post video for feedback. Didn't have time to record lifting form this morning. Assist Chinups need more assist, I'll use my TRX heavy band next time.
I don't know what warm-up protocol you are using, but I like to use 4 evenly spaced jumps from the bar to my working weight at 5, 3, and 2 reps. Some people start with the bar x 5. (I never do this.) So If I am squatting 200 (and the bar is 45), it would look like this with the bar:

Bar (45) x 5 (Again, I usually don't do the bar. I just proceed to the 5 rep set below.)
85 x 5
125 x 3
160 x 2
200 (working sets)

If you're working weight is lower or higher, I still think that this is a good way to warmup. It eases you up to your working weight without wearing you out for your working weight. Some people would say that if your working weight is low, then you don't need warm-up sets. I've tried this and it didn't work for me so I stick with what I've outlined above.
Thanks! I realized that I've gotten ahead of myself on the weights, and am going to start basically at the bar and progress from there. As I add weight, I'll certainly keep this in mind. I really don't want to hurt myself, and I want to hit my targets most days.
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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


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OHP:                     Assist Chinups:               Squats:
5x45                     5xTRX heavy band              5x45   
5x45                     5xTRX heavy band              5x55
5x75                     5xTRX heavy band              5x55
3x107.5                                                5x55
Realized after failing the OHP sets that I had gotten too ambitious. I reset the Squat weight to the bar + 10 lbs, and I'll do the same with the other lifts. Every workout, I increase the lower body by 10 lbs and the upper body by 5 lbs, until I need smaller jumps. It's discouraging to fail sets on multiple lifts in a day, so I'm setting myself up for success.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by godjira1 »

It is part of the learning curve. Almost every guy I have trained with has gone through a stage where they bit off more than they can chew because the earlier weights felt easy.
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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »

godjira1 wrote:It is part of the learning curve. Almost every guy I have trained with has gone through a stage where they bit off more than they can chew because the earlier weights felt easy.
Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement. I figured there would be some flailing around on my part until I figure out what I'm doing.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


LSS, jog x 40 minutes

I'm already covering a bit more ground in the same amount of time. Hooray for newbie gains!
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


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Bench Press:                Deadlift:
5 x 45                             20 x 24kg two-handed swings
5 x 55                             5 x 135
5 x 55
5 x 55
Need a bit more warm-up on deadlifts. Not hurt, just felt stiff.

I think I'll try doing a couple weighed Turkish Getups as a warm up on lifting days. Shouldn't take more than a couple minutes, and they hit almost every muscle in the body.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

OneOfManyRobs wrote:12/12/2019:

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Bench Press:                Deadlift:
5 x 45                             20 x 24kg two-handed swings
5 x 55                             5 x 135
5 x 55
5 x 55
Need a bit more warm-up on deadlifts. Not hurt, just felt stiff.

I think I'll try doing a couple weighed Turkish Getups as a warm up on lifting days. Shouldn't take more than a couple minutes, and they hit almost every muscle in the body.
Personally, I find that even BW TGUs are great warmups..
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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


LSS: jog x 30 minutes
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


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OHP:                 Squat:                   Assist Chinup:
5 x 50               5 x 65                    5 x TRX heavy
5 x 50               5 x 65                    5 x TRX heavy
5 x 50               5 x 65                    5 x TRX heavy
Got home, went in the garage, punched the clock.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


LSS: 40 lbs weighted ruck x 50 minutes.

Pace was a tad slow, as I had my dog with me. Also, walking the dog while wearing a surplus military ruck and a clean hoodie in good repair apparently makes me look like a homeless person. Some guy offered me $10 because it was cold out. :lol:
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy

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