Joe's PFT Training Log

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Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Hey all, another PFT training log here. Thanks for stopping by...

Current Physique
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 186 lbs <— up from 180 in Dec 2020
Bodyfat: no idea, never looked extremely lean, but I think I'm under 14%.

Calories: ~ 2850
Macros: 30% Protein / 45% Carbs / 26% Fat

Age: 27
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 180 lbs <— Down from 184 in Oct 2020
Bodyfat: no idea, never looked extremely lean, but I think I'm under 14%.

Calories: ~ 2400
Macros: 30% Protein / 45% Carbs / 27% Fat

06.21 — Entry PFT
Situps: 44
300M: 47s
Pushups: 30
1.5 mi: 11:58

10.20.20 — Initial PFT
Situps: 48
300M: 51s
Pushups: 28 — FAILED — Started at 25 in August
1.5 mi: 12:45 — FAILED — I'd run a sub 11 during the test and sub 10 1.5 mi back in June but since got injured

Increase Pushups
Aug 2020: 25
Oct 2020: 30 <— Started Weightlifting
Nov 2020: 36
Dec 2020: 37
Jan 2021: Slight Injury
Feb 2021: 37
March 2021: 35
April 2021: 33
May 2021: 33
June 2021: 30

Increase Strength
I need to increase my pushups.

Increase Core Strength
I've never really directly trained core, and it's showing.

Improve conditioning/speed
No reason to be so dead at the end of the PFT.

Be consistent, don't overtrain, and don't get injured.
Last edited by Joe on Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:56 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Bought a gym membership, TB & TBII back in October 2020. It feels good to be lifting again...

This section will be updated with my lifting stats.
I use a theoretical max to play it safe.

Current Program: Operator + Black
Exercise Cluster:
Low Bar Squat (I try to do ATG)
Pullups (twice a week)
Conventional Deadlifts (once a week)
3x Squat
5x Bench (x4 on weeks 3 & 6)
5x Pullups
3x Deadlifts

Current Block (1) Max:
Squat: 185 lbs
Bench: 205 lbs
Pullups: 5 x 9 BW @ 2:00 rest
Deadlift: 245 lbs

End of Basebuilding Max 12.16.2020
Squat: 165 lbs <— started at 65 lbs
Bench: 205 lbs <— Up from 165 since I started lifting!
Pullups: 5 x 7 BW @ 2:00 rest
Deadlift: 225 lbs

Pushups: 35
Plank: 2:00
Last edited by Joe on Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:27 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

A bastardized version of basebuilding.

Pre-Basebuilding: Sprinkled in several 30M LSS for about a month. Had to walk a lot, averaging around a 15min pace.
Basebuilding Start: 11.07.2020 Average pace was between 13:30 and 14min. Had to walk several times during my jogs.
Basebuilding End: 12.26.2020 Average pace was between 11:50 and 12:30. Jogging the whole time.

Weeks 1 through 8
Day 1: MS + Pushups + Core '1'
Day 2: E x | 30M LSS | 40M LSS | 50M LSS | 60M LSS | 60M LSS | HIC #2 (Fast 5) | HIC #2 (Fast 5) | HIC #2 (Fast 5) |
Day 3: MS + Pushups + Core '1'
Day 4: E x | 40M LSS | 40M LSS | 50M LSS | 60M LSS | 60M LSS | HIC #3 (600M Reset) | HIC #3 (600M Reset) | HIC #3 (600M Reset) |
Day 5: MS + Pushups + Core '1'
Day 6: Pushup Max test + E x | 45M LSS | 70M LSS | 70M LSS | 80M LSS | 80M LSS | 60M LSS | 60M LSS | 60M LSS|
Day 7: Rest

*For my 'E' I do LSS with a heart rate monitor, keeping my HR usually right under 150BPM. Even when I was able to run a sub 10 1.5mi my HR was high on my slow runs. Resting HR is mid to high 50's.
* I test my max pushups once a week.
* I make it a goal to walk around 10K steps a day.

What I mean by 'Pushups':
Chest touches the ground, full lockout at top.
I follow the "Hundred Pushups" plan. I think it's very hard, and more of a marketing gimmick but switching from doing pushups every day (Greasing the Groove) to doing them 3x a week plus a fourth day of testing my max has both kept my shoulders healthy, and improved my pushups. Some days I do them weighted (10lbs on my back) some days I don't. Here is where I am right now (3x a week):
"Week 4 Day 3 Column 1"
10 lbs w/ 120 seconds rest
16, 18, 13, 13, 20+ (I get between 18-20)

What I mean by 'Core 1':
A buddy of mine recommended the following ab workout, so I try to do it everyday...realistically I do it 3-5 times a week. I'm really open to ab recommendations, because these suck:
10 minutes of continuous abs:
2:00 Hold & Reach
2:00 Reverse Crunch
2:00 Plank
2:00 Russian Twist
2:00 Lying Windmill

My thoughts on 'Basebuilding': 8 weeks was not enough this time around to lower my aerobic HR to where I'd like it to be doing LSS. I'd like to do this again, with longer E durations (60M+), for more than 8 weeks. By the end of Basebuilding I will have gotten to a point where I can consistently run 12:00/pace runs for 60M at around 150BMP. I would like to take a long distance runner approach to this, however as I'm training for the 1.5mi and the fact that when I was running a 10:00 to 11:00 1.5mi I was lagging at the 300M sprint (51s), I'm going to switch to HIC's now and see how that works.
Last edited by Joe on Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:30 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Barkadion wrote:Welcome and good luck!
Thank you!

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Basebuilding Week 6 12.06.20
Day 1: MS (85%) + Pushups + Core '1'
See above posts for more information.

Day 2: HIC #2 (Fast 5)
3.00mi at 8:39/mi Avg HR 180BPM
It's been a while since I went "fast." For the first half of 2020 I ran 2.5mi twice a week at a 9:00/mi pace. The book says to keep MHR at 80%-85% of max. I don't know what my max actually is, but averaging 180BPM is far above any article the internet says is "safe." For the health of my legs and CNS I'm going to start slower for the next few weeks.

Day 3: MS (85%) + Pushups + Core '1'

Day 4: HIC #3 (600M Reset)
10 min jog
6x600M @ 2:30
4min rest between

For the first half of 2020, I did a variation of this, where I'd run 400M in 1:30 then jog 400M (except my jog was at a 9:00/pace). Again, I started off my transition to speedwork too fast, going to slow it down a bit. Hip flexors are feeling it.

Day 5: MS (85%) + Pushups + Core '1'

Day 6: Pushup Max test + 60M LSS
35 with no pause, pushed out 2 more to 37

Day 7: Rest

Basebuilding Week 7 12.13.20
Day 1: MS (95%) + Pushups + Core '1'

Day 2: HIC #2 (Fast 5)
3.00mi at 9:01/mi Avg HR 175BPM
HR monitors are frustrating. Felt like I could have ran a sub 8 pace for the first half, then checked my HR to find out I was around 170-180. I’ll try a 9:30-10:00 pace next week. I’m going to start calling these my slow 5’s. Like practically everything, I don’t find comparison helpful. That being said if I follow the 80-85% HR guideline in the book, I would not consider this a fast run (for me).

Day 3: MS (95%) + Pushups + Core '1'
5 x 155 for 2
1 x 185 for 1 Felt good
1 x 205 for 1 Felt shaky
Two new PR's today, didn’t think I could ever bench 200lbs+. Yes I went outside of the TB program, but I’m sold on TB.

10 lbs w/ 90 seconds rest
14, 16, 12, 12, 21 +1 on my last set

Day 4: HIC #3 (600M Reset)
10 min jog
6x600M @ 2:44
4min rest between
Took it easier today and that helped with recovery.

Day 5: MS (95%) + Pushups + Core '1'
10 lbs w/ 90 seconds rest
14, 16, 12, 12, 21, +3 knee pushups BW.

Day 6: Pushup Max test + 60M LSS
Ended up doing this on Day 7 instead.
60M LSS: 12min/pace at 150BPM
Max Pushups 37 Felt tired, hard to hit top part of chest to the deck, I’m just not that thick, ha. Need to remember to do knee pushups after.
Day 7: Rest
Last edited by Joe on Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:23 am, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Last week of BB, starting new block with Operator+Black.
Block 1 start: 12/20/2020
Block 1 end: 01/30/2021

Block 1 Week 1
Day 1: MS (70%) + Pushups + Core '1'
SQ 3x5 135 lbs Started practicing ATG squats.
BP 5x5 145 lbs
PU 5x6 BW (180lbs)
2:00 rest w/ 10 lbs
16,18,13,13,20 Felt strong today, increased a day on the hundred push-up plan.

Day 2: HIC #2 (Fast 5)
3.00mi at 8:42/mi AVG HR 174 BPM

Day 3: MS (70%) + Pushups + Core '1'
2:00 rest w/ 10 lbs
16,18,13,13,20 Felt strong today again, little sore in the shoulder.

Day 4: HIC #3 (600M Reset)
5 x 2:44
1 x 2:30
Still easing into speedwork.

Day 5: MS (70%)
SQ 3x5 135 lbs
BP 5x5 145 lbs
DL 3x5 171.5 lbs
Didn't do pushups today, shoulder feeling a little tired, didn't do core work either.

Day 6: Mock PFT
Goal today was to take it easy on all the events except for the pushups.
Situps: 30 in 35s
300M: 60s (15s first 100, need to work on pacing)
Pushups: 37
1.5mi: 11:20 (Was trying to run 12:00)
Pullups: 10

Overall felt pretty happy with this, considering two months prior I failed the pushup portion at 28, and also failed the run with a 12:45. Biggest improvement from last time was that I held my breakfast in. Felt strong going in/coming out of the pull-ups. Felt the weakest during the situps (I was pacing to a 60 BPM metronome), and the first 800M of the 1.5 was tough, coasted the last 1600M.
I'm going keep doing a mock pft on the weekends, perhaps twice a month to start off.

Day 7: Complete Rest
Well I'll walk 10K Steps and do PT.

Current plan is to continue Operator+Black for a few months. Run a self-PFT every or every other week (starting off very slow). Reassess, see how my body feels and potentially switch to fighter+black/green. My priority here is pushups and getting my run back down to sub 11.

Current: Trying these to see if I can get my 1.5 Mi back under 11:00 soon-ish
#2 Fast 5
#3 600M
Future: Considering switching to 1 or two of these in the future to see if I can get a sub 50s 300M sprint. and consistently keep a sub 11:00 1.5Mi
#10 Short Hills
#11 Oxygen Debt 101
#12 Speed-Endurance Ladders
#16 Standard Issue Hills
#20 Anaerobic Capacity
#25 GC 1 (aka BEAT YOUR FACE)
Last edited by Joe on Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Block 1 Week 2
Day 1: MS (80%) + Pushups + Core '1'
SQ 3x5 148 lbs
BP 5x5 165 lbs
PU 5x7 BW (180lbs)
2:00 rest w/ 10 lbs
16, 18, 13, 13, 20

Day 2: HIC #2 (Fast 5) + PT
3.00mi at 9:10/mi Avg HR 170BPM
First half felt like a breeze, practiced running more on the balls of my feet. Second half felt a little cardio. Next week bumping down to 9:20-9:30/mi. Reasoning, I’m close to my 11:00mi 1.5 goal already, don’t want to burn out too quickly as I ramp up the other HIC sessions.

Day 3: MS (80%) + Pushups + Core '1'
SQ 3x5 148 lbs
BP 5x5 165 lbs
PU 5x7 BW (180lbs)
2:00 rest w/ 10 lbs
16, 18, 13, 13, 20 +4 BW knee pushups

Day 4: HIC #3 (600M Reset)
5 x 2:44
1 x 2:30
Still easing into speedwork.

Day 5: MS (80%) + Pushups + Core '1'
SQ 3x5 148 lbs
BP 5x5 165 lbs
DL 3x5 196 lbs
2:00 rest w/ 10 lbs
16, 18, 13, 13, 20

Day 6: Max Pushups + Taking it easy
Pushups: 37

Day 7: 60M LSS
60M LSS: 11:44 min/pace at 151BPM
Last edited by Joe on Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:22 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »


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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

VenomousCoffee wrote:Welcome!
Thank you!
Last edited by Joe on Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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