Likes TB log

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - HIC
Fobbit intervals

Fri - Strength
Sq 3x5x127.5kg
Bench 3x5x77.5kg
Sumo 5/4/5x145kg

With losing weight that made the squats 1.5xBW. So repping that for 5 felt good

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Sat - Rest

Sun - E
1hr run

Mon - Strength
Sq 0/0 x 130kg warm-ups felt good then got stapled on my first reps of both sets. No idea why
Press 3x5x45kg
WPU +30kg 5/4/3

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Tues - HIC
Standard hills x4

Wed - Strength
Sq 3x5x130kg
Bench 3x5x80kg
Sumo DL 3x1x147.5kg
I was really crunched for time so had to hurry alot. I think it caught up to me when it was time to DL

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

THur - HIC
Devil's trinity 3 rounds

Fri - Strength
Sq 5/4/4x132.5kg
Press 2/4/3x47.5kg
WPU +20kg 3x5

Last strength session for this cut

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Sat - E
1hr run

Sun - Rest
Weight was 83.4kg this morning, but I don't think that was accurate.

Went to a all you can eat buffet this afternoon :). Tomorrow starts my week of eating at maintenance.

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

This week isn't going to be a full week of training so decide to test my maxes.

Hit 140 on squat and it looked smooth. Failed 145kg in the hole.
Hit 90kg on bench with ease for a double, got stuck with 100kg.

This confirms what I've been feeling: squat took a small hit, bench really suffered from the cutting. But all in all I'm not worried. I feel primed for some gains

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Took the rest of last week as a rest week. Started a new Op cycle and started my bulk, I was really excited to train again.

Squat 5x5x105kg
Bench 5x5x70kg
WPU BW+5kg 5x5

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Tues - HIC
ME 2, 15 rounds.
Forgot to take the time. Strange how that minute of rest seems to shorten as the rounds progress

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Wed - Strength
Squat 5x5x105kg
Bench 5x5x70kg
WPU BW+5kg 5x5

Still had DOMS from monday.
3 days into my bulk and I've lost 1kg :lol:. I thought I was a bit bloated when I weighed myself on monday. But not this much

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - HIC
Short Hills x10

Tried a new hill for "standard issue hills" but turned out it was to short so I switched to short hills.
I liked the 'old' hill better, so this one was a first and last.

BW keeps dropping. So I'll wait until the weekend and if it persists I'm upping my calories.

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