Briancsnv- Training Log

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by StayGrey »

Great log man. I'm diggin' your SE cluster...all my favorite lifts!

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

StayGrey wrote:Great log man. I'm diggin' your SE cluster...all my favorite lifts!
thanks man. i like this cluster, but it's bittersweet...definitely brings the pain.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 23

Today was an endurance session. I was debating whether to split the session up and run for 30 minutes and bike for the other 30 but decided to make it a long run day. I ran about an hour and 7 minutes at a 9:40 minute mile pace. At the end of the session I had ran 7 miles. I kept the run at a pace where I could talk to myself (no doubt making everyone else think I was crazy) and pushed along. At the end of the workout I was drenched in sweat but it was a pace that I could sustain if I had to run for a little while longer. I'm sure I could have continued the pace for at least another 30 minutes. At the end of the workout I felt good and was glad that I decided to make it a long run. I'm still amazed at how much energy I have left over later after some recovery time. It's not like I'm completely destroyed although I feel like it for a bit aftewards, lol.

Tomorrow is another endurance session. I'm still debating whether to run/bike...I might even run/row...Either way I can't wait. I shall push on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 24

Today was another endurance run. I started off the session planning to run for about 30 minutes and then bike for another 30 minutes or more to get at least 60 minutes completed, however once I started the run I grew into such a comfortable pace that I just decided to run for 60 minutes and change. I ended up running another 7 miles like the day before. I was in too much of a grove to stop and bike. I've noticed that on the endurance runs I almost get on auto pilot and just keep running. I've never had problems running in the past but I wasnt one of those guys who enjoyed it. Now I see myself enjoying it and i'm getting the urge to run more often. I think this program has played a big part in it. I think that when I finish this block and move on to my specific sessions I will look to keep the LSS or ruck marches in my program.

Tomorrow is a strength endurance session and I know the smoke is coming.

I shall press on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 25

1 Circuit x 50 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

This log is a few days behind,this workout was completed on Thursday (01/26/17), my new night shift hours are playing havoc with my body. I'm slowly adjusting though. I'm glad that this circuit contained only 1 evolution because it was tough. Overall I'm liking the cluster and may sub in a few kettlebell's here and there before I get to the last 2 weeks of the block, before the max strength block. But overall I will keep the majority of this cluster the same. I shall press on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 27

Again I'm just catching up to the log because of my new nighshift hours. Today was a long endurance ruck march. I got off of work around 7:30 this morning and slept about 3 hours before I headed out for my ruck. I live about 20 minutes away from a state park and they have several trails that have some pretty good hills in them. The trails are rated moderate to difficult..there are several parts that are tank trails and the hills are rocky where at some points you have to do a little climbing to get over the rocky terrain. I rucked for about 2 hours and finished with about 6 miles completed. it was slower than my normal pace but those hills really kicked in about halfway through mile number 2. I had pretty good energy during the ruck march I was just fighting off the mental fog of having little sleep. I really liked this march and slept like a log last night. Today my body is a little sore but not much. I'm glad that I have this day of rest before I tackle tomorrows smoker of 50 reps for 3 circuits x 6 cluster exercises. I shall press on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 28

1 Circuit x 50 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

My hamstrings were still a little sore from Saturdays ruck march (this is mondays log 01/30/2017) I opted to warm up with a 1.5 mile run to get the blood flowing. Once I warmed up then the smoke began. What I found interesting was that I could knock out a few more reps than usual before putting the weights down. For example in previous weeks I could knock out 30 consecutive push press's before I had to stop and put the weight down. Yesterday I did 40 before I had to stop. of course as the circuits went on and the smoke started to set in I had to start putting it down more often. I started cutting by breaks in between exercises from 1 minute to about 40 seconds. I still took my 2 minute break between circuits though.

All in all it was a good session and I felt like I'm making strides in the SE area. Tomorrow (tonight) is a LSS run and I'm looking forward to it.

I shall press on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 29

Yesterday was a LSS run. I ran for 50 minutes at a nice easy pace. The run felt good and I feel like I'm getting a little more flexible as the weeks go on. Right now I'm 5'11 200 lbs but I feel alot lighter. I feel like I have an extra spring in my step. I'm not sure if it's the introduction of the LSS run's but I everything points to it as being one of the main reasons. All I know now is that I like running..most of my teammate would spit their drink out at hearing me say that but its true.

Tonight is another LSS run.

I shall press on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 30

this log is 2 days behind because my night shift work has me sleeping odd hours.

Today was a LSS run and I ran for 50 minutes at a nice easy pace. I felt good and had more energy than usual so I knocked out 7 dead hang pullups. I didn't do anymore than that because I wanted to save my energy for the next days SE cluster.

I shall press on.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 31

2 Circuit x 50 reps each

1 minute rest between exercises

2 minute rest between circuits

Push Press
Front Squat
Floor Press
Romanian Deadlift
Rest, Repeat

I went through this set at a pretty good pace and rested 30-40 seconds in between exercises instead of 1 minute. This completes my SE phase of the base building block and next week I start the max-strength/HIC for the rest of the block before I move onto my operator block.

I shall press on

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