close_fox TB Log

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by K.B. »

Outstanding log. Nice job.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »


My first BB is in the books. This AAR post contains my short recap and lessons learned.

For about two years prior to starting BB, my exercise schedule was dictated by op tempo. Sometimes I was able to exercise 4x/week. Sometimes 0x/week. It was very common for me to work 18-20 hour days for two weeks or longer. Because I had no reliable schedule, most of my workouts were hard and fast, circuit-style beatdowns. My rationale was, I need to hit everything because who knows when I will be able to train again. If I had a few consecutive days, I would alternate circuits with LSS runs (assuming I had access to a treadmill or I was in a permissive location). Max strength simply did not happen. I rarely got DBs of a decent weight and a bench. Forget a squat cage.

The circuits maintained my strength and cardio, to some extent. I got enough LSS to get by. Overall, I averaged about 3x/week, including the time I spent on leave (when I could exercise at will). Excluding leave, more like 2x/week.

I did a scaled down version of BB while I transitioned out of my old assignment. Then I followed the BB block of the Sample 17 Week Program in TB2; 5-6 workouts per week for 8 weeks. I had a couple very minor oversights (failure to follow instructions on my part). I accidentally ran vice doing a LSS triple and, on another occasion, screwed up a training max and went too heavy for a couple sets. I would say I followed the program 99% to the letter. I have a family and a job and a life. I didn't get too sick, or too busy, or too lazy to put in the work. I didn't modify anything. No preferences. No great ideas. No missed days. I turned off my brain and did the work. It worked.

Couple pieces of advice to those who might be contemplating BB:

1. It works. I returned to the "real world" well on my way to being physically broken. I could hang on as long as I had to, but that is mostly mental. It is very different than being sustainably fit. Too much time living in body armor and gear, spending many long hours/days/nights in vehicle and aircraft seats, and consuming a lot of food & water that was weird and tainted by U.S. standards. The time I spent on leave just meant I had to re-acclimate to these conditions when I returned. Anyone who has been there knows the struggle :D. BB put me back together. I treated BB like I was starting from zero. The SE circuits rebuilt my banged up muscles and joints. The E (via LSS runs) restored my heart and lungs. As the reps and minutes built up over the weeks, I made meaningful progress - not just maintaining the ability to bang out for as long as necessary.

2. Don't take the easy way. I really encourage you to follow the standard BB approach. Especially if you have been lifting heavy for a long time, hate running, and can't stand the thought of not touching iron for over a month. Challenge yourself. Acknowledge your weaknesses and work on them. You won't shrivel up during the five weeks of SE and E. The iron will be waiting for you. Like Henry Rollins said, "200 pounds is always 200 pounds."

Couple more takeaways (things I learned):

1. FSQ makes sense. I have resisted this lift in the past. Lighter weight. Technique feels weird until you get used to it. So why FSQ lighter weight when I can SQ heavier weight? After reading the TB books, I finally have an answer: because FSQ are less demanding and therefore leave more in the tank for E work.

2. I like OHP. I have trained OHP with DBs in the past. My thought process was basically, "Well, I should probably lift something heavy over my head." It never occurred to me to progress OHP with a barbell like I would bench press. I plan to return to OHP in the future. Seems like a good option for when I need to drop bench press and ramp up push-up volume in preparation for PFTs.

Next week I will run a PFT and text maxes for SWAT cluster (bench, squat, pull-ups). Then, on to block two of the 17 week program (Black + Operator).

That's it. My first block of TB down, many more to go. I am very thankful to have found this program.
Last edited by close_fox on Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

K.B. wrote:Outstanding log. Nice job.
Thanks. This system you have created is legit. I am actively recommending it to guys I work with. I look forward to progressing with Black + Operator and beyond.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Post BB week: SWAT cluster test

I have decided to not run a PFT this week. I am curious how much BB improved my PFT numbers, but I don't need to turn in a "for record" PFT score for a while. Other than my SWAT cluster test day, I am prioritizing rest this week. I want to start Black well-rested.

SWAT cluster test numbers are below. I took 5min rest between all sets.

Bar x10
245x2 (for estimated max of 250)

Notes: I started with the intention of doing a multi-rep max with 225. It felt pretty light, so I stopped at four reps with probably two or three more in the tank. My last set was 245x2. I had at least one more rep in me, but no spotter. 250 it is.

Bar x10
315 (stopped here)

Notes: I stopped at 315. I haven't squatted heavy weight in a while. My legs were good for more weight, but I could feel my core starting to go sideways. Nothing prepares the core for heavy squats like doing heavy squats, and I haven't had the opportunity to lift heavy for a long time.

Pull-ups: My pull-ups sucked today for some reason. Guessing it's because my CNS is not used to squat and bench. I will probably go with bodyweight pull-ups for this block.

Overall: It felt really good to be back under the iron for squat and bench. I look forward to snapping off reps and sets with my training max weights.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

close_fox wrote:Post BB week: SWAT cluster test

I have decided to not run a PFT this week. I am curious how much BB improved my PFT numbers, but I don't need to turn in a "for record" PFT score for a while. Other than my SWAT cluster test day, I am prioritizing rest this week. I want to start Black well-rested.

SWAT cluster test numbers are below. I took 5min rest between all sets.

Bar x10
245x2 (for estimated max of 250)

Notes: I started with the intention of doing a multi-rep max with 225. It felt pretty light, so I stopped at four reps with probably two or three more in the tank. My last set was 245x2. I had at least one more rep in me, but no spotter. 250 it is.

Bar x10
315 (stopped here)

Notes: I stopped at 315. I haven't squatted heavy weight in a while. My legs were good for more weight, but I could feel my core starting to go sideways. Nothing prepares the core for heavy squats like doing heavy squats, and I haven't had the opportunity to lift heavy for a long time.

Pull-ups: My pull-ups sucked today for some reason. Guessing it's because my CNS is not used to squat and bench. I will probably go with bodyweight pull-ups for this block.

Overall: It felt really good to be back under the iron for squat and bench. I look forward to snapping off reps and sets with my training max weights.
Best of luck with your new block, mate!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Thanks, Bark.

Black + Operator starts today

Preliminary Thoughts

This is "Phase 2 - Continuation - Black Protocol" of the Sample 17 Week Program in TB2. For max strength, I am running Operator with the "SWAT" cluster (see TB1): Bench / Squat / Weighted Pull-ups.

I chose SWAT cluster here for basically the opposite reasons I used Grunt cluster for the last three weeks of BB. BB was endurance focused, so I used Grunt. Black's decreased emphasis on endurance leaves room for SWAT's big lifts and heavy weights. Hopefully I'm understanding that correctly.

I am intentionally easing back into regular heavy lifting. I will be using conservative training max numbers and stopping at 3 sets per exercise. HIC maintenance/development is just as important to me as max strength progression. And I definitely want to avoid becoming overtrained if I can.

General Conditioning selection

Day two of each week is a "Your Choice" GC session. I plan to do GC10 + Plank & Shank for each of these sessions. I chose this session for the following reasons. I think my logic on this is pretty solid, but I am open to suggestions.

1. Ensure I get three days of running during several weeks.

2. Progress core strength (increase minutes per exercise and rounds per workout).

3. Get burpees. Over the years, I have noticed a correlation between burpees and my PFT run times. If I can do 30 fast burpees without feeling fatigued, my PFT run time will usually be where I want it (obviously I have to be running regularly as well). GC10 will maintain my ability to hit this magic number of 30 "no sweat" burpees.

Overall goals for this block

Re-acclimate to lifting heavy 3x/week. As I have said elsewhere, this my first chance in a while to follow a progressive lifting program.

Make max strength progress, but not at the expense of continued HIC development.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 2: Black+Operator (TB2 Sample 17 Week Program)

Week 1

1.1, 1.3, 1.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

Notes: Bench reps feels much lighter than squat reps. I wonder if this is carry-over from all the push-ups and overhead press during BB. I read somewhere than push-ups use 60-ish% of bodyweight. And/or could be all the HIC I'm putting on my legs.


2min jog
25 burpees

Notes: Rx is 4 rounds. I canx the 4th round because I was concerned it would affect tomorrow's lift. For week 2, I will scale to 15 burpees x 4 rounds and build up reps weekly as this block progresses. I love the evil genius of these HICs. You can tell they were designed by someone with experience getting smoked. The 2min jog is just short enough to prevent full recovery from the burpees. The burpees would be a lot easier if the jog was three or four minutes.


Notes: Scaled down and left some in the tank for this. I assume I am doing the shanks correctly. I am holding a horizontal position using a glute ham developer bench.

HIC: Speed-Endurance Ladders

40sec rest
30sec rest
20sec rest
10sec rest
(Repeat per directions in text)

Notes: I was sick today (enough to see a doctor). Doc cleared me to exercise, so I did not take the day off. It was cold and raining, so I stayed inside. I got the work done, but running short intervals on a treadmill is not ideal. I went down the ladder, rested 2min, then back up (the basic version in the text). Then I got a good stretch and foam roll. That's it. Didn't want to push too hard because I am sick. Overall, today was better than nothing.

4x600m Resets (vice Heavy Bag Resets because I don't have access to a heavy bag)

Notes: I stopped a the "basic" version (4 rounds). I am still recovering, so I don't want to push it. I held the same pace as the last time I did this workout.

Week 1 wrap-up: I was not 100% this week due to illness, but I still made progress. (Note: The doc cleared me to exercise. I didn't push through a serious illness.) I might take an extra day of rest before starting Week 2. I need to get healthy so I don't have to scale any Week 2 HIC sessions. The weights feel really light, especially bench. Similar to during the early weeks of BB, when the circuits felt like nothing. I have to be patient and trust the system (training max + wave progression).
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 2: Black+Operator (TB2 Sample 17 Week Program)

Week 2

2.1, 2.3, 2.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

Notes: Squat continues to feel much heavier than bench. I am using a 90% training max, based on a conservative 1 rep max. Only thing I can think is I am still acclimating to the increased volume + legs are working hard during HICs.


2min jog
15 burpees

Notes: Really felt these burpees in my legs. Has to be the increased squat volume. This is getting old.


10 Burpees
800m run
5 Burpees
400m sprint
Rest 3min

Notes: Weird schedule today. Tried to squeeze this in on an empty stomach. Mistake. Bonked out after round two. Called it at two rounds because I didn't want to scrape too hard and risk not getting all my squats tomorrow. This is one of my favorite HICs, but I blew it today. Frustrating because I know what nutrition works for me, but I did the wrong thing anyway. Driving on...

LSS Run x45min

Notes: No issues.

Week 2 wrap-up: Overall, I am not too happy with this week. My legs are feeling really heavy. Burpees gassed my legs way more than they should have. Squat reps are not snapping off like I want them to. Next week is 90% triples with decreased HIC volume. Hopefully I can come out of Week 3 feeling more balanced. As I'm typing this, I just realized I forgot to do Plank+Shank this week. Fail.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Placeholder post: I am getting the work in despite traveling and prioritizing family time. Will get a recap post up once things settle down. Will be after the New Year.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 2: Black+Operator (TB2 Sample 17 Week Program)

This post contains Weeks 3 and 4 of my current block. I am currently in Week 5. Week 5 will conclude my "Holiday Season" workouts. My Week 5 post will contain notes on the successes and challenges I experienced while following TB programming during this time. For now, I am getting this post up before I lose the notes I took during Weeks 3 and 4.

Week 3 (11 day "week")

3.1: Off. Travel day

3.2: Off. Some stretching. Back/legs tight from long car ride yesterday.

3.3, 3.6, 3.8
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

3.4: Off. More driving.

3.5: HIC modified GC10 (Rx easy):
1min SSH
8 burpees
1min rest

3.7: Rx rest

3.9: HIC GC10 vice Disarmed bc no access to heavy bag (Rx easy):
2min jog
10 burpees
2min rest

3.10: Rest

3.11: Off

Week 3 wrap-up: As you can see, Week 3 took longer than seven days. Travel was happening, and it was simply impossible to maintain the Rx 6 on / 1 off schedule. I expected/accepted this and worked around it.

Week 4

4.1, 4.3, 4.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

Notes: Squat reps snapped better this week (felt more natural, not just the lower weight). Encouraging. Bench still feels way lighter than squat. Guess that's just how it is for now. In retrospect, I did many push-ups over the past two years (many 1,000s of reps with approx 70% body weight based on what I can find re: push-ups as % of bodyweight). During the same time period, the heaviest thing I squatted was probably a 70lb DB (goblet squats), and that was every once in a while - whenever I had access to weights. I carried plenty of heavy stuff around, but that's more E than max strength. Based on the weight percentages, it makes sense that those push-ups would translate to barbell bench better than the goblet squats translate to back squat.

4.2: HIC GC10
2min jog
10 burpees

Notes: This workout happened after I drank some alcohol. A surprise special occasion kicked off, and I'm wasn't going to turn down good champagne because I have to exercise later. With that said, I hate exercising after drinking alcohol. But this was a "no equipment needed" day, and I had the time. I kept the burpees down at 10 reps, lest burpees turn to barfees.

4.4: HIC Indoor Power Intervals vice Rx Oxygen Debt 101 (no safe place to run vs. easy access to Concept2 rower)
1min row (level 10)
3min rest

Shoulder dislocates (PVC) 2x10

Notes: This was a late night session and I have an early AM lift tomorrow. So I kept rowing reps down at 1min.

4.6 HIC: Standard Issue Hills
30sec hill sprint (walk down)
Rest 3min

Notes: Lungs and hamstrings burned (in a good way). I love hill repeats for fast results.

Week 4 wrap-up: No 4.7 Rx rest day. Rolled straight into Week 5 without a rest day because I have a travel day coming up.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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