Briancsnv- Training Log

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #2 Base Building- Day 9

Endurance Session 40 minutes minimum.

I did my endurance session today and my lower back was a little sore from the romanian deadlifts I did yesterday, but nothing a few minutes of stretching couldn't take care of. I was on baby watch again so I had to run indoors to take advantage of our gyms free child care. Todays endurance session called for a minimum of 40 minutes but I did 50 minutes at a 10:00 minute mile pace. I can definitely keep a faster pace than that but I'm following the book and run at a pace that allows me to have a conversation. I'm sure I looked weird to some of the other runners as I talked to myself to make sure that the pace I ran at allowed to me talk without effort. Once I figured what the pace was I stopped talking to myself. The workout was great and I felt energized at the end. Definitely felt that I could have run 60 minutes plus but called it at 50 minutes. I may run 60 plus tomorrow but I want to see how I feel in the morning.

I cant wait for tomorrow's workout.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #2 Base Building- Day 10

Endurance Session. Using yesterdays pace as a baseline (10 minute mile pace) I found that I could still keep a conversation using a 9:30 minute mile pace so this was the pace I used today. I ran for 50 minutes and finished with a total distance of 5.30 miles. I again fought the urge to go faster but I also find myself getting into a real comfortable pace and the cadence of my run is alot smoother.I finished the run with a good amount of energy in the tank. Even though I finished with energy I knew that I would be using some of it for tomorrows SE session.

My only concern is that I've been on baby duty these past 2 weeks and havent had the opportunity to run outside (I've been using my local gyms treadmill)with me and my wifes conflicting schedules. I'm anxious to run on the pavement with the same pace and distance and see if theres any difference versus the treadmill.

Very much looking forward to tomorrows SE session.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #2 Base Building- Day 11

2 Circuits x 30 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

Another smoker. I thought that the reduction of circuits from 3 to 2 would be easier and I found myself still getting my rear kicked. Its challenging and I like that about the workouts. I completed the circuits with 85lb's for my weights and even then on the second circuit I still found myself putting the weights down by about rep 20...I'd set it down for a quick second and finish out the rest....I ran into my buddy at the gym today and I finished my workout in half the time that he finished his...when I was done he looked at me and was like " whatever you just did you look like hell"...again, I finished ugly but I finished...

I'm looking forward to a day off but I still have energy in the tank so i'm kinda conflicted ...part of me is screaming to go do something physical...but i'm staying the course...

I cant wait till saturday for my endurance ruck.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #2 Base Building- Day 13

Today was my long endurance session and I chose to conduct a ruck march with about 35lbs in my ruck. I rucked for 2 hours and 30 minutes and ended up rucking 9 miles. I started off the march with a pretty good pace of 15 minute miles but I ran into some serious hills on the trail which at times brought my pace to about 16:30 a mile. I felt good during the march but at the end of it my body was feeling the ruck. I was glad to get it off my back.

When I was in the army I hated rucking...but this wasn't bad at all..I used the alone time to clear my mind and jammed out to music on my phone...

I'm looking forward to a little scotch tonight, I'm gonna relax with my feet up and watch some football.

I cannot wait to get week 3 started.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #3 Base Building- Day 15

3 Circuits x 40 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

This one was a struggle..but I pushed through it...i had to drop the weight about 5 lbs in order to complete some of the reps. I worked a night shift last night and only slept about 5 hours so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it. In any event it was another smoker. I was drenched in sweat. I'm looking forward to the rest of the week.

The only thing I need to do is dial in my diet. I think having the energy to complete these workouts is crucial and i want to take advantage of everything that I can to become a better athlete. So this week I will be focusing more on my diet, more lean meats and veggies and less chips and salsa.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #3 Base Building- Day 16

I forgot to post yesterdays(01/17/17) training log so here it is.

Yesterday was an endurance session of at least 60 minutes. I ran 6 plus miles at a 9:45 minute mile pace. The run felt good and I had energy left in the tank afterwards. I'm feeling like these long runs are getting easier. Certain parts of my body that usually feel aches and pains like my shoulder and knees are feeling great. I think its the break from the "beach muscle" workouts I was doing. I cant wait to see how much better I feel only doing the OHP,BP and SQ sessions.

I need to stay on top of my creatine as I'm feeling a little sore today but thats something that a good stretching session should take care of.
Last edited by Briancsnv on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #3 Base Building- Day 17

I'm currently working a nightshift so my workouts are before I go to work and then I come home the next day so this post is from yesterdays workout (01/18/17). Today was another endurance session. I opted to break it up into 30 minutes on the bike and a 35 minute run. I think next time I will run first and then bike. When I did it today I biked first and then ran and it felt a little weird during the run so I'm going to experiment with it a little more.

All in all it was a good session. I will try and post todays session before work.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #3 Base Building- Day 18

2 Circuits x 40 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

Another tough workout. I had to put the weight down several times for a brief second to push through some of the sets, particularly the push press and romanian deadlift. It was a good session to do before my nightshift however I forgot to pack a post workout meal so I had to scrounge up a grilled chicken sandwhich on wheat from a local fast food place. Not the best of scenario's but my body was screaming for food.

I'm looking forward to this day of rest and can't wait for saturdays endurance session. The next week will be the 50 rep sessions and I'm looking forward to it

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #3 Base Building- Day 20

Yesterday was an endurance session. I rucked with about 35lbs on my back for 2.5 hours. I planned on rucking for 3-4 hours however it started to rain so I had to turn around during the march. I'm about halfway through this 8 week base building block and I have to say that my body feels real good. I almost feel recharged is the best way I can describe it. The workouts are tough but I'm seeing the purpose.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 22

3 Circuits x 50 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

This was tough. I know I sound like a broken record, but man what a smoker. I had to drop the weight in order to get the reps done. Deadlifts and push press's continue to be the sets that I put the weights down the most on...i found myself taking 3 minute breaks between circuits because of the smoke that was brought any event I finished it...about 5 minutes later I was good to go energy wise. I shall push on.

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