Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

Base Building Week 6:

Tuesday 12/27/16
LSS outdoor run = 45 min

Thursday 12/29/16
Squat = 200x3x3
BP = 185x3x3
Pullups = BW 5,5,5
DL = 245x1x3

No problem with the weights. Didn't feel too heavy.

Friday 12/30/16
LSS treadmill run = 60 min

Got a chest strap HR monitor for Christmas. Used it on the run today and I definitely had to slow down a little to keep my HR under control. My bpm was between 165 and 170 most of the time. According to TB II this is too high for LSS, but it was a very easy pace that I could hold a conversation at (and even breathe through my nose without an issue). Is it possible that my max heart rate is higher than average, so my base building zone would be higher?

Saturday 12/31/16
Squat = 200x3x3
BP = 185x3x3
Pullups = BW 5,5,5
DL = 245x1x3

Picked up some lifting shoes on Amazon for half price over the holidays. Innov-8 Fast Lift 325s ($60). The lift in the shoes is only about 0.6", so not as large as most other lifting shoes. I have pretty terrible ankle dorsiflexion and hip mobility so I struggle a lot with squats. Used them today for squats; they helped me feel a lot more stable and get deeper with the squats. Very happy with them!

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

So, this finishes the MS portion of my Base Building cycle. Had some significant disruptions from Week 5 on, but I have definitely seen significant improvements in both my ability and enjoyment levels with running for extended periods of time. I feel a lot more solid on my lifts than I can ever remember being; sub-maximal weights and periodization is the way to go.

Next week I'm starting the 3 week SE and HIC/E portion of Base Building. I will be using an SE cluster of 5 exercises: Two-handed KB swings (40lb), Goblet Squats (40lb), Push Ups, Inverted rows, Calf Raises (40lbs) (may add some dips, not sure). Included the calf raises as I want to work on ankle mobility and strengthening my calves for running. My HIC workouts will mostly alternate between Fast 5 (treadmill or outdoor) and Indoor Power Intervals on the treadmill since my conditioning goals are directed towards running. If I can outside to a hill I'll try some Short Hills, but its been pretty snowy and icey here. My E sessions will be 60 min LSS run.

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

Base Building Week 7:

Tuesday 01/03/17
HIC: Fast 5

Did my own adaptation on the treadmill for this session since its dark by the time I get out of work. Ran at a pace quite a bit faster than LSS for 27 minutes. HR was between 175 and 180 most of the time. Would not have been able to do this before I started basebuilding.

Wednesday 01/04/17
SE Alpha Session 3x20
KB Swings (40lb), pushups, goblet squats (40lb), inverted rows, calf raises

Did this session at home in the barn. Took around 30-35 minutes. Started with 40s rest intervals, but by the 3rd round I was pushing the max 90s. Definitely underestimated the SE workouts even though I've read posts from guys saying how hard it is. I was pretty smoked by the end of it - the goblet squats and inverted rows were killer. Hardest TB workout yet. 10/10 would recommend.

Thursday 01/05/17
HIC: Power Intervals - treadmill

Did power intervals on the treadmill. Ran at 10mph for the "sprint" intervals. Walked for 3-5min to recover. Reduced the "sprint" time from 2min to 1:30min. Hopefully, I'll get it up to 2min in the coming weeks. May slow the sprint speed down.

Friday 01/06/17
SE Alpha Session 3x20
KB Swings (40lb), pushups, goblet squats (40lb), inverted rows, calf raises

This sessions was easier than the first one. Took more advantage of the rest intervals for my first and second rounds. I still felt fairly smoked at the end of the workout though. 30 rep rounds next week are gonna be tough.

Friday 01/07/17
LSS treadmill run = 45 min

Easy run. Cut it a bit short as the faster HIC runs earlier this week have caused some pain to flair up in my shin. Need to find some time to get my running assessed and have shoes recommended.

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by tomcatflyer »

Great to see things are going well!

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

tomcatflyer wrote:Great to see things are going well!
Thanks man!

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

Base Building Week 8:

Monday 01/09/17
SE Alpha Session 3x30
KB Swings (40lb), pushups, goblet squats (40lb), inverted rows, calf raises

Tough. Reduced me to a twitching puddle of sweat.

Tuesday 01/10/17
HIC: Fast 5 on Treadmill (28 min)

Thursday 01/12/17
HIC: Power Intervals - treadmill

Friday 01/13/17
SE Alpha Session 3x30
KB Swings (40lb), pushups, goblet squats (40lb), inverted rows, calf raises

Still tough.

Missed LSS E session this week. I'll see if I can throw it in as an extra day next week. Consistency has been a bit of a problem with my base building so far. Although there have been some fairly major (hopefully non-repeating) intervening events, I think I'm going to need to transition to morning workouts for at least a few days a week to ensure I hit all my workout. Oh well, onto the next and final BB week.

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Outstanding matey...... I like what I am reading on here.

Nice one on the Fast 5...... and with the SE circuits..... bravo zulu...... nice weight to use on the Goblet Squats.

Love the "Reduced me to twitching puddle of sweat" line..... definitely been there...... may even use that line myself :lol:
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Outstanding matey...... I like what I am reading on here.

Nice one on the Fast 5...... and with the SE circuits..... bravo zulu...... nice weight to use on the Goblet Squats.

Love the "Reduced me to twitching puddle of sweat" line..... definitely been there...... may even use that line myself :lol:
Thanks! Can't believe how much I underestimated the SE workouts. Only takes two pieces of equipment and TB can smoke me haha.

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Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Mindboozer »

Base Building Week 9:

Monday 01/16/17
SE Alpha Session 3x40
KB Swings (40lb), pushups, goblet squats (40lb), inverted rows, calf raises

Surprisingly found that I was less smoked doing to 40 rep rounds. Probably a result of having to take more frequent/strategic pauses to hit the 40 rep mark whereas with the 30 rep rounds I was pushing hard to minimize pauses.

Wednesday 01/18/17
HIC: Fast 5 on Treadmill (20 min)

Skipped doing a workout Tuesday because I thought I was getting sick. Now I know for sure. Barely made it to 20 minutes today; sucking wind the whole time. Either I regressed to my state before base building or I'm sick. Glad its the latter!

Thursday 01/19/17
SE Alpha Session 3x40
KB Swings (40lb), pushups, goblet squats (40lb), inverted rows, calf raises

Better session than yesterday. Fought the cold off over night and was ready to go. As much as the SE sessions smoke me, I'm gonna miss them for sure. Especially nice working out at home; however cold the barn tends to get.

Saturday 01/21/17
HIC: Power Intervals - treadmill

Sunday 01/22/17
LSS outdoor run = 55 min

Good run. Base building has really developed my enjoyment for running.

So that finished up my first ever Base Building block. Will be posting a review and my next steps asap.

Posts: 254
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:03 am
Location: Cranbrook, BC

Re: Mindboozer’s OfficeFit

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Great week buddy, glad you fought the cold off.

I look forward to reading your thoughts on BB.

Here's to a great continuation of your journey
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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