Islay_Malt's TB Log

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Continuation Week 2

Sun 26 July MS: Squat 165 x 5 x 3 sets, Bench 152.5 x 5 x 3 sets, BW Row x 8 x 3 sets

Mon 27 July E: 36 min walk/run

Tue 28 July Recovery: OS Reset

Wed 29 July E: 36 min walk/run

Thu 30 July MS: TB DL 175 x 5 x 1, Press 97.5 x 5 x 3, Squat 150 x 5 x 2, BW Row x 6 x 3

Fri 31 July E: 40 min walk/run

Sat 1 Aug Off

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Continuation Week 3

Sun 2 August MS: Squat 170 x 5 x 3 sets, Bench 155 x 5 x 3 sets, BW Row x 7 x 3 sets, Ab Wheel x 5

Mon 3 August E: 30 min run/walk

Tue 4 August Recovery: foam rolling, OS Resets, stretching

Wed 5 August E: 36 min run/walk

Thu 6 August MS: TB DL 185 x 5 x 1, Press 100 x 5 x 3, LT Squat 155 x 5 x 2, BW Row x 8 x 3

Fri 7 August E: 36 min run/walk

Sat 8 August Off

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Continuation Week 4 (Postponed)

Lost week due to illness. Out of work all week. The only good thing is I had two negative COVID tests.

Started to feel a little better over the weekend, so hopefully I’ll be back at it sometime this week.

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Sorry mate, not a good time to get sick for sure.. Get well!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Thanks Bark. Kind of frustrating, but it is what it is.

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Continuation Week 4

Sun 16 August Off

Mon 17 August MS: Squat 135, 155, 175, 135 x 5; Bench 140, 160, 180, 140 x 5

Tue 18 August E: 52 min walk/run

Wed 19 August Recovery: foam rolling, stretching, 30 min ugly, ugly yoga poses

Thu 20 August MS: TB DL 150, 170, 190, 150 x 5; Press 80, 90, 100, 80 x 5

Fri 21 August E: 40 min run/walk

Sat 22 August Off

MS: Finally felt like I was over being sick Monday night, so I did some basic easy lifts. It felt good to do something, anything.

Yoga: Did a pretty basic hip mobility “flow” from a book I have, but it made a mockery of the word flow. It was pretty brutal. I had to contort and do crazy compensatory moves just to get in the start position for some of the poses, never mind trying to increase the range of motion. As ugly as it was, I have to admit I felt pretty good for the rest of the day. I think it’s a keeper.

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Fighter Week 1

Sun 23 August MS: Incline bench 150 x 5 x 3 sets, TB DL 172.5 x 5 x 3 sets, BW Row x 6 x 3 sets

Mon 24 August E: 42 min run/walk

Tue 25 August M: Foam rolling, static stretches and 30 min of bad yoga

Wed 26 August MS: Incline bench 150 x 5 x 3, TB DL 172.5 x 5 x3, BW Rows x 7 x 3

Thu 27 August E: 36 min run/walk

Fri 28 August M: Foam rolling, static stretches and yoga

Sat 29 August Off

MS: I’m 100% guilty of program hopping. Just got sick of doing LP, and my workouts were taking 90 minutes plus. So after being sick for about a week I jumped into Fighter. My cluster is incline bench, trap bar DL and BW Row. I do the DeFranco Limber 11 as a warmup and start each workout with a superset of some kind of explosive move (KB swing or Med Ball throw) paired with a core anti-flexion exercise (plank, loaded carry, etc). I’m using a training max.

M: Decided that mobility needs to be a higher priority, so I added a second day dedicated to it. It’s what I need.

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Re: Islay_Malt's TB Log

Post by Islay_malt »

Fighter Week 2

Sun 30 August MS: Incline Bench 160 x 5 x 3, TB DL 185 x 5 x 2, BW Rows x 8 x 3

Mon 31 August E: Off. Sore heel, possible PF

Tue 1 September M: Foam rolling, stretching, yoga

Wed 2 September MS: Incline Bench 160 x 5 x 3, TB DL 185 x 5 x 2, BW Rows x 6 x 3

Thu 3 September E: Off again. If not better by next week I’ll get on a stationary bike.

Fri 4 September M: Same mobility work as Tuesday

Sat 5 September Off

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