Building A Better Human

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by J-Madd »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:with the imminent arrival of the winter season, X-country ski-ing
I really envy you this one. I grew up in Wisconsin, and really miss x-country skiing .

Welcome back from your vacation.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Reintro to training continues

Location: The Glasshouse, Basement
Equipment: 50# KB, AD6

10 min Blocks with 1.5 min rest between blocks [the 10 min is a continuous clock, so take rest as and when needed, but the aim is continuous work with minimal rest, 3 - 5 breaths maximum if rest taken after the last exercise

Block 1
5 x Round the World [Each Way - so 10 revolutions total]
5 x Clean R/L
5 x Press R/L

Block 2
Push ups [Different Variations.... 5 x KB Close Grip Pushup or 10 Hindu Pushups or 10 Knuckle Pushups]
15 Swings
[on this block, work twice through the couplet then rest 3 - 5 breathes then continue]

Block 3
10 x Goblet Squat
15 x Flutter Kicks [2-count]
5 x Bird-dog [2-count]

Nice 30 minute session. Body had a good sheen to it.

10 min AD Cool down
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: The Glasshouse, basement
Equipment: Timer, 50# KB, 2x2.5# Dumbbells (don't judge, I work with what we have :D )

Warm up and movement prep


Devils trinity

60s per station
Swings (2h, h2h, 2h, 2h to catch...... 10 of each then 2htocatch until time ran out)
Burpees using dbs
Shadow boxing with dbs focussing on speed and different combos

Repeat for 5 rounds

10 min AD cooldown

First time doing this particular combo. Dbs were good fun to use.

Great sweat on.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: The Glasshouse, Basement.
Equipment: dip bars, 2x40# DBs, 1 x 50# KB, purple resistance band

Warm up & movement prep
Inc 3x10 seated band rows (band looped through KB handle and KB held in place by feet) - focus on perfect form.

Then 30/30

Goblet Squat 50# KB
Dips into knee raise (1st two rounds only, then focussed strictly on dips thereafter.
RDL 2x40# DBs
Curl to press 2x40# DBs

4 rounds with extra 30s break between rounds 2-3.


20 of each movement

Hello Darlings
Russian Twists
5 rounds, minimal rest.

10 min AD cool down
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: south star x-country trail network
Equipment: Mk.1 locomotion devices

Do NOT trust technology. That was apparent from today.

Today's objective was 'E' with emphasis on running within 140 bpm. Within 2 mins of leaving home I knew the HRM was acting up; whether it was from -4 temps or the batteries going, I have no idea but it straight away showed my HR fluctuating from 73 to 168 within seconds of each other.

So I decided to simply run by feel, and ignore the voice from the app telling me to speed up every 30s. From experience I knew I was already running at a good pace/HR, and after 45 mins I had covered over 6km with a conversational pace being maintained.

So although my initial focus was not achieved, my secondary/backup plan have a thoroughly enjoyable run in the crisp cold canadian air on the trails around home...... and feeling I could have carried on a lot longer.

Back to the basement for a 15 min AD cool down.

Due to a change in circumstances, there has been a need to change my training routine somewhat. I won't have access to BB and iron (due to only having the one vehicle at the moment, meaning I cannot get to the training centre prior to clients arriving as my honee doesn't get back until late afternoon)

So for the foreseeable future I will be running a 'green' progressive variation. SE sessions and E sessions will make up the bulk of my routine with HIC thrown in on occasion.

See how that goes.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Location: south star x-country trail network
Equipment: Mk.1 locomotion devices

Do NOT trust technology. That was apparent from today.

Today's objective was 'E' with emphasis on running within 140 bpm. Within 2 mins of leaving home I knew the HRM was acting up; whether it was from -4 temps or the batteries going, I have no idea but it straight away showed my HR fluctuating from 73 to 168 within seconds of each other.

So I decided to simply run by feel, and ignore the voice from the app telling me to speed up every 30s. From experience I knew I was already running at a good pace/HR, and after 45 mins I had covered over 6km with a conversational pace being maintained.

So although my initial focus was not achieved, my secondary/backup plan have a thoroughly enjoyable run in the crisp cold canadian air on the trails around home...... and feeling I could have carried on a lot longer.

Back to the basement for a 15 min AD cool down.

Due to a change in circumstances, there has been a need to change my training routine somewhat. I won't have access to BB and iron (due to only having the one vehicle at the moment, meaning I cannot get to the training centre prior to clients arriving as my honee doesn't get back until late afternoon)

So for the foreseeable future I will be running a 'green' progressive variation. SE sessions and E sessions will make up the bulk of my routine with HIC thrown in on occasion.

See how that goes.
I do like using HR monitor, but I feel more comfortable running without it. I keep 30min LSS runs in my current block and I am happy that I don't need HR strap. Going by feeling of moderate effort seems to be working well for me..

Are you gonna miss iron? :roll:
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Cheers matey. I'm going to miss heavy lifting, but it's good to have a change.

Location: The Glasshouse, basement
Equipment: 50# KB, Equaliser bars.

Warm up and movement prep.

12 Swings
Alternating with 12-2 Hindu push-ups.
12sw, 12 hp, 12sw, 10hp, 12sw, 8hp etc all the way to 12sw, 2hp
No rest between rungs, straight through them


10 bodyrows using bars
10 straight arm burpees
5 KB Cleans R/L
10 Straight arm burpees

30-45s rest

5 rounds.

Sneaky way to get 50 bodyrows, 100 burpees and 50 Cleans in.

10 min cool down on AD6.

Great sweat on.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: The Glasshouse, basement
Equipment: AD6

50 min E session.
Max HR capped at 123bpm.
Range throughout 116-122

Good aerobic training session
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Location: The Glasshouse, basement
Equipment: AD6

50 min E session.
Max HR capped at 123bpm.
Range throughout 116-122

Good aerobic training session
This one is on my list to try.. I'm afraid that it can be extremely boring... :roll:
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Barkadion wrote: This one is on my list to try.. I'm afraid that it can be extremely boring... :roll:
Netflix is your friend!! Or youtube.

When I was younger, I would just sit there and do it, focussed on the mental aspect, of mind-numbing f** that I am older and wiser, netflix my man, netflix!

Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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