Jerry’s Training Log

Monster Smash
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Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Thought I would start a log here to watch my progress over time.

I’m 57, a desk jockey, and very inactive during my days. I work in IT, so I sit a lot.

I have been doing mostly powerlifting and PowerBuilding (which is just old school powerlifting) for many years now. I have never competed, although I have trained to compete then I seem to always get hurt as I start moving big weight. I think the truth is, I’m not built for it. I should have hired a professional coach and worked through things, but I’m too pig headed.

My last stint trying to compete, my knees gave out. It’s been a year, and I’m finally getting to where I can do box squats with a bar. It’s feeling good too. So, typically, being in this predicament, I would start a 5/3/1 cycle and go from there. However, I was roaming around on Reddit, and came across Tactical Barbell. I had heard of it before. But dismissed it because I’m not military, LEO, or any kind of first responder. But, as I was learning about, I was thinking, I need this.

What attracted me to it mostly is the minimal barbell work, and the application of the other stuff. At 57, my blood work is shaky. I’m not overweight, but I do have some issues. I have tried CrossFit, but ended up not feeling like I was getting anywhere and the training days were very long. I think I was accidentally doing a professional program. Lol. Anyway, it was cool learning Olympics lifts. I liked that part.

As I read about the TB methods, a couple things stuck out: 1) I love the flexibility, 2) I dig the HIC sessions as part of the program. 5/3/1 had prowler pushes and things but, it was never really embedded into the program. He just says to do it, but no one does. But, the way TB is designed, it’s part of your training. I don’t know, it just seems like it’s is a bigger part of the training, which I dig.

As I post my training here, it may be super lame for a while. I am really not in good physical shape from a cardio perspective. And, I still cannot run because of my knees. So, I will be making substitutions with things like my stationary bike, jump rope, etc.

I didn’t do the base building. I just started right in. Just figure, I’ll pick it up. I’m not concerned. I will take it easy and challenge myself, but also allow appropriate stress to the HIC days.

My training is changing a lot. It’s for me and my health. I’m no longer trying to prove anything. You might see me squatting 75 lbs. you may see my totally sandbag some days. However, this is for the very long term, and my goal is, a year from now, my blood work will be much improved.

As I age, I’m finding that I’ve gone far passed my prime, but that doesn’t mean I can’t improve. But, maybe I need to improve more slowly, which TB supports.

Anyway, if you’ve read this far, I appreciate it.

Much respect,

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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome! 52 yo here and I’ve been doing TB for a while. I’d suggest against skipping base building. It’s a great block to do and it will get you ready for the continuation.. Good luck with your training!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Barkadion wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:21 pm Welcome! 52 yo here and I’ve been doing TB for a while. I’d suggest against skipping base building. It’s a great block to do and it will get you ready for the continuation.. Good luck with your training!
Thank you

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Sun 7/10/22
Rest day
Casual 2 mile walk

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Mon 7/11/22
Squat 3x5 @ 60
Bench 3x5 @ 175
Assisted PU 3x5
Walk: 7 miles
Last edited by Monster Smash on Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Tue 7/12/22
SE 3x20
Push-ups (BW)
Squat (BW)
BB Row (Bar)
KBS (35 lbs)
Flutter Kicks
Total time 21 mins

Walk: 7 miles

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Wed 7/13/22
Squat 4x5 @ 60
Bench 4x5 @ 175
Assisted PU 4x5
Walk: 4.5 miles.
Due to the extreme heat in Texas right now, I'm likely going to lower my walking miles until it cools off. I typically walk 7, but will drop it down to 4.5 or so.

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Thurs 7/14/22

Stationary Bike, Zone 2, 30 mins
Walk: 4 miles

Monster Smash
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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by Monster Smash »

Friday 7/15/22
Squat 5x5 @ 60
Bench 5x5 @ 175
Assisted PU 5x5
Walk: 2 miles

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Re: Jerry’s Training Log

Post by TBPenguin »

Jerry good choice, good reasoning. All that walking is great. Idea for your knees - try doing romanian deadlifts. Go light, don't think about weight or reps. Just perfect form and notice that your range of motion will naturally increase during the set. Don't force this, just let it happen. You can do these as frequently as you like, even daily. For the bloodwork, diet is going to make the biggest difference though the training will help. Welcome, good luck.

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