Building A Better Human

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

An old foot injury has reared its ugly head in the last few days, so today was E day.

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: AD6

40 min Steady work.

Nice glow on.

Pity, I had a great couple of sessions lined up, but they will have to wait until this pain subsides.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Foot injury was a nightmare, almost cleared now
Then a reemergence of the cold, hit me hard again then
Record snowfalls, which meant lots of snowshovelling

Felt more with it this week, so Snowshoe yesterday (which was a slog and not the usual conversational pace - telling really since this was my go to route....couldn't catch my breath at all)

Then SE session today
Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: 2x 45# kbs, climbing ropes x2 and TRX

After thoroughly warming up

Buy in
20 push-ups
20 bodyrows [10 on climbing ropes and 10 on TRX]

2,4,6,8,10 Clean & Jerks
1,2,3,4,5 squats
All with 2x 45# kbs.

2cj/ some....4cj/ on until 10 and 5

1 round only

3 min rest

Cash out
30 push-ups
30 bodyrows [10 on climbing ropes and 20 on TRX]

10 min cool down on AD6

Fecked!!! Was looking to do more rounds but 8 and 10 really took it out of me
Will build up to 3 rounds of this

Hard to believe I used to use 2 x 53# kbs for this and would do 3 rounds...... a way to go

I'm knackered.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Foot injury was a nightmare, almost cleared now
Then a reemergence of the cold, hit me hard again then
Record snowfalls, which meant lots of snowshovelling

Felt more with it this week, so Snowshoe yesterday (which was a slog and not the usual conversational pace - telling really since this was my go to route....couldn't catch my breath at all)

Then SE session today
Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: 2x 45# kbs, climbing ropes x2 and TRX

After thoroughly warming up

Buy in
20 push-ups
20 bodyrows [10 on climbing ropes and 10 on TRX]

2,4,6,8,10 Clean & Jerks
1,2,3,4,5 squats
All with 2x 45# kbs.

2cj/ some....4cj/ on until 10 and 5

1 round only

3 min rest

Cash out
30 push-ups
30 bodyrows [10 on climbing ropes and 20 on TRX]

10 min cool down on AD6

Fecked!!! Was looking to do more rounds but 8 and 10 really took it out of me
Will build up to 3 rounds of this

Hard to believe I used to use 2 x 53# kbs for this and would do 3 rounds...... a way to go

I'm knackered.
It's always good to read your logs. Glad your injury is becoming a history :)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Snowshoe over the weekend (50 mins session)


30 min snowshoe in the am.

Location: Basement
Equipment: 50# kb, light Dumbbells

Warm up

Clean & Press into windmill (non dominant side) with 50# kb
Clean and Press into windmill ( dominant side)
Goblet Squat with pause at bottom 50# kb
Shadow boxing with dbs

90 seconds between rounds

10 min cool down on the AD

Nice little sweat session. Still easing back into it
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

After another metric feck-ton of snow overnight..... 35 minute snow shovelling.

Decent glow on after that :lol: :lol:
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: 70# sandbag, 2x45# kbs, pair of climbing ropes, Concept 2 rower, AD

After thorough warm up and mobilisation of the joints.

A1. SB Shoulders 5x3 R/L
A.2 SB Zercher Squat paused 5x5


B1. KB Jerks at 2x45# 10/8/6/4/2
B2. Bodyrows on ropes 10/8/6/4/2


6 x 30/30 on rower (min 145m Row in 30s interval )
[162, 153, 149, 151, 145, 150]

10 min AD cool down ride.

Great session, getting back into it, although the rowing intervals were fookin tough!!!!
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

E session


45 mins steady pace.

YouTube was my friend
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

Posts: 254
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Location: Cranbrook, BC

Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Active weekend....snowboarding in 18cm of fresh overnight POW on Saturday followed by snowshoeing on Sunday. Good times

Today I thought I'd give the SE Fobbit variation a go...... and it was great.

Location: the basement
Equipment: AD6, 50# kb, lebert bars.

2 minute Active Recovery Ride alternating with
20 Clean+Jerk (10/10)
20 1A rack squats (10/10)
20 bodyrows.

I Continued until 35 mins had elapsed, since I had to leave for clients....fitting in sessions as and when I can.

Thoroughly enjoyable variation. Used the 50# kb for both clean+Jerks and the squats. Focusing on recovery whilst on the AD, & looking to get my HR between 122-130 BPM by the end of the 1st minute and keeping it there for the 2nd minute.

This was tough after the Jerks, but ok after the squats, and easier after the bodyrows.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Well, that was a tough month....... 6 days per week and 14 hour days on some of them...... something had to give.

And give it did..... I gave myself that rarest of commodities and got back some time..... I sold my training business to my partner....having two businesses [with both being full on] I had to make a decision...... I am now down to just the one business....... but I will still take the odd client on for a short term project or a specific objective..... but for now, training others is no longer a main focus.

So, after a month of little if any exercise other than walking the dog every day..... back at it.

Location: The GlassHouse, BC
Equipment: 2 x 50# KBs, Pair of Gym Rings.

Warm up and movement prep [abridged version]
3 x 5 Clean & Press with 2 x 50's [more curious than anything else] - pleasantly surprised.
SE Work

100 foot Farmers Carry with 2 x 50# KB.
Alternating with
20 x
Bodyrows on the rings.
45s - 60s Rest at the end of each round.... minimal rest between exercises and carries

Repeat 3 rounds..... after the 2nd round the forearms were on fire so changed the carry to a 1A Rack hold with 1x50# KB.

Cooled down with walk around the grounds, enjoying the sunshine and glad to see the snow disappearing.

Now that I have freed up some time, I am looking forward to getting back to a normal routine and being active on a daily basis.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Moz69 »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Well, that was a tough month....... 6 days per week and 14 hour days on some of them...... something had to give.

And give it did..... I gave myself that rarest of commodities and got back some time..... I sold my training business to my partner....having two businesses [with both being full on] I had to make a decision...... I am now down to just the one business....... but I will still take the odd client on for a short term project or a specific objective..... but for now, training others is no longer a main focus.

So, after a month of little if any exercise other than walking the dog every day..... back at it.

Location: The GlassHouse, BC
Equipment: 2 x 50# KBs, Pair of Gym Rings.

Warm up and movement prep [abridged version]
3 x 5 Clean & Press with 2 x 50's [more curious than anything else] - pleasantly surprised.
SE Work

100 foot Farmers Carry with 2 x 50# KB.
Alternating with
20 x
Bodyrows on the rings.
45s - 60s Rest at the end of each round.... minimal rest between exercises and carries

Repeat 3 rounds..... after the 2nd round the forearms were on fire so changed the carry to a 1A Rack hold with 1x50# KB.

Cooled down with walk around the grounds, enjoying the sunshine and glad to see the snow disappearing.

Now that I have freed up some time, I am looking forward to getting back to a normal routine and being active on a daily basis.

Welcome back fella, glad to hear you got things sorted
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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