StrosWs17 Training Log

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StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Happy New Year everyone. I posted last week about how I'm starting a Base phase and what I'm training for. My general plan for the next few months is to follow base for the 8 weeks and then transition to green for 6 weeks and then black for another 6 weeks. After this I plan to use the Ruck-Based Selection plan from Military Athlete. As far as current stats I'm 6'2 205 pounds. My last 5 mile run time a few weeks ago was a 36:58, 5RM squat is 325, 5RM Push Press is 175, and 5RM pull-up is with 45#. My goals for this base phase are to build a solid aerobic base(something I've neglected for too long) and to increase pull-up and push-up numbers. I'll be running a bravo template for strength-endurance and I'll be following the Maffetone Method for running.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

First day of Base done. I did a 3x30 with 3 minutes of rest between rounds strength-endurance circuit with the following exercises: Dumbell Swings@35#, Push-ups, Renegade Rows@35#, Air Squats, and Bicycle Crunches. This was tougher than I thought it would be. I made it through everything unbroken expect for the push-ups and rows. I'm also doing the fighter pull-up program during this base phase and I ended the workout with 8-7-6-5-4 pull-ups with 2 minutes rest between. Other than being a little winded from the strength-endurance this felt pretty easy.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Day 2 done. For my LSS Running I'm following the Maffetone Method in which you subtract your age from 180 to get your max aerobic Heart Rate. According to this Formula my Max Aerobic Heart Rate is 160 so I'm going to try to stay within a 150-160 range for my runs. For the actual run today I ran for 90 minutes and according to my Garmin my average heart rate was 153, max was 164, and distance covered was 10.64 miles. Overall this run felt really good. It was weird at first moving so slow, but I felt like I could have kept going for hours today as opposed to feeling completely trashed after running like I normally am. I also did day 2 of the fighter pull-up program which consisted of 8-7-6-5-5 reps. This went smooth and all of the reps were solid.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

Welcome aboard. You're excellent work. Keep it up!

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Thanks J-Madd. I'm looking forward to what my results will be after base.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Day 3 done. I didn't get much sleep last night, but still managed to run for 90 minutes. Distance ran was 10.91 miles and average heart rate was 150 while my max heart rate was 160. I was a bit surprised because I felt pretty sluggish at the start, but I managed to run almost a half mile more today at a lower max and average heart rate. Also did 8-7-6-6-5 pull-ups with 2 minutes rest between. Like the fighter pull-up program intended these still feel pretty easy.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Impressive mileage.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Thanks Green2Blue. I've spent the last year and a half focusing on running because coming from a football background in which the farthest I ran was a mile running was definitely a weakness of mine.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Day 4 done. Strength Endurance 3x30 with 3 minutes rest between. Based off of recommendations in the 3rd edition book I took some Magnesium before working out today and it felt great. I still had to break up the last set of push-ups, but everything else felt pretty easy. Also completed day 4 of the fighter pull-up program in which I did 8-7-7-6-5 reps.

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Re: StrosWs17 Training Log

Post by StrosWs17 »

Was planning on doing another LSS Run today, but I had to modify due to weather. Instead of a run I did Stepups onto a 16 inch box with a 40# pack for an hour. I got the idea from Rob Shaul of Military Athlete and while effective it was mind-numbingly boring. Average Heart Rate was 154 and Max Heart Rate was 170. Also did 8-8-7-6-5 reps of pullups.

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