KS-90's Log

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

18 November 2016 - Friday

Warm up: Limber Eleven, Shoulder Dislocates, Leg swings

Operator Template (Week One - 70%)

Bench Press: 150 for 3 sets of 5
High Bar Squats: 180 for 3 sets of 5
WPU: +5 for 3 sets of 5

Farmer Carries (Dumbbells)
80 per hand for 50m
85 per hand for 50m
90 per hand for 50m
90 per hand for 50m

Gave Zercher Carries a go, but I don't see them being a staple with the current set-up and ended up doing Farmer's Instead. The Bench Presses felt real light today, and I decided to High-Bar all squats for this session and am happy I did. I'm going to try out High Bar with 80% next week and see how it goes.

Also just realized as I was typing this that I was suppose to sub Deadlifts for WPU today.

Cool Down: Foam Rolling, Hip Mobility

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

21 November 2016 - Monday

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Coopers test/1.5mi/2.4km

9:06 PR

Operator Template (Week 2 - 80%)

Bench Press: 170 for 3 sets of 5
High Bar Squats: 205 for 3 sets of 5
WPU: +35 for 3 sets of 5 (was supposed to be 30, but just worked in with some buddies)

Farmer's Carry:
90s per hand for 3 sets of 50m

Slacked a little on the running what with feeling shitty the last couple of weeks so decided to test and see where I am at. I Ran to far on the test so did a little math and conservatively removed a few seconds from the time. Ran like 30-50m to far which is between 7 and 11 seconds extra running time at my pace. So I conservatively removed 4 seconds from the stopwatch time. This was a bag drive, but with a better pacing strategy and 8-12 more weeks training I think I'll be close to 8:50-8:55. Pretty happy with where I am as I was only doing two running workouts a week for the a little over half of the time I have been training running directly (then added in the long runs during the last OP block)

Lifting went good. I have seen a lot of guys say the 80% week is the most challenging, but these weights felt good today, and generally I find the 2nd and 3rd workout of the week to be smoother. Hoping they feel good the rest of the block and I hit some solid PRs over the holidays.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

Going to reduce some of the intense running and add in a little more LSS running. Still the same format just going follow a guide for increasing mileage, and going to start at the beginning of the chart. I figure what with just getting back into squatting reducing some of the more intense running is not a bad idea. Dropping some of the times back a bit as well to fall in line with what is recommended based on my 1.5 mile time.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

22 November 2016 - Tuesday

Warm up: Limber Eleven, 800m jog

Intervals/R-Pace(1:27 per 400m)

Interval One: 400m in 1:26
Interval Two: 400m in 1:26
Interval Three: 400m in 1:27
Interval Four: 400m in 1:27

2:1 rest to work ratio

Cool Down: 800m followed by 30 minutes hip mobility

Core (80s)

side plank

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Great job on the PR. That's fast!

Posts: 123
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:18 am

Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

23 November 2016 - Wednesday


Warm Up: Limber Eleven

Operator Template (Week 2 - 80%)

Bench Press: 170 for 3 sets of 5
Squats: 205 for 3 sets of 5
WPU: +30 for 3 sets of 5

Suitcase Carry (Dumbbell):
75 lb for 50 meteres
80 lb for 50 meters
80 lb for 50 meters

Cool Down: 15 minutes hip mobility


Long Steady State (9:20 pace)

4 Miles

Ran this closer to an 8:10 pace, but I was running to quickly by accident

Tried Muscle ups in the morning and could not seem to get the technique down. Tried again in the afternoon and it clicked. So did a bunch of singles and doubles

Posts: 123
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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

Green2Blue wrote:Great job on the PR. That's fast!
Thanks man. I want that 8:59. Getting close.

Posts: 123
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:18 am

Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

24 November 2016 - Thursday

20 minute bike followed by a 30-45 minute stretching and mobility session. Was going to do a tempo run today, but pushing it to tomorrow after squats

Posts: 123
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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

25 November 2016 - Friday

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Operator Template (Week 2 - 80%)

Bench: 170 for 3 sets of 5
High Bar Squats: 205 for 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts: 275 for 3 sets of 5

Farmers carries:
90 per hand for 50m x2

I did singles and doubles of muscle ups in-between the squats and deadlifts and brought my feet out a little on the squats. The high bar position is getting pretty comfortable. Grip gave out on the second set of farmers carries and my forearms were fairly pumped for 15 minutes or so. I think the deadlifts taxed my hands more then I thought.

I had intended on running some tempo intervals this evening, but the girlfriend had other plans and I ended up at the mall all evening looking at black Friday sales. Going to try and squeeze them in sometime this weekend.

**Hip was really pissed off today; especially this evening in the mall. Not sure if it was the squats and deadlifts combined or all the running earlier this week, or maybe some other factor, but I hope it was just a flare up for the day.. Gonna have to book some more physio or maybe try and see a specialist. This has been going on to long now.

Posts: 123
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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

The hip flare up was pretty bad. It was subsided by today (a 3ish out of 10 right now) but it was aching a lot over the weekend. Went to a physio today after training. Going to try a couple more things as he thinks its just muscles pushing on nerves and nothing to sinister. If in 3-4 weeks there is no improvement then its going to be time to get a scan and make sure nothing is fucked up.
He wants me to continue with training as usual as he thinks it is better then doing nothing (which I tried for a few months before starting TB and it didnt help and it seemed to get worse with time off training). I explained my whole program and as long as I am not running high mileage and squats are not causing any shooting pain then its good to go.
I may switch some of the cardio sessions up. Not sure yet. I do want to continue with the running program, but strength is the priority for me as my cardio is already pretty good and I know it can be maintained through other means until whatever this is gets sorted out. I might skip or move some sessions around depending on how its feeling. Going to hit all the Operator workouts though provided it doesn't worsen.

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