Building A Better Human

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Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Birthday Session.

45 was the aim of this birthday session.
45 weight used,reps done and cals completed every time the rower or AD6 was used. Move from one station to the next with minimal rest(although the rest may get longer after some stations)
Have the external load or more complex movements at the beginning of the session with more 'simple' body weight exercises coming towards the end of the session. (Necessary as cumulative fatigue sets in)
Tough work. Not my usual.....but what a first session to post on here 8-)
45c AD
45 Snatches (each arm, 45# KB used)
45c Row
Goblet squats
Z Press (BB only - 45#)
TRX Bodyrow
Squat Thrust + Push-up combo (1SqT/1PU/2SqT/2PU/3 of each up to 9, continuous 45 reps of each)
Leg Raises
BB Drag Curls

1hr 21 minutes solid effort.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by keenymeeny »

That squat thrust/push-up combo looks brutal!

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »


'tis indeed...... Getting to 7 continuous is going good..... Getting to 10 is excellent. (55 total Squat thrusts and 55 rest, continuous work...... Excellent strength endurance)

At that stage of the session, I barely made it through 7 and had to break before moving onto 8&9.

Enjoy, matey, have at 'er 8-)
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Last day of my 'stay-cation'.... the sun was out.... so after warming up with 2 hours of sanding the deck [f*ck me.... I hate DIY!!]..... I treated myself to a MTB Ride.

Was supposed to be a strength day.... but it was too nice to be in the gym....... so hit the trails I did.

I haven't been on my bike in a few months [after bruising my ribs on a fall]....and then with Bursitis of the knee...... so I thought of today as a tune up day.... stick to the logging roads. Included on this particular route is my nemesis.... a long hill within a 9 km incline...... it's only circa 2km long, but it just sucks the soul out of you.....first time out, it conquered me.... I then returned over other days and conquered it twice.... but each time I had to stop at the top before I passed out...... this time however....

With thanks to the Basebuilding and the various track sessions including my personal favourite of 2 min HARD effort / 4 minutes complete rest for 5 rounds [AD6 or Rower]...... I not only conquered the nemesis, it was done with style...and I was able to continue riding at the top.....did not have to stop at all...... recovered on the easy incline which followed it...... Very happy indeed.

However the heart stoppng moment came on the way down........ I always have music playing from the phone loudspeaker, and call out loud every now and again ...... out pops a black bear in front of me.... runs downhill in front of me.... about 30 - 40m we come to a LH corner he shoots off right into the bush and I pedal like a mofo around the corner to the left...... that was awesome [scary, could have decided to come at me....but didn't]

Anyhoooo..... stats for the session

1 hr 15 min Duration
179 HRM [Polar Flow Chest Strap and iphone App]
1073 cals burned
14.5km covered [9km is uphill]

Back at the Training Centre tomorrow, so will do the strength session then.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Moz69 »

Could that be classed as a training aid...being chased by a black bear... do you charge extra for that
Could be called Tactical Bear :lol:

Great to hear the benefits of BB coming through
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Strength day. (Fighter protocol)

80% week (or thereabouts)

Still watching that knee, so front squats were light and for reps...... The following are the work sets.

Fr Sq 4 X 5 @ 135#
OH press 4 X 5 @ 135#
Deadlift 1 X 5 @ 325#

I superset pull-ups between the sets of squats. Sets of 2 pull-ups...... All my elbow will allow me...... The volume I did last year prepping for GJ set off the elbow tendinitis. I do not recommend high volume of pull-ups. 3 times per week, Sets of 50 - 80 DHNK pull-ups done in sets of 2,3&5 allow the volume....but at the end it's still a high number of pull-ups.

Still, I'm happy that I'm able to do them again without pain......slow and steady to build them back up.

R.I 2.5 minutes except for deadlifts......that's minimum 3 minutes from last warmup set to the working set.

10 min Slow AD to cool down. 30-40RPM Max.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »


Repeat of Strength day earlier in the week.


AM session. 45 min Z2AD ride Fasted state.
pm session

Fobbit interval
30 Mins on clock
2 min Active Recovery AD Ride
20 Swings at 40kgKB

Repeat the 2 min Ride focus on recovery whilst maintaining leg speed.
10/10 snatches at 24 kg KB
Repeat the Ride

Repeat the above until total time of 30 mins has elapsed. No transition time between exercise and ride..... Just get on the bike.
Focus is on recovery in between bouts of exercise.
Good sweaty session
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

SE day.

After seeing the link for the Marsoc short card, I was intrigued........ I used it for today's SE training.

It was good fun.....

Immediately followed it by a 30 min run [HR < 143 bpm] along the trails behind the home.

Coming across fresh bear scat elevated the HR somewhat. Makes the trails a little more interesting for sure. 8-)

Next time I will incorporate the circuit into a 'fun' run. Stop every KM and do a section (seems to be 5 exercises to a section), then repeat for the whole card....... Make it a bit more of a challenge, focussing on recovery during the run.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Moz69 »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:SE day.

After seeing the link for the Marsoc short card, I was intrigued........ I used it for today's SE training.

It was good fun.....

Immediately followed it by a 30 min run [HR < 143 bpm] along the trails behind the home.

Coming across fresh bear scat elevated the HR somewhat. Makes the trails a little more interesting for sure. 8-)

Next time I will incorporate the circuit into a 'fun' run. Stop every KM and do a section (seems to be 5 exercises to a section), then repeat for the whole card....... Make it a bit more of a challenge, focussing on recovery during the run.

Steve as I said before TB is for tactical barbell not tactical bear :D
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Moz69 wrote:
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:SE day.

After seeing the link for the Marsoc short card, I was intrigued........ I used it for today's SE training.

It was good fun.....

Immediately followed it by a 30 min run [HR < 143 bpm] along the trails behind the home.

Coming across fresh bear scat elevated the HR somewhat. Makes the trails a little more interesting for sure. 8-)

Next time I will incorporate the circuit into a 'fun' run. Stop every KM and do a section (seems to be 5 exercises to a section), then repeat for the whole card....... Make it a bit more of a challenge, focussing on recovery during the run.

Steve as I said before TB is for tactical barbell not tactical bear :D
How about Tactical Beer? :D
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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