Fat Moz's training log

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

I have been working away and had 3 days off which was needed. After the last workout I was that fatigued I couldn't do one swing with a 24kg kb. I was thinking of taking it easy this week but as I have had 3 days off thought I would carry on.

Warm up

Rope work, mobility drills

FP 90kg 3x5 1x4
BSQ 85kg 5x5
Nordic Hamstring Curl 4x5
Ring pulls 5x5 (see note)

4x10 24kg one arm kb swings (20 each side)


10 minute walk with a 105 pound sandbag.



I read in a post (apologies to the author I can find it to link to) where he dropped his pull ups in exercise warm ups. This I did with one set in the floor press warm up, 2 sets in the Back squat and final 2 in the nordic hamstring curl. The outcome was I felt strong in all the sets and feel I can move away from just body weight.

The sandbag was increased from 75-105 pounds and boy did I notice it, this will be the new base weight for strength.

Still currently have little shoulder pain in the l shoulder. No hip or lower back pain and the knees are still pain free when walking up the stairs. I put this down to ROMWOD and the fact my bike has been off the road for a few weeks.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »


Warm up

mobility and light rope work. Movement prep drills and light combo bag work


100 rope turns
10 burpees
10 press ups
10 BW squats


Started the routine after 3 hours sleep from a night shift with a banging headache and generally feeling sh**e. Into the second round and just was not feeling great, head get throbbing on every movement so stopped that one. I didn't want to waste a session but was conscious of last week when I think I over trained so the routine morphed into.

100 rope turns
10 burpees
10 press ups
10 BW squats

2 rounds

then continued into

100 rope turns
10 burpees
30 star jumps

followed by 5 mins combination work on the bag medium to hard punches working on the technique. Followed by standing wheel roll out progression.


2 mins light rope work cool down.



Density day Saturday and strength Sunday. I think next week will have to be a light week maybe get back into running as the hamstring is feeling good at the moment so a few light runs.

I am toying around with using a light KB routine as a warm after some rope work on strength days. Possibly looking at TGU, swings, cleans, windmills.

I am also looking at getting the sandbag into the mix (no pun intended) on strength days. Possibly alternate shoulder cleans and maybe platform loads. I have also seen a cheeky routine for ten minutes that I might use for a density day workout from ross's website i've changed it slightly.

90 secs rows
30 secs L shoulder squat
30 secs R shoulder squat
90 secs C&P
30 secs L shoulder squat
30 secs R shoulder squat
90 secs TGU without using the hands
60 secs Bridged press
2.5 minutes bear hug/ zercher hold walk.

Hopefully I will be able to manage a 50 pound bag for this.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

The past two training days were scrubbed. Suffering with bad headaches and sleepless nights.

Managed to get some ROMWOD in and had a play with this morning but everything felt really heavy the coordination on the rope work was a real struggle and just broke out in an unhealthy sweat straight away.

So ran through the kb warm up routine which felt right after some limited rope work.

Today just did two sets of dips rope pull ups and Nordic hamstring curls. Bit of rest needed now
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

10th 11th 12th
Light meditation and mobility drills.

Light week.

Meditation AM

Mobility drills and light bag work
Hiit Rope work
8 seconds on
A mixture of styles. Sprinting between 30-34 turns per 8 secs. Standard bounce 25-29 turns per 8 secs and crossovers 9-11 per 8 secs
12 seconds off
20 minutes

3 mins medium to light bag work practicing technique
60 secs rest
60 secs hard bag work.
Really pleased as I’m finding my speed and power are starting to comeback, fast solid punches with a reasonable work rate.

Ran through the KB warm up
Swings x10
Snatches x5 each side
Tgu 2 each side
Low windmills 5 each side
X2 with a 16kg bell.
Then some light work
Inverted rows BW 2x10
FP 2x10 @60kg
Wrist and shoulder strengthening and mobility work
Sandbag shoulder clean and press 2x5 each side @ 25kg.

Decided to try pull ups and chin ups as I was just curious to see how I’d fare. They both felt strong and light until about 6 reps then started to feel fatigue. The initial pull up felt that strong if I’d had room I think I could have pulled through and mantled it.

So far pain free in the knees, hip and lower back, still have some tightness in my L shoulder on the floor press. There is also no pain in my hamstring but I have not performed deadlifts for a while. I am now not far off my previous one rep max on the floor press from before Christmas with a major improvement in shoulder stability.
The general plan for the next few months is to carry on with the current SE program. That is the triple progression method working through to 5x5 at 75-85% perceived max effort with SE2 being different exercises at a higher rep range. This seems to allow me to increase my strength without aggravating the injuries. The routine has been taken Ross’s infinite intensity and currently fits with my current goals which are to improve my bag work conditioning, increase strength on the bar, bells and sandbags while working on the previous mentioned injuries.
Further down the line the plan is to run another BB cycle in July reassess my strength and hopefully be able to bring TB conditioning in such as hill sprints without blowing my hamstring and then after consolidating a strength base and if injury free return to a TB strength protocol.

Warm ups (alternating)
Rope work see if I can get some HiiT involved for fat loss (8 secs on 12 off 20 mins) followed by mobility drills.
KB warm
Swings, TGU, light cleans and snatches.

Main strength workout to 5x5
Floor Press
Ring pull Ups
Back squat (until I get a hex bar)
Nordic hamstring curl and introducing light deadlift work
Sandbag clean
Finisher sandbag 10 minute walk
2min rest intervals

Assistance workout in higher rep range around 3x10
Ring Dips BW
Alternating high rep range pull ups/chin ups/ rope pull ups.
Assisted Pistol squats
Nordic Hamstring curls and KB swings
Light sandbag routine

2 min rest intervals

1st workout SE 1 + finisher
2nd GPP
3rd Density day
4th SE 2 Sandbag finisher
5th interval training (Tb conditioning, KB, or bag work)
Mobility and ROMWOD

Rest days to be interspersed depending on commitments, my location and how I am feeling.
Last edited by Moz69 on Thu May 18, 2017 1:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Barkadion »

Moz69 wrote:So far pain free in the knees, hip and lower back, still have some tightness in my L shoulder on the floor press. There is also no pain in my hamstring but I have not performed deadlifts for a while. I am now not far off my previous one rep max on the floor press from before Christmas with a major improvement in shoulder stability.
The general plan for the next few months is to carry on with the current SE program. That is the triple progression method working through to 5x5 at 75-85% perceived max effort with SE2 being different exercises at a higher rep range. This seems to allow me to increase my strength without aggravating the injuries. The routine has been taken Ross’s infinite intensity and currently fits with my current goals which are to improve my bag work conditioning, increase strength on the bar, bells and sandbags while working on the previous mentioned injuries.
Further down the line the plan is to run another BB cycle in July reassess my strength and hopefully be able to bring TB conditioning in such as hill sprints without blowing my hamstring and then after consolidating a strength base and if injury free return to a TB strength protocol.
Great thinking! II is awesome. It did help me a lot in the past and I find myself getting back to it one way or another throughout my life..
I dig your approach. Looking forward to see your progress, mate.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Barkadion wrote:
Moz69 wrote:So far pain free in the knees, hip and lower back, still have some tightness in my L shoulder on the floor press. There is also no pain in my hamstring but I have not performed deadlifts for a while. I am now not far off my previous one rep max on the floor press from before Christmas with a major improvement in shoulder stability.
The general plan for the next few months is to carry on with the current SE program. That is the triple progression method working through to 5x5 at 75-85% perceived max effort with SE2 being different exercises at a higher rep range. This seems to allow me to increase my strength without aggravating the injuries. The routine has been taken Ross’s infinite intensity and currently fits with my current goals which are to improve my bag work conditioning, increase strength on the bar, bells and sandbags while working on the previous mentioned injuries.
Further down the line the plan is to run another BB cycle in July reassess my strength and hopefully be able to bring TB conditioning in such as hill sprints without blowing my hamstring and then after consolidating a strength base and if injury free return to a TB strength protocol.
Great thinking! II is awesome. It did help me a lot in the past and I find myself getting back to it one way or another throughout my life..
I dig your approach. Looking forward to see your progress, mate.
Cheers bark, first used the book around ten years ago and used it a lot then before I became a crossfit junkie.
Best wishes fella
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

13th 14th 15h

Back into it
5mins rope work
Light bag work, shoulder and wrist/finger mobility drills
KB warm up swings, TGU, snatches, low windmills


FP 5x5 @90kg
Ring PU 5kg 1x5 2x4
Nordic Hamstring curl 5x4
Suitcase lift 90 kg (using oly bars 2x45kg) 4x5
Sandbag alternating shoulder clean approx. 34kg 5x4 (2 each side)

. 47kg sandbag walk
50m bear hug
50m L shoulder
50m bear hug
50m R shoulder
Rinse and repeat for 10 mins


Floor press, now no shoulder pain and felt on the first set I could have done close to ten reps. Integrated the ring pull ups into the warm ups.
Decided to move away from Back squat until I can afford a hex bar so using two oly bars for a suitcase lift. Closer stance, nice and deep with shoulders back and braced. Really enjoyed the movement and it wasted my legs. Looking forward to see how this maps out leg strength wise. If the weight gets too heavy to hold I can shove a rucksack on my back and drop my sandbag in it.

Overall a great start back after a rest



Slow jogging pace on the treadmill. Every 90secs 10 burpees concentrating on form. Total time 20 mins.

Then core

Wheel roll out progressions, floor sliders, lower back work and KB windmills and swings.
Finished with 2x 25m bear crawls.

An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

18th 19th

Back into it
Rope work
8 secs on 12 off 20 minutes
Shoulder and wrist/finger mobility drills

Nordic Hamstring curl 5x4
Inverted rows BW 3x10
Ring dips 3x10
Rope climbing/pull ups 5 sets
Pistol squats 2x10 (sore knees stopped the rest of the sets)
1H kb swings 24kg 40 each side
Wheel roll outs
Sand bag cleans and squats 2x10 @ 25kg


Definitely stronger on the rope pull ups/climbs. Sore knees today more mobility work needed in the quads.
Away for the weekend so some runs planned along the coast.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

22nd 23rd
3 mile run each day.
First one just to clear the cobwebs. A slow pace just no speed in my legs, around the 10-11 min mile mark the old goat in me could have easily doubled the mileage at that pace, no issues with hamstring or cardio just slow old legs. The second day spun some intervals into the mix, the overall time was quicker and still no issues with hamstring.
5mins rope work
Light bag work, shoulder and wrist/finger mobility drills

FP 1x5 2x4 @92.5kg
Ring PU 5kg 3x5 1x4
Nordic Hamstring curl 5x5
Suitcase lift 90 kg (using oly bars 2x45kg) 5x5
Forgot to do the sandbag cleans

. 47kg sandbag walk
50m bear hug
50m L shoulder
50m bear hug
50m R shoulder
Ran out of time and did just over 8 minutes. Initially felt stronger on the sandbag but soon got slapped in the face for being cocky.


Pleased with the overall progression. Not sure when to kick in on a TB protocol and toying with idea of just training that once per week with supplementary on the second strength training day. So far I am coming into the heavy days (for me) feeling fresh.

25th 26th
Work away, intended to do ROMWOD but they turned into kickass long days.
Warm up

Rope work, combination drills on the bag, mobility drills.
KB snatches 16kg 10 each side
Windmills 5 each side 16kg
10x5 on the bag… surprisingly hurt a lot, one of Ross’s
(10 fast hard punches, rest 10 secs, repeat)
3x10 inverted rows
4x4 weighted rope pull ups 5kg
Sand bag shoulder and press 32kg 5x4 each side
B squats holding 32kg sandbag in a zercher hold.

Plank and shank with some pilates for core work

An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Moz69 wrote:22nd 23rd
3 mile run each day.
First one just to clear the cobwebs. A slow pace just no speed in my legs, around the 10-11 min mile mark the old goat in me could have easily doubled the mileage at that pace, no issues with hamstring or cardio just slow old legs. The second day spun some intervals into the mix, the overall time was quicker and still no issues with hamstring.
5mins rope work
Light bag work, shoulder and wrist/finger mobility drills

FP 1x5 2x4 @92.5kg
Ring PU 5kg 3x5 1x4
Nordic Hamstring curl 5x5
Suitcase lift 90 kg (using oly bars 2x45kg) 5x5
Forgot to do the sandbag cleans

. 47kg sandbag walk
50m bear hug
50m L shoulder
50m bear hug
50m R shoulder
Ran out of time and did just over 8 minutes. Initially felt stronger on the sandbag but soon got slapped in the face for being cocky.


Pleased with the overall progression. Not sure when to kick in on a TB protocol and toying with idea of just training that once per week with supplementary on the second strength training day. So far I am coming into the heavy days (for me) feeling fresh.

25th 26th
Work away, intended to do ROMWOD but they turned into kickass long days.
Warm up

Rope work, combination drills on the bag, mobility drills.
KB snatches 16kg 10 each side
KB snatches 24kg 5 each side
Windmills 5 each side 16kg
10x5 on the bag… surprisingly hurt a lot, one of Ross’s
(10 fast hard punches, rest 10 secs, repeat)
3x10 inverted rows
4x4 weighted rope pull ups 5kg
Sand bag shoulder and press 32kg 5x4 each side
B squats holding 32kg sandbag in a zercher hold.
***EDIT** forgot to add
40 1H kb swings @24kg
20 1H kb swings @ 32kg

Plank and shank with some pilates for core work

An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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