Briancsnv- Training Log

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 43

Max Strength Day

Bench Press @ 85 percent- 230lbs 5x5

Overhead Press@ 85 percent- 115lbs 5x5

Squat@ 85 percent- 185lbs 5x5

Posts: 47
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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 44

Today was a HIC session. I ran short hills and completed this 15 times. I nearly died but I got it done.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 45

Yesterday was an endurance session. I rucked for about 2 hours with 45lb ruck. I ran into some pretty good hills on this march and I felt it in my legs, but I also felt like I was on auto pilot. I guess the best way to describe it was that although I was out of my comfort zone I felt like I could continue...almost like I just settled into a groove and kept going.

All in all it was a good way to clear my head and get the workout I needed. I am looking forward to todays day of rest.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 47

Again sorry about the delay fellas...this log is a few days behind...

Monday was a max strength day. I did the following:

BP-235lbs -5x5

OHP-125lbs- 5x5

SQ- 200lbs- 5x5

I had little to eat a few hours before so I think that my lifting suffered...I had to back off the bench press and drop it down to 230 because I was struggling on rep#3 on set# 4. Overall I felt okay but will try and eat a good source of energy before my workout. I did this workout after I got off of my shift at around 7:30 this morning...I was gassed but pushed through it..the breaks helped..

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 48

Today was short hills again. What a smoker...I feel better on the sprints ..its not till after the workout is complete do I start feeling the smoke...don't get me wrong during the sprints I am huffing and puffing but once the workout is over it feels like my body starts to catch up to what just happened...all in all a good workout..

Tomorrow is a rest day and I'm ready for it...

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Today was my first day of the Operator Block. My cluster consisted of the following:

using 70 percent of my 1 rep max, this was the workout:

Operator- Day#1

BP- 179lbs @5x5

OHP- 95lbs@5x5

SQ-151lbs@ 5x5

I felt good through the workout and took 2 minute breaks between sets.

On a side note this morning I had a unit PT this morning after work. We had to complete a 2000 meter row as fast as we could. I started strong and gassed out on the last 500 meters. I finished the 2000 meter row in 7:45...but what I noticed was that although I was gassed once the row was over I was able to recover much more quicker than previous tests..normally I would lay on the ground and catch my breath but after this test I just got off of the rower and walked around a bit...I wasn't totally destroyed...i'm sure the base building block I just finished helped some...

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Operator Day#2

Today was HIC and I am sticking with hill sprints. Today I did 15 sprints up a short hill and jogged on the way down. It was a butt kicker.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Operator Day#3

BP- 179lbs @5x5

OHP- 95lbs@5x5

SQ-151lbs@ 5x5

I warmed up before hand with a light 10 minute jog. I was still feeling the effects of the day before's short hills so I had to spend a little more time warming up than usual. All in all it was still a good workout.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Operator Day #4

yesterday was short hills again. Man these hills kick my butt however I think I'm seeing more improvement to my cardio so I'm opting to stick with hills sprints a little longer. it was a good workout but still a smoker.

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