Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

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Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

I am a 51 yr old male. 185cm tall. Currently 90kg and 20% bodyfat.
I have trained with weights for the last 20 odd years. During Covid when the gyms were closed I bought three sets of Kettlebells 16,20 and 24kg. These generally made me feel better than Barbells so that's what I am planning to use in future.

I recently posted on the reddit forum about how tiring I found higher intensity training and got some good advice from members of this forum.

Currently planning on running Operator Black Perpetual. 3 x MS, 2 x HIC a week 1 x E every 2 weeks,

I plan on running a One armed Press, Clean and Squat Cluster as my left side is so much weaker than my right. My lifts will be based on percentage of max reps rather than max weight.

We are due to get a 12 month old hyperenergetic German Shepherd.
My current goal is to be fit enough to take it for 2 x 30 minute run walks a day and be strong enough to control the bloody thing!!!

Longer term goals are to press 2 x 24 kg for 5 reps, Squat 2 x 24Kg for 15 reps and run a half marathon in December

Day 1 was a HIC workout of 4 x 50m hill sprint repeats.
Tomorrow is test day
Last edited by Billy-bob-the-dog on Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

Cheers Bark.
I'm going to try and follow your advice.

Test day complete. As all lifts are unilateral I only tested the weaker left side.

Maxes were:-
One arm KB press 10 x 16kg
One arm clean 12 x 20kg
One arm racked front squat 9 x 16kg

Plan is to do Wk 1 Hill Sprint and KB swing/ Push up HICs
wk 2 a 30 min jog E and a KB swing/ push up HIC
Wk 3 No conditioning.

Recover as HRV suggests.

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

Wk 1 Day 1

3 x 7 One arm 16kg KB press (L,R)
3 x 8 one arm 20kg KB Clean (L,R)
3 x 6 one arm rack squat (L,R)
1 x 5 Ab Roll out.

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

3rd Feb 2023

Short HIC workout

5 x 10 20kg KB swings

Alternated with 5 x 5 6 count burpees.

As Bark suggests start slowly

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

Wk 1 Day 2

3 x 7 One arm 16kg KB press (L,R)
3 x 8 one arm 20kg KB Clean (L,R)
3 x 6 one arm rack squat (L,R)
1 x 5 Ab Roll out.

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

6th Feb 2023

5 x Short Hill Sprints

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

8th Feb 2023
Wk 1 Day 3

3 x 7 One arm 16kg KB press (L,R)
3 x 8 one arm 20kg KB Clean (L,R)
3 x 6 one arm rack squat (L,R)
1 x 5 Ab Roll out.

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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

9th Feb 2023

EMOM for 1
6sets 10 x 20kg kb swings
alternated with
6 sets of 5 6-count burpees

Posts: 71
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Re: Billy Bob the Dog's Training Log

Post by Billy-bob-the-dog »

10th February 2023

Spent the day unloading a removal van and carrying sofa and fridge upstairs into my new house.

Very hard work.

Not sure where it fits into TB!! :D

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